Thoughts on Woody Allen?

Thoughts on Woody Allen?

Is this the guy who adopted a kid and then proceeded to marry said kid?

big guy

yeah, and?

I assume Sup Forums likes him then

serious answers please

Talk about Michael Jackson if you wanna, but Woody Allen molested and married his step daughter!

polanski is so talented he deserves a pass, this guy does not

no proof
>step daughter
wow he married someone he was never related to. what a fucking crime

I'm kinda tired, could we just assume I posted some contrarian opinion and call it a day? I promise I'll shitpost extra hard tomorrow.

let me just fix that for ya

The step-daughter stuff was dodgy, could have done it with his actual daughter which is also worrying. Not sure how I feel. Mia Farrow is a psychotic bitch though.

Horrible Voice
Shit taste in women.
Talented director.

That is all.

Makes New Yorker shit films.

In fact I think in the film Adaptation the New Yorker shit that film references is any generic Woody Allen film.

Also he is a child molester. What he did was way worse that say Mel Gibson

>Diane Keaton
>Shit taste in women

I love Bullets Over Broadway, Mighty Aphrodite and Deconstructing Harry, they're basically the essential 90s core.

Keaton is a solid block of shit. Talented but still shit, just like woody.

I would like to disagree

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

Annie Hall is the best

Woody Allen's a goddamn visionary you dumb bitch. You dont know shit. Woody's on the up and up and he appeals to a wide age range. Woody's underhanded masterful jabs and plethora of personas will crush you like under a steam rolling truck. A true creative. Unlike bar-lowered shit-content-pushers like Tarantino or some other cancer. You gonna see Woody on TV soon enough and you'll hate some more but nothing you post on this sorry-ass excuse for a board has a calculable fraction of the mass appeal as Woody's been able to concoct, faggot. Remember that.

>his girlfriends daughter admitted he abused him
>later married his girlfriend's other adopted daughter
>girlfriend claims he had nude pics of her
>people will unironically defend him because he's le quirky neurotic jew xd

That's all you need to know.

isn't that the main character from Silicon Valley?

the cafe society trailer is so visually hideous...lazy jokes that seems like they're literal recycles of his old ones or from 30s comedies

it was his ex- wife's adopted daughter. so...


He is my favorite filmmaker. Old movies are more comedybased wheras most recent add more drama and revolve more around human condition, sexuality and interpersonal relationships.

Whatever Works is probably in my top 3 favoite films of all time. Not saying is the best but is my personal fav.

all woody does is take his jokes, which were funny at some pint, and shoe horn them in with desperate imitations of Bergman and Fellini and a few others, using their tricks and decent actors to trick everyone into thinking there's any depth to the scripts and to woody allen himself; a 20 year old who's seen more than one movie before 1980 and who's been to an art museum has just as much cultural knowledge as Woody Allen
he makes self-sucking self-insert fan fiction, which is fine if he can pull it off but he rarely has
watch some of the directors mentioned above

I think Annie Hall was the most boring movie I have ever watched

what a shit test you have

At least I can spell properly, fuckboi ;)

kids...turn on tcm...please watch better movies...

not enough explosions and quips?

Just watched Vicky Christina Barcelona

>Hey, I'm a girl who has this quirk and I will verbalize it
>hey, I'm a guy who has this quirk and i will verbalize it
>hey, i changed in this way and i will verbalize it
>hey, i've remained the same in this way and i will verbalize it

I guess his depiction of humane struggles and complexes is pretty spot on but he doesn't know what to do with it to express it in a nonshit way. It's like before trilogy but not grounded in reality.

tl;dr imho his observations are wasted in execution.

midnight in paris was really comfy

And yet in the same year as this generic New York Jew love story. Star Wars came along and changed literally every aspect of the American movie industry...

Oh, it had quips. Just not the funny kind.

But other than that, not enough anything, this movie is literally about nothing, I could stand in front of camera and talk unfunny, obscure reference for 1.5 hour and boom, Annie Hall

What's a funny line/dialog or concept he's written that Sup Forums thinks is funny, specifically? Honestly curious.

Star Wars is worse than Woody Allen's excrement

Sure beats Allen's Wood.

Nothing huh? Some genius.

hes obsession with new york makes me not want to watch any of his films, fucking hate that place

Saw Annie Hall. It was fun now and then, but overall mediocre. Especially in the second half when it turns into a dull relationship drama.

Saw Manhattan and it was just cringy and boring. I don't give a shit about your relationship problems, Woody, and they don't make good movies.

literally 70% of his movies have a "neurotic middle aged really smart man that falls in love with a younger woman" plot.

He can't keep getting away with it.

He's not as funny as Larry David, I don't hate his movies but the self obsession is annoying

Managed to make more than a movie a year, a lot of which were good and some of which were exceptional. It's too bad he ruined is own name but he still has a hell of an oeuvre

This was my favourite movie when I was a little kid, watched it like 50 times, but I find Woody more and more boring as I grow older

His image of himself is a character and not at all who he is as a person.

It's also funny that you don't see LD as being self obsessed.

I thought it was patronizing and not funny at all

Sleeper is top-tier, I think required viewing. Rest can be disregarded.

Overrated pedo kike that should be dead by now


I'm a neurotic nerd who likes to sleep with little girls.

fucking love most of his movies before the nineties, a shame the actors from then on were so shit

Jew, and a pedo. But I repeat myself.