Alt-right moans about people of colour wanting safe spaces (shelters from racism)

Alt-right moans about people of colour wanting safe spaces (shelters from racism)

But is silent when it's glorious leader is whiny about his poor buddy having to face criticism for being a racist and wanting theatre to be a "safe place"

> Muh white hypocrisy
> White tears intensify

Other urls found in this thread:

> True dat


Its just so you can see and feel how everyone else feels about you!
He is only trying to help you understand

The cast of Hamilton looks like a production of an episode of "Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp"

I tried watching the clip but it's so boring. All I heard was "we are the minorities. Watch out for us please"

Was there anything remotely mean or offensive to Pence? Someone summarize it.

I'm glad you've gotten over his election and have now moved on to bitching incessantly about everything he says and does.

Progress is a good thing.

I'm pretty sure hes just nervous about being assassinated at this point. Theatre is a classic assassination station.

Democrats created Kkk Google it


Isn't there some big theater rule about breaking character without the approval of the producer/director?

Not after the show is over.

You seem to mistake asking for an apology when someone's rude for making dedicated spaces to heal from imagined microagressions.

I'm not saying what Trump's doing isn't childish, but it's not the same.

Pence didn't mind, btw.



If he felt the need to tweet about it, he should've just said it was rude of them, since it was

Babbling shit about a safe space and demanding an apology makes him a lolcow

I retract my statement partly, that idiot actually called the theatre a safe space.

What a dumb cunt.

His grasp of history is on par with his comedic ability.

>people of colour

You mean colored people.

I will never understand why Republicans like to think their the party of minorities because of shit they did in the past. they had completely opposite views nowadays make an argument for your current party.

>he doesn't know that the democrats used to be the party of slavery.

oh you sweet summer child.


i was about to post this. kek. idiot liberals, do you even study history?

Lincoln was a republican.

Trump is just trying to distract and divert from the 25million dollar Trump U fraud payoff. He's a filthy negro.

>trump was just being satirical you fucking autists
what racists actually believe

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Lancelot Link

Trump is not racist. I've read the info on why everyone says he is, but none of it actually shows racism.

the hispanic judge was biased for his own people. Why is it when a white man protests another race's action he is called a racist. When any other race does the same thing it is fine. Truth is neither is racism but a stand against it.

sometime between the 1860s and 1936, the Democratic party of small government became the party of big government, and the Republican party of big government became rhetorically committed to curbing federal power

When bush bombed innocent afghans, they were silent
When bush imprisoned millions with the patriot act, they were silent
When bush tore apart iraq and left a power vaccum for isis to come in and take control, they were silent

But now (trigger warning) a black democrat got elected... time to bitch and moan non stop for 8 years and call him the anti christ.

Republicans annoy me

>See, I can make dumb fucking arguments too

The election is over, isn't it?

How long do they leave these bots on?

Shoe0nhead's right. Anti-SJWs are the most gullible people on earth.


Politicians, Rep or Dem do not give a shit about anyone, minority or not.
They're in it for themselves, narcissic cunts on a full blown power trip.

But that's nonsense, there were very few people who didn't have grievances with Bush and made that very public.
Not Obama, though. He has always been hailed as a messiah by liberals.

I guess it's just like the Democrats and liberals, who were once pro-freedom and pluralism, are today bunch of violent fascist criminals and terror supporters. Just saying.

How is purposely not letting black people live in your apartments not racist?

They did basically call the VP racist and said he wouldn't do a good job. Kinda shitty for a guy who hasn't even started yet.

Why do you tards always bring this shit up? Parties change over time. How is the position of the Democratic Party in 1860 relevant? Most of us are aware of the history, but it has nothing to do with the current policies put forward by the Dems.

Who wouldn't become gullible if madness became the norm of your targets' behaviour.

Except it's not, there's plenty of die hard bush fans, simply because he's republican.

Then you've fallen victim to echo chambers, man - you're not getting the full picture of liberals. Anti-war liberals were anti-war under Obama too, and the biggest criticisms of Obama from the liberal left have been about his unregulated drone warfare, his support of TPP or other shitty business interest bills, and his inability to pass health care - instead, he got finagled down to passing Mitt Romney's moderate conservative health insurance reform bill, and the republicans called it "Obamacare" and socialism.

I'm a liberal. In 2012, I voted for Johnson, largely on his military non-interventionist policy.

if you owned a night club and a group of attractive 20 year olds asked you to stop letting in 50 year olds or they will go to another club, will you stop the 50 year olds?

What the fuck are you talking about?

... of course not?

That analogy doesn't work you fucking idiot

Why won't she fuck animals?
I'll tell ya, she hates animals.
(That's why I fuck kids, I don't hate them)

Hey, maybe I'm wrong and/or misinformed. It just seemed to me like there were two people making dumb, inaccurate arguments - but apparently I didn't have the firepower to shut them both up.

It might also be because a lot of what I remember about Bush is 2nd party information, meaning media on Bush from Europe.

Nope the 50yo will actually spend money!

Considering Trump just settled for 25 million, I have a hard time believing that Curiel's actions during the trial showed any bias.

nah the current dem policy is to keep the niggers enslaved via welfare not chains and whips totes dif bruh

>Hispanic judge biased for his own people
Soooo white judges are unable to rule on cases involving white people because of race bias?

Also, the judge was a naturally born US citizen. How many generations does somebody need to not be considered biased anymore?

Also, judge's record doesn't support the claim, but throwing facts at a retard is like throwing gas on a fire.

I would really love to meet you in person OP

you probably wouldnt
he is more then likely one of those nu-males that calls other whites racist because they dont let tyrone fuck their non disabled wife

Bill Clinton signed laws that actually decreased the number of people on welfare, particularly minorities. So that doesn't actually doesn't make sense.

Anyone consider he is being sarcastic? Trump calling for a "safe space". He is trolling the cry baby left.

you appear to be confused. he is asking for an apology. something liberals demand all the time.
he certainly triggers the simpletons.

Oh yea? Like that crime bill?

The dude is a member of La Raza the same organization violently protesting Trumps rallies. Maybe do some basic research first instead of using CNN talking points.

You should start throwing facts, then.
Because all you've posted is your interpretation of the situation. In your defense, it was plausible, but you fail no back anything up.

no he isnt retard

He also calls the theatre a safe space.
Now that's probably not intended to be the colorbook/crayon/puppyvideo safe space the left employs, but it still is a red flag.

Imprisoned millions! LOL.
You are a retard.

Safe spaces only appeal to a very small group of lefties, namely college students. If he is trolling, it's a weak troll.

>OP doesn't understand the Art of the Troll, as always

What are you talking about? Safe Spaces are a keystone of the cry baby left.

O wasn't advocating for Democrats but your right. I just hear the "We're the party of lincoln" argument too much and it doesn't mean anything.

The alt right are a bunch of savage animals

>"Hurting my feeling"
>White people literally being beaten in the streets and threatened by chimps

No, like this law: Bernie harped on it during the primary, although it didn't work.

Liberals want a safe space from ideas at a college.
People wanting to see a musical without being harassed is a bit different.
OP is, of course, a faggot.

>"Oh yeah? You have a problem with us destroying our public property? Well what about that time you threw another country's property in the ocean! HAHA! CHECKMATE!"

Just like liberals are stuck in their echo chambers, you are also stuck in your own echo chamber. Despite what Breitbart would have you believe, outside of college campuses and tumblr, most people don't give two shits about safe spaces.

Dems rely on ghetto trash niggers on welfare, without whom they would never win a single election, and yet get mad at others.

I love how when democrats and conservatives argue, conservatives claim to be proud to be democrats, and democrats proud to be conservatives.

You might think that as the commander in chief and xo thereof you might be subject to some criticism. Perhaps even some ugly words. Perhaps even NUCLEAR FUCKING ARMAGEDDON YOU WEAK WILLED TWAT.

outside of college campuses and ghettoes, most people aren't democrat

Using your enemy's weapons against them is good.
Getting your enemies to decry their own tactics is genius.

Yes, that's why Hillary won the popular vote...

lol. you actually think trump is that smart?

you're a stupid faggot

not an argument

He just accidentally made billions? He accidentally became president-elect despite having no previous experience in politics?

You're just a bitter cuck who can't handle a strong, white man taking charge.

you're right. It's a fact from an observation. You're stupid and you're a faggot.

90% of the jigaboo vote
Without the ghetto vote, Clinton would have lost by around 12 million votes, and if you subtract college idiots, by perhaps 14 million.
So like I said, without the hood and campuses, there would be no democratic wins ever.

I will never understand why Democrats like to think they're the party of minorities when all they want to do is keep them down and reliant on the government.

if you owned an apartment complex and the white residents asked you to stop letting in black residents or they'll move out?

realist: the whites were 95% of the apartment. Trump is all business. He saw the figures as money gain, not as racism. Numbers people dont give two shits about color/race. They only care about profit, profit and profit.

Media could call Trump greedy, I'll agree to that, but racist no.

the whole mexican comments is about a nationaility not a race.

Mexican Cartels, by the way, are daily sending over murderers, drug traffic, rapists, and kidnappers. Trump was not lying.

The truth is, people are so afraid of the truth in fear they will offend someone. We need to stop viewing anything as racism or using the race card for anything. Liberals screaming racism on every comment is bringing back the hate and fear of the pre civil rights days. There are no examples of white mobs, apart from the useless KKK, in recent years. Even the KKK is non violent at least (modern).

Im not a white supremicist nor do i view anyone as a race except the human race. We are one.

Liberals/SJWs are on the streets screaming at whites. Not the right yelling in blacks' faces or standing in front of hispanic businesses, or asian neighborhoods.

If you want a race war, keep screaming.

who is moaning? nobody gives a fuck, but if you ask me it's just a rude, unnecessary thing to adress him this way.
he paid to watch that shit and some stupid nigger ruined it cause he felt the need to come at mike pence with his stupid fears. It's not mike pence problem that the nigger is afraid. it's the niggers problem since he didnt do the research...he wouldnt be afraid if he did. Imho the nigger should get fired cause that's what happens to normal ppl when they tell CUSTOMERS that they dont trust them or are afraid of them. what mike pence will do as a vize president is none of this niggers business. America elected him and he has to accept it. also he doesnt know what mike pence will do as a vizepresident so why the hell would he dare to come at him like this in public?
very rude behavior and his stupid cause doesnt justify it. The gay, openly hiv-infected nigger just wanted more attention and doesnt care for other ppls emotions.... not even the ppl visiting his shitty dance-show for 1000$.
I dont say liberals do this (because we had enough generalization in the last month), but you are just trying to hurt and sabotage these ppl because you dont like them. You try to fight intolerance and discrimination with intolerance and discrimination. or you just want to fight anyone and it's cool to fight and hate trump right now... seriously get a life and leave other ppl be.

liberals are "reeling" according to CNN this morning
they are "terrified" and "frightened"
Holy fuck, what a bunch of pussies.

not even "black", just "non-white". even asians? asians cant rap

But they didn't turn out for her

And who is the corner stone of the left? College fucking students you dunce. 90% of these protesters are college students getting piad by soros

Yeah? How does that disprove my point that most people that voted for Hillary don't give a shit about safe spaces?

no they are not. they are saying they are because they want to look like victims while they actually are the assholes. Doesnt work that well though cause they are mostly very privileged ppl and everyone can tell by looking at them. they dont realize it, but them claiming to be terrified must be like a slap to the face of the illegal immigrants they are trying to solidarize with.
you could expect a little more far-sightedness by our self-proclaimed intellectual elite. lmao.

LOL. One day Soros will be dead, and all of you will have to find a different shadowy figure to pin all of your problems on.

I know many of you have a serious boner for Trump, inexplicably, but he is, if nothing else, a loudmouthed, thin-skinned, dimwitted and opinionated buffoon. And you all thought it would just be a gay old time to roll the dice on the punchline of an episode of the simpsons. Except in the real world.

It's only a matter of time before the plot of MW2 is the new reality.

This. The people who claim to care the most about healing this nation's wounds have only ripped them open further because all they understand is shaming people.

Shadowy figure...... mhmmm sure because he hasn't been funding 90% of these protests in recent history. He hasn't collapsed dozens of nations economies and laughed about it.

He's literally been conditioning his son to fill a similar role for years. Look that little faggot up.

Sup Forums has always been for safe spaces, stop attacking trump you racists