Is the UK a prime example of unJUST now?

Is the UK a prime example of unJUST now?


Nope, gobshites will always be JUST thanks to their shite foreign policy, uggo faces and smelly arses.


Memepill me on this

Why are people so upset bongistan left


So many salty leftist tears the past couple of days, been glorious

Because leaving a trade union = racist Trump supporting Gamergater Nazi manchildren


Short version: Britain divorced Europe.
Longer version: After WWII 28 European states made an agreement to share borders so that folks could live, work and trade anywhere between them. Britain leaving cuts them off from these things. Supporters have hoped it would reduce immigration, outside regulations and investments. Several of the movement's leaders have used racist language about immigrants while others have insisted "it's not about racism." Detractors have warned that it will reduce the value of Britain's currency, remove work and travel options for Britain's youth and reduce Britain's negotiating power on the world stage. As the vote was 52/48, several of the 48%, including Scotland, have vowed to leave Britain to reunite with Europe.

People believe by exiting the EU they'll get rid of all the muslims, they won't though.

Really what's happened is a bunch of rich people want to get richer and all the poor stupid people have said "okay".

a peasant's revolt


Is there a bigger nation of cucks than Wales?

48% of the voters wanted to stay, was mainly the elderly and working class who voted leave.

The middle class students think their future is ruined and are mad as fuck calling the rest of the UK racists for leaving the Eu. Over a million are calling for a 2nd referendum because they can't accept democracy unless it votes in their favour

It's funny because we all talk about how Scotland would be shit if it left Britain, how it gets tons of money from England, etc. (which is completely true, Scots get FREE university tuition fees paid for by England).

Yet when it comes Britain leaving the EU, apparently it's a completely different situation. Hypocrisy at its finest.

To be fair, I'm glad we left; our rules and regulations need to differ from the continental countries due to our particular geography and economy. When the single EU trade market was founded, it was a great idea, but the Bureaucrats at Brussels in charge of it all are doing a terrible job at managing the union in its current state.

The thing about all the 16-18 year olds saying HURR WE DONT HAVE A VOICE is a load of shit to be honest.

These people have probably never had a job in their life; never had to start a business; generally never interacted with the benefits and pitfalls that come with EU membership. The older generations who have been employed and employ under EU law for the last 20 years understand the grievances with the system a lot better than these entitled little cunts that don't know shit about what they're complaining about other that what they read in a pro-EU textbook in class.

If you weren't a retard you'd have read the thousands of articles that showed that Scotland pays out more than it gets.

You're a brexiter though so reading obviously isn't a strong suit.

t. 19 year old with part time job at Asda

>You're a brexiter though so reading obviously isn't a strong suit.

The fact that these cuckservatives think everyone on the other side is a racist biggot is exactly the kind of hypocrisy op was referring to.

They are though

The only reasons for leaving EU are one of these two

>I'm stupid and racist
>I'm fairly stupid but really racist

God i hope this comes to pass

Britain deserves this for fighting against their brothers in the interest of world jewry during two world wars

Hopefully dunkirk will also help to redpill people when it comes out, although Nolan might be an opportunist and will try to vindicate the allies instead

>Implying NI will just amalgamate into the Republic
It would be a shitstorm

Now that's an aesthetic map

Thanks, but I actually founded a Software business and have a presence in the EU.

I won't lie, leaving is going to have a big financial impact and I'm still not sure what that's going to mean about the state of our overseas presence, but I have experienced first hand how irritating some of the EU regulations can be when trying to expand into other countries, especially conforming to tax and employment regulations, and we don't even deliver physical products; i'm sure it's way worse when you're working with produce or something.

I'm not saying that leaving would have been a better choice than remaining, just that these literal children have no idea about the realities of what it means to actually be in the European Union.

>mfw thought "Brexit" was some british politician this whole time

yesterday at work I find out they left the european union

fucking nigel you absolute madman

>Scotland leaves England
>Ireland leaves England
>Sheikdom of London leaves England
>Scotland and Ireland form Celtic Alliance
>Scotland nukes England for a laugh
>Everyone in Wales starves to death without someone telling them how to eat food

>Thanks, but I actually founded a Software business and have a presence in the EU.

Why do teens think people would believe this shit?

>food analogies

>>Ireland leaves England
It's called the United Kingdom and that already happened 100 years ago.
>>Scotland and Ireland form Celtic Alliance
An alliance between NI and Scotland would be more likely
Anyway stop posting about this when you clearly haven't a clue.

>buttmad little englander thinks people actually care about his country anymore

England was circling the drain and is now wholly irrelevant.

Where should I try and move to now Britain's going to go down the pan? Gotta get going while the going's good.

I'm not from England or even the UK user. I have no problem with you shit talking England as long as you don't make yourself look completely retarded in the process (which you did)

Dublin is decent banter.


Literally only little Englanders get annoyed when you call Britain England.

Stay mad Englander.

If anything they JUST'd their own economy by leaving, and if they don't want to lose all benefits of EU trade they will still have to accept immigrant workers, so they are only hurting themselves really


I'm Irish actually. I probably dislike the English far more than you, considering I have an actual reason for it. But that's not going to stop me from calling someone out for being a complete retard (yes, that means you)

>Literally only little Englanders get annoyed when you call Britain England.
The Scots and Welsh are the ones that get angry, England knows it's the main part of the union.

Stop being retarded dude

Wow it's really easy to trigger the united sheikdom of England

ebin troll breh XD

Britains voted to leave the EU to stop influx of muslims. Now they're starting to realize that their muslims aren't coming from EU but from Commonwealth countries.

People voted leave for more than one unanimously agreed upon reason user.

I love it when people who don't understand anything about economics or EU for that matter comment what the media tells them and what they read on their facebook feed

Name five good reasons that aren't vague dumb shit like "to take back control"

>Several of the movement's leaders have used racist language about immigrants
This is patently false. I'm from the UK.

Because it's selfish. Truth is, this will probably work out well for Britain in the end. Not so much for countries like Ireland though, as well as other trade reliant countries in the EU. The union in Europe was made after WWII and Britain has been part of it since then. One of the main reasons people voted to leave was because of immigration, which many people have pointed out as hypocritical, since Britain has a history of colonisation all over the world, and leaving those countries in the dust. Immigration IS a problem in the UK, but they could have brought in new legislation to fix it, rather than cowardly running away from the rest of Europe, who are all experiencing the same, if not worse issues with Britain. All in all it was a pretty selfish and cowardly move, but like i said, it will probably work out for the brits in the end

I'm upset because i wont get to fuck all there slags who come to my country looking for superior cock.

They can no longer afford it due to the shitty pound and the fact their country is about to enter a long-term recession.

I never said they are good reasons. Clearly the people who state other reasons think they are though. I'm simply saying that people obviously had other reasons to vote leave. You don't actually think a couple hundred thousand people unanimously agreed on one reason, do you?

wherever your from faggot

>moving the goalposts this hard

You must work for UKIP

>all these brexiters instantly start backpedaling after seeing the economy tank

lmao @ UK

jesus fucking christ you people eat up everything the media tells you

The economy isn't tanking, stocks are just falling in price. Sterling is back to above pre-vote lows

>economy failing
>nhs isn't getting the magical 300 mill
>immigration won't go down

Thankfully based Cameron has suspended invocation of article 50 and we'll probably have the referendum declared void in three months when he resigns.

>Britains voted to leave the EU to stop influx of muslims
This is your initial statement. It's patently false and a retarded generalization. The Brexit campaign has presented plenty of other reasons for their stance, whether you think they're valid or not. I'm not even British, so frankly I don't really give a shit. I was just pointing out how dumb and uninformed that statement is.

I'm curious user, do you hate the English as people or as a nation because of what the government did to your country?

English people can be cunts now and then, but no more than other nations, and every Rep of Ireland person I've ever met has been great fun.

Can't we just get along now?

They hate us because the IRA propaganda has brainwashed them. Need to keep the Irish scared of this imaginary enemy to get them votes

>initial statement

That was another user you retard. This isn't a reddit comment chain.

Arguing over pedantry is only clever on reddit btw, you'll get no upvotes here

I wanted to leave the EU because I think Brussels are fucking incompetent and the EU on an administrational level is fucked up, and will not improve unless they make drastic changes, which they have proven to be against implementing. The financial situation of the EU as an entity is only going to progressively worsen because of this.

Anyone who left because of "immigration" is fucking retarded. Like voting for Trump because "muh mexicans"


>ira brainwashed someone
>ira are a dozen or so terrorists
>capable of any propagnda or influencing anyone

t. Globalist shill who hates democracy

>whites are minority in london and some other major cities
>all their nukes are in a country that's about to go independent
>good friday agreement is gonna get scrapped
>main political party is in shambles

Not so "Great" Britain any more

im pretty sure britain imported food before the eu

Explain and source your claim of the EU being "fucked up".

Sup Forums isn't a source

The Scots are the biggest cucks and faggots in Europe. Fuck them, moronic heroin junkies

Yeah, terrorists could never, ever make people believe what they say

Oh all those muslims leaving to join ISIS? They don't exist

Nah that was honestly just for the sake of argument. I've had a good laugh with plenty of English people. I will say that a lot of us are still pretty bitter about Ulster and certain incidents perpetrated by the British government during the trouble (although the IRA were nasty cunts too), but even that's a couple generations past, so it seems pointless to discuss it at this stage.
>They hate us because the IRA propaganda has brainwashed them
No it hasn't. Your country hasn't exactly been kind to ours for the past 500 years. It's understandable why some people are still bitter.
>Need to keep the Irish scared of this imaginary enemy to get them votes
No one with a brain has taken Sinn Fein or Gerry Adams seriously for about 20 years. Stop talking out your ass

>we'll probably have the referendum declared void in three months when he resigns.

Actually, the referendum doesn't need to be voided at all. It isn't legally binding in the slightest: MPs can choose to completely ignore it if they wish. The final vote will come down to the house of lords or whichever one votes on it. Even then, I think the PM might possibly have veto power.

Not that they would ever do any of this because of "the implication".

The world is slowly learning that if you just ignore stuff, it goes away.

If the powers that be decide to do nothing then a bunch of people will complain but nothing will happen.

Only left wingers/minorities actually riot anyway.

We didn't treat anyone nicely, it was an empire. If it was the Irish empire, the English would be the resentful ones. The indians, pakistanis, american, canadians, australians, new zealanders, jamaicans all got over it, only the Irish that have remained eternally butthurt because of history

1.) Individual border control not dictated by a foreign continental entity whose ideals are based on their significantly greater land-mass
2.) Detrimental trade regulations in certain sectors (specific example: northern coastline fishermen)
3.) Financial costs of being an EU member state (obviously these are probably outweighed by the benefits but there is no hard evidence to support either side)

okay so that's three reasons, and technically one of them is "MUH IMMIGRATION", but still. It's not just simply hurr durr racism.

Sovereignty, freedom and your country not turning into a Muslim Caliphate before wealth. I'm Swedish btw, and I'm glad Brexit won because this could potentially mean us leaving as well.

A reminder that most of this shitposting is coming from either EU states that'll probably never have the collective spines to have their own referendum, or Canada.

>h-haha l-look guys they fucked their economy!
>t-they still have the muslims! even though this was all done within EU immigration laws that they just discarded...

You're literally posting outdated memes at this point.

For people that don't believe this will cause a recession. Let me explain in simple terms why it will.

1. Due to the exit, there are now more barriers and higher costs associated with any trade that the UK does with the EU which accounts currently for about half of UK exports. This is essentially a demand shock that will decrease the volume of trade between the UK and EU.

2. The uncertainty associated with an exit will lead financial institutions to be much more hesitant to lend in the short term for fear of a liquidity crisis like what happened in 2008. This is the reason the bank of England announced £250bn of liquidity would be injected into the economy over the next few months but it is uncertain whether this is enough to quell fears.

3. financial institutions originating in countries from the eurozone may leave London as a result of increased cost of doing business in the country and cause London to lose its status as financial capital of the world.

4. The UK just had recovered from the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent mishandling of the recovery by Tories that voted to continue austerity even though it was shown across Europe to be a force that shrinks economies rather than helping in the recovery. If their response to this recession is yet another round of austerity, it could be another 8 years before Britain returns to GDP growth.

These are all things to consider when making up your mind about the brexit vote.

MPs will use the votes as toilet paper user.

>Due to the exit, there are now more barriers and higher costs associated with any trade that the UK does with the EU
>financial institutions originating in countries from the eurozone may leave London

This was what it was like just before dat union of the crowns