Previous:Rules: >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed >Only one claim per user >No stealing (unless trips or more) >No oversexualised content >No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion) >Discussion is welcomed >Insults must be original >If you're posting images you're not lurking >3D is almost always trash >Joining means a reserved place in hell >Most importantly, have fun!
(Halal) >habibi Unfortunately I knew that because of rap culture and all the mudskins here in Germany. I also know Chabo, Babo and Lahmacun.
(shiro) >lowercase I usually refer to you as shiro and use Shiro when talking about best waifu to avoid confusion. >"music" It that a type of noise?
(Du) >meinst du das ernst? Wenn es meine Ehre als neet wiederherstellt dann ja, toternst. >Wie kommts? Die sind knuffig. >Gestalten im Netz Ja, mache von denen claimen Hamster und Kirino...
(K-on) >spelling You really do. German is a phonetic language, so if you learn a few simple rules you will never have trouble knowing how to spell a word you heard or pronounce one you read.
Nice. I actually didn't know that this language would spread to rap culture.
Alexander Carter
I claim Hikari
Carson Scott
I had the thread ready and was looking at the old one waiting for it to end.
Then I noticed it was at limit.
Brody Russell
I also just got home, from school. A pretty uneventful day it was. Wew what? Kind of an underwhelming track. Ah, I see. No, lowercase isn't noise.