Hey Sup Forums I haven't taken a shower in 3 weeks, AMA!

hey Sup Forums I haven't taken a shower in 3 weeks, AMA!

What part of the Midwest are you from?

What makes you think I'm Midwestern ?



pic of hair

what makes you not answer questions like a fucking faggot?

Do you feel a pain in your pancreas? Do you park in handicap spaces? Feeling a need to browbeat and demean subordinate coworkers?

I'm not Midwestern.

No. Sometimes. Not really.

You'll never be Steve Jobs.

How do I go to the deep web?

I did not know that prior to investigating it. Thanks!

Why couldn't you pay your rent?

You learn how to use Google first.

How much does your mother weigh?

>Are you itchy?
> Boy or girl?
>And for why?

I live rent free. Its more of a dare.


If I had to guess I would have to say like 145lbs (65kg) more or so.

How is the Endless Rant IPA doing?

Show dat cheesy dick

>A little bit.
>Already explained.

Not bad at all. I heard they're branching out.

Only if you get trips.

Say "Hi" to Gina and those glorious Soul Caliber VO tits.

Smerry barstad

Hi Gina!

Not that much really.. I've been doubling up on deodorant every couple of hours.

Hope you deliver
