J. K. Rowling

Okay, Sup Forums, red pill me on this bitch.

Is her "from NEET rags to riches" story complete bullshit? I mean, I was inspired by her story so I decided to become a NEET and go on welfare so I could become a famous filmmaker - but it's not going so well ATM desu.

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there's plenty of other people to take inspiration from.

desu if you have the vision and the drive you should be able to make your dreams happen.

You should be asking /lit/ about this not Sup Forums or even Sup Forums
They know the truth behind her and if most of the posters are still the same they'll show you

She was actually in a pretty shitty situation before writing the books. There was a thing where she went to all the old places she lived just after the final book was written and she lived in a shitty one-bedroom flat and said she was borderline suicidal.

She is a psi-ops construct. Her story/persona/literary output. It's all a ruse for liberal purposes.

Go on.

Wrong board, you cuckold.

"Rowling" isn't even a real person. She's a modern day Carolyn Keene. Carolyn Keene was the pseudonym for a group of writers, who wrote shit like The Nancy Drew series. There were like 8 writers at one point. They went as far as to hire an actor to play the role of Carolyn Keene; they made up a whole backstory for Carolyn Keene. To the reader, Carolyn Keene was a real person.

How the hell do you suppose HP got picked up so fast by Warner Bros or a book publisher when Rowling was supposed to be some poor no name? It's all a backstory for the fictional character of Rowling.

Do you honestly think she can churn out that many books in that short of a time? There are more than one writers.

those are pretty good tits desu

She was a single mum on benefits when she wrote Harry Potter.

So basically all the money the government steals from me went to paying for her house and child welfare while she wrote nice stories

You would be a lefty too if big government is responsible for your success.

The story is true. But she got insanely lucky with the right story at the right time (age of globalization starting to kick into high gear) Her success is unrepeatable

>Do you honestly think she can churn out that many books in that short of a time?

Umm yeah. They are short and horribly written not to mention she had the whole thing planned roughly before she started. Nevertheless, she started to take breaks after the third or fourth and they started to come out 2-3 year periods

Actually it's capitalists that love to push the rags to riches bullshit. It allows them justify their wealth and high position as a result of "hard work" and defer the blame of NEETs and poorfags from the capitalist system and call it "laziness" or a "lack of drive"

They can say well if you just worked harder you'd be rich like me. But you aren't rich so you must be a lazy piece of shit

The books are trash but you just showed you know nothing about what you're talking about, the books sold millions years before Warner made a deal for the movies.

>How the hell do you suppose HP got picked up so fast by Warner Bros or a book publisher

It didn't get a publisher quickly, though. Once you've got a publisher, getting a movie deal can be pretty easy, as they're always scouting publishing houses for new IP to license.

Damn, I've always hated Harry Potter, and I've never seen a picture of her before.

She sort of looks like Edie Falco

I could see that.

We all know the narrative that you can be rich and famous through hard work. Well that's not true. Theres a reason the majority of the wealth is at the top 1%.
However it isn't a zero sum game and they let a pleb rise up a bit to keep us all running in our little hamster wheel.

>I've always hated Harry Potter
Sup Chris-Chan

You tell us, tumblr

Yes, Yes, well done Rowling, well done Rowling. However: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_disputes_over_the_Harry_Potter_series#Allegations_of_copyright_and_trademark_infringement_against_Rowling

she's an ideas-stealing plagiarist hack who doesn't deserve a cent of her money


Please answer quickly, tumblr

>rich liberal living in a mansion behind a military with guns, behind a police force with guns, behind private security with guns, behind gated community, behind high fences, behind locked doors tells us that borders are bad

Any celebrity that hasn't lived in reality for decades has no idea what life is like for the peasants. They simply virtue signal publicly to gain status in the rich white liberal social circles.

But to a poor young person every immigrant is a school you can't get into, it's healthcare that you can't receive, it's a college you're denied entry to, and it's a job you can't get. Oh, and from your McJob you have to pay high taxes in order to pay for these social services that you are denied that favor immigrants. They see slavery laid out before them and they don't fucking like that.

Don't ever listen to rich white liberals when they talk about politics. They see more peasants too exploit. In the rich liberal world, flooding the country with immigrants means that you can pay your housekeeper and gardener even less.

can't stand this cunt's face

she's got a lot of mommy potential tbqh

>redpill me

>You would be a lefty too if big government is responsible for your success.
Or you're just a hypocrite like all the alt right neckbeards who live on NEETbux.

Why is this still up janishit?

just post more of dem tittays

Id fuvk that slag for the money and for my own personal pleasure

I like her characters, her books, her movies, and the way she makes me feel cozy, but, from a political stand point, she's a fucking hack.

>like her characters, her books, her movies
Found the subhuman pleb

Am I the only one here that finds her painfully beautiful?

>it took 8 people to write nancy drew

this makes me weep for society tbr

big jew fucked her over and threw her out on the streets in the first place.

She's MILFy for sure.

I try not to think it about it much because it makes me sad to think she'll never be my housewife.

she's what george rr martin and j rr tolkien wish they were

Shes the female King
the only difference is that she hasn't admit shes a hack yet

You think he seen your post?

Haha, Chris even threatened to kill Harry once

>Brett Easton Ellis

>basement bedroom
Why am I not surprised?

How to write 'Ulysses'. Step1: write a first draft. Step2: don't edit and publish first draft.

Everyone steals, retard

There are many genuine criticisms to make about JK without using this weak-ass one. Curb that jealousy faggot, she's earned her success

Can someone explain how a person who went from literal poverty to fame and riches can bate the Western world and country that gave her such am opportunity so much to the point where she is helping make it so others can't have a similar opportunity? Is it really as simple as she's a woman?

Why do you think it's even about being a woman? It's just the standard capitalist "fuck you, got mine" philosophy.

She's whining on Twitter about Brexit saying it makes her wish magic is real.

She defended outing Dumbledore and raceswapping Hermoine way after her books came out.

She's an opportunistic lefty, even after she used welfare to bankroll her books.

Reminder that Harry Potter is a stereotypical female power fantasy, just put in a male protagonist.

On Sup Forums they say woman are unable to think without emotion. See someone like Robert Downey Jr was a Democrat then he went to jail, got ass fucked by blacks and was given a career again thanks to Mel Gibson and is self described as a republican now due to what he lives. Someone like Rowling seems to ignore and hate that conservative capitalism is what helped make what she is today

Why do you think the political philosophy a rich person superficially promotes is in any way relevant though? They're still rich, and they still don't give a shit.

My question remains why is she pushing those politics where the exact opposite politics is what got her fame and riches?

>opportunistic lefty

So she's a bad person? I'll accept that.

Probably because she feels that although those politics may have helped her, they are not having the best effect on people as a whole you dense motherfucker.

Ok like how. What's wrong?

If you've done such a thorough job of immersing yourself into an echo chamber that you can't even come up with a single argument that people you disagree with would make, or any problems with your beliefs, there is absolutely zero chance any explanation I could give you would have any impact.

>I cant make an argument and just can insult

You are a Sup Forumslock acting like a liberal caricature. C'mon its a dead thread anyway give it to me if I guessed right.

user, if people are always pointing out your inability to recognize the point of view of others, that's not a caricature, that's a sign that you need to read things you disagree with sometimes.

Make your case I'm all ears.

I don't have a case, I don't generally give a shit about politics.

You do have a case you are just being a coward and refusing to say it. You go as far as attacking me for being close minded and now say you have no say. This you are guilty of your own bullshit.

>I decided to become a neet
Kill yourself and stop wasting my tax dollars.

Every one of these people got owned hard. If anything, she made more money from these disputes, than less.


>goverment steals from you
you greedy cunt, would you rather be walking over homeless dead folks and kids when you go to the market??

>NEETS aren't lazy

>she's what george rr martin and j rr tolkien wish they were

not dead or dying?

Need to taste those chebs

>and said she was borderline suicidal.
>a woman
KEK! No such things exist in real life. If a woman says she is borderline suicidal it means she is just displeased that the life she expected to live as as a princess in a fairy tale didn't come to fruit.
Women in western countries/society do not know what hardship/failure/depression/suicidal thoughts are, but they will sure make us think so. Even as a 3/10 they ultimately can not fail, they just need to cry crocodile tears or flash their cunt for 5 seconds and some man/authority will come to the rescue.

>she lived just after the final book was written and she lived in a shitty one-bedroom flat and said she was borderline suicidal.
Meanwhile I have to work my ass off to live in a shitty one bedroom flat and if I ever stop working there's no safety net to give me free money like it gave to her so that I can "focus on my writing" without having to lift a finger otherwise.

So... are you angry you don't live in a nation with welfare or what?


Since nobody posts mommy instead of arguing or taiwaneese jerkboard i will do it

good lad

When are her and her cousin going to make their three-way BLACKED debut?

god she is so beautiful, i just wish i liked her books because i want to eat her ass