Nightcore is quite possibly the worst genre of music I've ever heard.
Right up there with Naruto AMVs and Disco.
It's so fucking grating, my brother always used to play that shitty Chipmunk tier garbage till like 2 in the morning.
He's lucky I didn't take a knife and slit his fucking throat in his sleep.
Anyone who listens to nightcore is a fat hipster loser with terrible taste in music and a tiny micropenis.
Ayden Watson
Noah Jackson
Yeah, that shit is the bomb
Lincoln Diaz
I think it is a "music genre" for kids who have discovered for the first time anime and Japanese culture, or """""""geek/otaku""""""" teen girls. The idea of a fat weeaboo male listening and dancing to it makes me laugh irl.
Jacob White
I don't think anyone disagrees with you here
Landon Bennett
the youtube comments on nightcore videos make me want to drive off a cliff
someone post some
David Phillips
>disco >bad
honkey detected
Landon Edwards
Didn't know Naruto AMVs were a genre of music.
Matthew Young
>He's lucky I didn't take a knife and slit his fucking throat in his sleep.
Sebastian James
Gabriel Morales
kill me
Austin Stewart
O. O go to hell...
Jack Flores
The fact that this has 82 likes is really confusing, at first I thought I was having a stroke and lost the ability to read all of a sudden
Eli Cooper
this is amazing post more
William Walker
Disco is fucking trash.
Yes they are. Ever heard of those Linkin Park, evanescence, or any other normie tier post 2000s shit?
Yeah, that's pretty much it's own thing. And you can go fist yourself with brass knuckles if you disagree with me. Honestly I don't care.
How am I edgy? You never had to listen to Tyler blasting his shitty music. I had dollar store earbuds at the time, and only one of the little things actually worked.
So every time I tried to drown out his shitty music on my mp3, he'd be using those fuckhuge speakers he got from the goodwill and I couldn't get away from it.
He had friends over too, what a fucking cringelord to have played that kind of shit with other people around. That's the kind of shit I bet you people do.
You have no fucking shame. If I ever met one of you in real life I'd beat the shit out of you and thats a fucking promise.
Jordan Scott
I'm not even cherry picking. There is so much of this shit.
Brody Jenkins
the 'fuckboi' featured in this comment = about 90% of Sup Forums in high school
Asher Jenkins
Henry Cox
fuck dude
Chase Scott
Mate I know what you'll really hate >try watching crunkcore then come back
Daniel Morgan
it's a good aesthetic, postironically speaking. A commentary on the plight of modern american youth, strung out on their minecrafts, their japanimation, their high fructuose corn syrup and xenoestrogens and their overprescribed psychiatric medication
Jace Jenkins
>How am I edgy? You never had to listen to Tyler blasting his shitty music. I had dollar store earbuds at the time, and only one of the little things actually worked.
>So every time I tried to drown out his shitty music on my mp3, he'd be using those fuckhuge speakers he got from the goodwill and I couldn't get away from it.
>He had friends over too, what a fucking cringelord to have played that kind of shit with other people around. That's the kind of shit I bet you people do.
none of that justifies slitting his throat at all
>If I ever met one of you in real life I'd beat the shit out of you and thats a fucking promise.
lol no you wouldn't
Luke Cox
It just doesn't stop
Connor Cook
>How am I edgy?
>And you can go fist yourself with brass knuckles if you disagree with me.
>If I ever met one of you in real life I'd beat the shit out of you and thats a fucking promise.
Jeremiah Perez
>disco >bad whats life like as a pleb
Bentley Nelson
I think Naruto amvs aren't actually a genre of music, but i agree that all of that is trash
Ayden Gray
This music isn't very good :(
Tyler White
>9th grade >Watched a shit load of anime music videos >Argued online about the best anime music vidoes
At 28 I can look back on a lot of dumb stuff I liked and understand why I liked it, but I don't know what I saw in anime music videos
Owen Baker
Girls not riddled with acne?
Jayden Smith
>there is no such thing as too many fandoms oh yes. yes there is.