>be john snow at current year
>have a powerful, highly accurate, highly mobile, naturally elevated scorpion with a terrific rate of fire available
>use it as a random foot soldier, unarmored and unarmed
Be john snow at current year
At least they used his siege capabilities.
Well, pretty much all of his soldiers were also virtually unarmed and unarmoured too, so it's whatever I guess.
have 20-30 people guard him at all times and let him plow through anything
jon snow was a man, of course he didn't think to do that.
holy shit OP, i've never seen this before! how did you come up with this? i can't believe no one has thought of this
except for you know all the armor he was wearing
>le wer is arrmore and wepun
ban these redditors
I think you mean giant. Autocorrect error?
Anyway, yeah, the fact that the giant ends a siege the same day it begins with no armour or special tools only highlights how stupid they were in using the giant.
They don't even have the excuse that they didn't have enough steel or a suitable forge; they could have just strapped wooden planks onto the giant and make him immune on at least one facing.
It was a cool episode and all, but the details of the battle were ridiculous, even aside from the "he's overcome by muh fee fees" argument of him not thinking straight during the battle, the giant's armament and tactical use is something that would have been decided before the battle, and should have featured greatly in the strategy.
Other things that were silly were:
>Rickon makes no attempt to zig-zag (though to be fair, if the Bolton archers fired en masse, that wouldn't do any good).
>Jon Snow doesn't send out some random rider (or the giant) to pick up Rickon.
>a giant pile of corpses magically develops even though they'd be spread out and the battle was spread out earlier
>Davos' archers didn't move up to protect the main cluster's flanks and fire into the advancing/encircling Boltons
>Jon Snow's force didn't look like it had any spears OR shields
>the Bolton's hoplites (since when did pseudo-Saxons follow Hellenic battle strategies?) didn't massacre the shield-less Wildlings as they could have by flailing their pikes at them, they just moved three paces forward a few times and stabbed them only then.
And this is a characterisation question, so there's "no right answer", but if I was Ramsay Bolton I'd fall on my sword at the point the enemy is at the gates with a 1-tonne giant. Fits in with his out-of-nowhere adoption of classical Mediterranean tactics..
-t. Jon Snow
He only used his fucking fists, and a fur coat is not armour. He should have had one tree in his hand and another strapped to his front as armour.
jews dont appreciate and dont understand the "hunting pack" thing, men working together in sinergy trying to best nature or other men, with brawn and ingenuity
to them war is just a dumb and messy thing savages do
>elevated scorpion
you uneducated plebes, this is a scorpion
a scorpion that isnt at ground level
better view and you can put your whole army in front of it if you want
Giants don't seem too feasible desu. Consider the amount of calories he'd need to consume on a daily basis just to maintain that weight. It's not realistic!
Nice argument, showpleb. Accepting giants does not require accepting that all characters including the giant itself instantly become retarded.
>dragons exist so nothing in the scenario needs to make any sense whatsoever
What are dinosaurs?
the fight was shit and the kids are comparing it to LOTR.
a lie made up by jews
Not giant, flying, fire breathing, smart reptiles.
>The giant didn't even have a simple blunt tool
>They never bothered to strap some simple plates or planks to his arms/legs
I will never be able to get over this. Wun Wun would have literally demolished the shield wall in less than a second if he had a weapon to wield. Shit, I bet he could've smashed it just by swinging a dead horse around.
The entire impact of the battle and it's climax is hampered by this enormous oversight. They should have shown Wun Wun being disarmed during the fight after causing enormous damages to the enemy. Maybe let's say he loses most of the fingers on one hand to a battle axe. Then it's less unbelievable when he's being useless later on when the shield wall and castle retreat come into play.
>You will never see Wun Wun steamrolling Bolton filth with a huge club with spikes in it
>They will never use his overwhelming strength and durability to hurl logs or boulders downhill
>Wun Wun will never charge straight through their ranks crush Ramsay like a bug
>Didn't even grab a fucking tree limb before battle
Basically they wanted to do the shieldwall and they realized if they gave the giant a weapon he'd absolutely destroy it so they didn't.
trips saying the truth
that fight was better than any PG13 kiddy crap in LOTR
So then give the giant a weapon and then revoke it like this guy mentionedHe could have been injured and lost his weapon after making a significant show of force.
A man at his size would have behaved like an elephant though. I mean, can you imagine the bone density needed to lug his bulk around? He'd be slow as fuck and wouldn't be able to jump or turn for shit. That being said, I do agree he'd be effective in combat, like the BATTLE ELEPHANTS of Hannibal. Just strap some planks to him and give him a log to swing, god damn
Maybe you should be in the eternal GoT thread and circlejerk with all the faggot nigger redditors that think the show is the hottest shit and ignore such things.
>>Rickon makes no attempt to zig-zag
Or just hide behind the giant burning fucking flaying-crosses. I mean god damn, they were RIGHT THERE and perfect as cover. Instead, he just ran in a straight line like complete idiot. Of course, Ramsay was also a moron since he missed so many times, but I think he was genre-savvy enough to realize that D&D would let him hit on his very last arrow and just rolled with it.
Just stop it bud.
It's more like a ballista considering the size of the arrows seem in S5 tho
>there is a possibility that stupid people believe this.
jon snow, leader of nightwatch and came back from death, marches alone in front of whole army like fucking naruto.
wall of dead bodies wtf?
giant without a weapon, wtf?
creating tensions out of thin air and cheap deus ex machina.
sure, it was better than LOTR.
>Wun Wun will never charge straight through their ranks crush Ramsay like a bug
This would have been both fucking hilarious AND actually unpredictable, which is something the show apparently prides itself on. What a waste.
Nobody cares about your dumb fan fiction
Give him a gigantic tower shield made out of wood, and tell him to run through Ramsey Snow's forces. Congrats, you gave your giant additional protection from the front, and turned him into a fucking train that can barrel through their lines.
Nobody cares about your dumb fan fiction
D&D please
Fuck you faggot
zigzagging is pointless. its a fucking archer. use your fucking eyeballs and look at where he is aiming/when he shoots and take 5 steps to the left. realistically id be more worried about being shot by the entire army if i managed to dodge all of ramsays arrows.
you also forgot to mention how dumb it was that ramsay shot wunwun instead of jon at the very end
He didnt miss. He wanted to kill him just as he reached jon to make sure jon saw the life fade from his eyes. Only way to guarantee Jon rushes.
Sorry but even the best archers couldn't make that shot
t. RobbingHood
>creating tensions out of thin air and cheap deus ex machina
I hated the episode but at least CIA is better than cgi ghost swarm
>i'm a le world master class archer and even I could make that shot xD
stop baiting you have no idea what you're talking about
what? i said i would dodge all the arrows you stupid fuck
>I'm sprinting for my life but I'll be able to look around and instantly see him and calculate his aimed trajectory without losing any momentum
never mind that the bow being shifted by half an inch could mean the difference between needing to take 20 steps to the left at that distance, surely your keen eagle eyes will be able to calculate that
the giant is a metaphor for men in the american military and all the other soldiers are metaphors for women in the military
Ramsay wanted Jon alive in case he could be able to do a one-on-one fight instead.
No, he wanted to hurt jon again. He didnt think jon would be able to use the shield that many times.
ramsay stood still the entire time. glancing over your shoulder every few seconds isnt impossible. you could also hear the bow twang and the arrow rushing through the air
>never mind that the bow being shifted by half an inch could mean the difference between needing to take 20 steps to the left at that distance
ok? ramsay doesnt know which direction you will suddenly turn and at what speed. the whole point is to trick him. running in a constant, predetermined zigzag is worse than making a step in a random direction
if he wanted a 1 on 1 fight why did he start shooting jon with arrows instead of taking off his shirt and pulling out his double daggers
you'd have to be autistic to make your zigzag consistent. He doesn't know when you're going to pivot. A zigzag is ideal because you keep forward momentum. Taking 5 steps to the left just makes yourself vulnerable.
Ramsey wanted a 1 on 1 fight, but his weapon of choice was a bow. Jon's was a shield.
>you'd have to be autistic
he is. stop feeding the local fauna. it makes them aggressive.
ayy emil
>mfw I was naive enough to think the Vale wouldn't win the battle for Jon and that the big twist is they use Wun Wun as an armored tank to smash the Bolton lines
underages OUT
>calls people underage
>likes game of thrones
Nice meme newfag
>I could've outsmarted Hannibal, Alexander and Napoleon combined because I played computer games
I wish all Sup Forumsedditors would kill themselves right now.
not that guy but just running and paying attention is the logical option because it is completely fail proof, its impossible to hit an arrow on someone that is actively trying to step away from it at the distance ramsay starts shooting
zigzagging is for when you cant properly react to the missiles, either because youre too close, because they are multiple, etc
60% of LOTR battles have Legolas doing something retarded and quipping with Gimli the whole god damned time.
Also most battles end with some Deus Ex to save the heros.
He should have just been throwing flaming trees at the Boltons.
>be OP in the current year
>be too retarded to understand that Jon Snow army had less than half the soldiers their enemy had
>be too retarded to understand how dumb it would be to use a giant just as a glorified fucking siege machine
>make a post in Sup Forums seeking validation for his retarded and wrong autism
this, idk why even bring lotr up, battle of the bastards would fit right in with lotr minus the gore
the actual problem is that it doesnt fit the more realistic and logical feel the asoiaf series have
>wun wun didn't just use a massive greatbow like the other giants to snipe ramsay from a distance
what a waste of a giant
the battle scene was nonsensical m8
it was done purely for "cool" factor.
GoT is fucking cancer
Kill yourselves
it is the other way around you fuck, if are on a great disadvantage you cant afford to completely misuse your strongest weapon
Or they could've carved spears for him with Tree branches. Imagine the damage
if they gave wun wun a helmet, 200+ giant arrows in carts and defended him with a massive pike formation he wouldve won the battle by himself