Is the UK a prime example of unJUST now?

Is the UK a prime example of unJUST now?


Nope, gobshites will always be JUST thanks to their shite foreign policy, uggo faces and smelly arses.


Memepill me on this

Why are people so upset bongistan left


So many salty leftist tears the past couple of days, been glorious

Because leaving a trade union = racist Trump supporting Gamergater Nazi manchildren


Short version: Britain divorced Europe.
Longer version: After WWII 28 European states made an agreement to share borders so that folks could live, work and trade anywhere between them. Britain leaving cuts them off from these things. Supporters have hoped it would reduce immigration, outside regulations and investments. Several of the movement's leaders have used racist language about immigrants while others have insisted "it's not about racism." Detractors have warned that it will reduce the value of Britain's currency, remove work and travel options for Britain's youth and reduce Britain's negotiating power on the world stage. As the vote was 52/48, several of the 48%, including Scotland, have vowed to leave Britain to reunite with Europe.

People believe by exiting the EU they'll get rid of all the muslims, they won't though.

Really what's happened is a bunch of rich people want to get richer and all the poor stupid people have said "okay".