Hypothetically speaking...

Hypothetically speaking, if I could get a 13 year old girl to consent to sex with a 32 year old man in writing on a legal document, would having sex with her whenever I want be then completely legal?

Hypothetically speaking of course, although I feel like the girl next door is coming into me. She always so flirtatious when I come outside, I overheard her and her friends talking about how she thinks chubby guys are cute from my window.

Yes dude. Go tell her parents that you like their daughter, they will be so overjoyed that they will offer you her virginity right away. :) Tell us what happens OP

Unfortunately no, no matter how they consent be it in writinfg verbal or even if they initiate it, the law says they are too young to consent.

No you fucking autistic retard, the point of the age of consent, is that society deems people younger than the age of consent not mature enough to make those kinds of decisions, not that you would even need to worry about this anyway because I highly doubt any person would want to have sex with you anyway even if you paid them.

Underage..... Sign legal document.... Sounds like a winner. Have fun with that underage pussy OP.

>tip my fedora
>turn 360°
>walk away

Nothing means anything

Wouldn't that mean walking in the same direction??

i need source

wuin meen wahin sain erretion

this only works in states where it is illegal to have sex with 13 year olds unless you have paperwork showing otherwise, unless of course you have other paperwork showing otherwise, because otherwise yes that will work

Do you mean turn 180°?

Usually law don't talk only of age of consent. You must as first read all articles related.

Yes... completely legal. Just get the proper paperwork.

do not fucking want

It's still considered Statutory rape

i wuinaaaa hwuiinnnn

newfag alert

the newfag is strong with this one

Fucking retard doesn't even know degrees

First of all convert to islam
Then you should be able to get away with it if they catch you.
but do it before the inarguration

newfag taking the bait

Exactly this.

newfag trying to play it off after googling why i called him a newfag


If she's under the age of consent, it doesn't matter what she signs, she can't legally give consent.

Even if she could, they can still bust you on corruption of minors


Lots of different kinds of faggots here... Oh well, OP is the worst one by far

>in writing on a legal document
>I overheard her and her friends talking about how she thinks chubby guys are cute from my window

op, you are autistic and misreading signals.


ps. not only can she not consent, in writing or not, she cannot even sign a legally binding contract without parental authorization

pps. bait

in america you cant even sign a legally binding document without parental consent until you turn 18


totally legal...go for it and let us know how it works out

yoo cain hwuiinnnn yoo stooopid


implying she's not flirting with you for the sole purpose of boosting her shitty ego and that by fucking her, you will not totally destroy her life.

fucking pedo i swear.

Swedish law got a institute called pactum turpe, basically that non-ethic agreements (such as a murder contract or a contract between partners that the female must preform abortion if she gets pregnant) will not be recognized by the state. Therefore the court will simply not take the contract/agreement up for trial. Not sure if this is the case outside Sweden, but if it is, pactum turpe will apply here.

Lost hahahah

name of pornstar of the webm?

In most of Europe the age of consent is around 14.