J. K. Rowling

Okay, Sup Forums, red pill me on this bitch.

Is her "from NEET rags to riches" story complete bullshit? I mean, I was inspired by her story so I decided to become a NEET and go on welfare so I could become a famous filmmaker - but it's not going so well ATM desu.

Other urls found in this thread:


there's plenty of other people to take inspiration from.

desu if you have the vision and the drive you should be able to make your dreams happen.

You should be asking /lit/ about this not Sup Forums or even Sup Forums
They know the truth behind her and if most of the posters are still the same they'll show you

She was actually in a pretty shitty situation before writing the books. There was a thing where she went to all the old places she lived just after the final book was written and she lived in a shitty one-bedroom flat and said she was borderline suicidal.

She is a psi-ops construct. Her story/persona/literary output. It's all a ruse for liberal purposes.

Go on.

Wrong board, you cuckold.

"Rowling" isn't even a real person. She's a modern day Carolyn Keene. Carolyn Keene was the pseudonym for a group of writers, who wrote shit like The Nancy Drew series. There were like 8 writers at one point. They went as far as to hire an actor to play the role of Carolyn Keene; they made up a whole backstory for Carolyn Keene. To the reader, Carolyn Keene was a real person.

How the hell do you suppose HP got picked up so fast by Warner Bros or a book publisher when Rowling was supposed to be some poor no name? It's all a backstory for the fictional character of Rowling.

Do you honestly think she can churn out that many books in that short of a time? There are more than one writers.

those are pretty good tits desu

She was a single mum on benefits when she wrote Harry Potter.

So basically all the money the government steals from me went to paying for her house and child welfare while she wrote nice stories

You would be a lefty too if big government is responsible for your success.