Whats Sup Forums's favorite anime?

whats Sup Forums's favorite anime?

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i loved
is this a zombie
and basically any comedy were the main character is just a goof ball

currently watching bakuman, this character is hilarious to me

i totaly agree
but on top of a goof ball main
i also like a fair amount of lewd giggles
and dark humor
so i watch alot of anime


yea i feel you.
it gets boring when things dont get lewd


yuru yuri

i like it when its not really lewd
but just that little bit of constant lewd



like monster musume lewdnesss?

Akari is best yuru by far

what makes you say that

papi is best girl

im not sure i can agree with you friend-o

It's just facts


maybe i should try to start watching it again, i got bored of it the first time i tried

maybe i should watch yuru yuri then

You won't regret it

What is the name of the anime with the neet guy?

there's a lot of those, more description?


which neet guy?

Think I remember seeing a screenshot of a compilation of screenshots where he is just living in his muck and refuses to go outside. (vague as shit description)

welcome to NHK

Thanks Senpai. Nyaa here I cum

twin peaks

damn i have no idea which one that could be.
there are so many anime that have neet characters


easy there grandpa

hit the nail on the head.

Btw, english or jap audio?


You. Fucking. Weebs.

you're cool, pretty sure you're just being ironic.

hes right you know.
anime is a power fantasy. its a safe space for loosers where all girls are cute and dont reject you. where you can throw a fit that actually matters and levels entire city blocks. ppl needing this safe space allot. ppl who fantasize themselves into such cenarios. are never happy, well balanced individuals. its ok to enjoy everything but anime in particular is very dangerouse if you want to ever survive or reproduce. but hey im not your dad

bumping for butthurt weebs

i'm not a weeb

Seven Deadly Sins
FMA : Brotherhood
Knights of Sidonia
oh and HunterXHunter

to hard to pinpoint 1 favorite anime

also one punch man is a huge recommendation its hilarious

Beserk, one punch dude, mob pyscho 100, anime is okay.

It's called "welcome to NHK"

my nigger