3 episodes in and they've already completely destroyed Piper's character. A lot of the dialogue is cringeworthy and the forced drama is obvious and poorly executed. Is this shit worth sitting through another season?
Oitnb season 4
yes for based as fuck Caputo
The last episode will be worth it but the rest could easily be missed. It's like Weeds overstaying it's welcome.
She gets better in the latter half of the season, but still kind of annoying.
-Caputo's more compelling to watch, find myself rooting for him/respecting him without them actually removing his pathetic character traits
-Healy has a decent friendship with one of the inmates even though he's still hilariously fucking pathetic
-That celebrity inmate is entertaining and giving me a fetish for old sexually active inmates
The season's worth checking out for the plotlines that don't involve the Ruiz/Piper beef or Poussey's and the chink's boring fucking romance (although I like Poussey and it's nice to see her get a break from her unrelenting depression). The season gets great once the body shows up again
Anyone who watches this show needs to turn in their man card
But the show was never good to begin with?
poussey dies tho
Dropped this after season 3. Did Piper and Alex get together again or do they fucking hate each other?
they get together again toward the end