Elle Fanning with Selena Gomez

Elle Fanning with Selena Gomez

elle fanning sit on my face please



Please Feige

dakota is so much prettier and more talented, why is she getting baby jane'd by this gormless twat?

To skinny

This picture looks shopped. The angles are all wrong

Because Refn has a neck fetish

she can't compete

with tswift out, is elle the next Aryan goddess?

Hahahahahahaha..... Nice one.

Well meme'd my friend


Yeah she can

delete this

Ausfags, not a single fucking cinema in the state of Victoria is screening Neon Demon. Please help me!

>not barefoot
Fucking misleading thumbnail


Its just giving her the inspiration to starred in her own whatever happy to baby Jane movie. Elle can played her younger and talented sister in the movie.

Sorry tooooo pale.

We want some like hermione shiiiiet style.

>you will never eat out dakota while elle pounds your butt hole

that guy is obviously gay. just look at his hand

Be friendly with gay negroes.

Nice move Elle, nice move.

i dunno about the hand but those shaved legs, girly shorts, and .. im not sure if its the socks, the shoes.. the scarf.. it all screams "fag".
Nothing wrong with fags, or niggers, for that matter. But he does look gay if you ever met any gays


Why would she be friends with gay black guys? Is to up her diversity points?

female celebs often have homosexual entourages

eat shit