Most offensive jokes?

most offensive jokes?
and im not talking some generic edgy jokes about niggers stealing and shit like that, i wanna see some really fucking brutal jokes

What's the best part about fucking twenty three year olds?

There are twenty of them.

How do you make a little girl cry?

Wipe your bloody dick on her teddy bear.


>What's the best part about fucking twenty three year olds?

>There are twenty of them.
Do they still tell this one in middle school?

Genders are like the Twin Towers, there used to be two of them but now its too offensive to talk about.

What's the digference between a lambo and a dead baby?

I dont have a lambo in my garage.

How do you get a baby into a bowl?

With a mixer

How do you get it out?

With nachos.


She would have been crying long before that you worthless degenerate fuck. This didn't make me laugh. You should seriously consider an hero

Whats the best part about fucking a 7 year old?

When the pelvis cracks

>i wanna see some really fucking brutal jokes
look at your dick

What do you do when you get done fucking the tightest pussy of your life?
Put the diaper back on

Two Palestinian women are walking down the street. On says to the other 'does this bomb make me look fat'

damn xDDDDDD

What's the worst part about sex with your sister?
Crawling out of the crib

>implying most offensive jokes about niggers stealing and shit

So Hitler and Stalin are sitting at a bar, chatting about their successes and failures. A guy pulls up a stool next to them, sits down and orders a beer. He leans over, and extends his hand, and says, "Hey, my name's Phil. How's it going?" "Vell, I'm Hitler, and dis eez Stalin. We are talking about a great undertaking. Ve are going to kill six million Jews, and a bicycle repairman.." "Jeez, why a bicycle repairman?" Hitler turns to Stalin, and smirks - "Schee Stalin! I told you no von cares about ze Jews!"

the best ones are, nigger

>rate my OC joke Sup Forums

What is the difference between Santa and a Jew?

Santa goes down the chimney while the Jew goes up.

>What breaks when you give it to toddlers? Their hips.

A version of this with a better delivery

Fucking terrible joke. She only starts crying then?

What's the difference between a gun and my dick?

Little boys don't cry when my gun goes off in their mouth.

I feel like I've heard this before.

I like it.


We need to do something about the starving children in africa. Because as we speak, somewhere in Africa, there is a poor little mosquito who now has aids.

Should have said "how to make a little girl cry harder" would have made more sense

maybe you have. when i told my friends, they died laughing. in half a year, my whole city knew about it as they have told it to more people.




Ur mom

How can you tell when your sister is on her period?

When your dad's dick taste like blood

Stop lying

>Two blacks are walking down the street
>see a building called "white wash."
>place literally turns you white.
>$0.99 charge
>one black has a dollar, the other $0.98
>the one with a dollar says he'll go in first, and give the penny to the other so he can go
>Blacks agree and he goes in
>comes out taller, white with blonde hair and blue eyes
>genetic perfection
>"Ok give me the penny so I can go."
>white guy looks at him
"Get a job nigger."

What's blue and fucks old people?

Me in my lucky blue cape.

Get ready
we will see this on 9gag soon
Appreciate this gold before it would turn in some edgy shit

unfunny and unoriginal/10

Hey girl are you a school? Cos I wanna shoot kids in you

Don't have the image sorry


That was good checked btw

Q) How do you know that your girlfriend is too young?

A) When you have to make the airplane noise to get your dick in her mouth.

I saw this one 4 years ago, shut the fuck up

What's pink, 9" long, and makes my gf scream?

Her miscarriage.

What is black and blue and hates sex? The girl in my basement.


What is the difference between an apple and a baby? You can't fuck the apple before you eat it.

Ever heard of the Ku klux kinevil? He tried to jump 8 niggers with a steamroller and failed

You can fuck an apple if your dick is small enough

The setup here is retarded but still kek'd

Trump will make America great again.

What's the difference between a reddit post and a donkey shit?


Fuck all.

Jesus managed to feed 2000 people with a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish but Hitler made 6 million Jews toast.


What's the difference between a toddler and a 50 bag of coke?

Eric Clapton wouldn't let a 50 bag of coke fall out of a window.

this is an old Jew joke, just written out badly.

>I have a half asian girlfriend.
>Her father is korean.
>Her mother is korean.
>She lost her legs in a car crash.

What is the same between dark humor and kids with cancer? They never get old.

that hack jew chimney joke? old as fuck man.


Have you realised that simply posting "edgy" isn't a downvote yet?

What's long and hard and fucks old people?


Difference between niggers and snow tires?
Snow tires don't sing when you put chains on them

What do you get when you cross a 14 year old boy with the sense of humor of a woman?

An offensive jokes thread.


everyone who gets quads is gay

What do fly catchers and OP have in common?

They both catch bugs and should hang from a ceiling.

Not only did you stole it from another old thread but you had to fuck it up you turbocharged fucktard

>how do you make a little boy cry twice in a row?
>wipe your dick on his teddy bear

You had one job, ONE JOB you lil fagget poopsmoker tits mcgee glass of pisscumt on the rocks niggerfaggot


Have you realise that you are mad just by a word?


Well you tried, let me show how its done

Wipe your bloody dick*

Wanted - small black child to be used as mud flap on Ford Mustang.

Must be flexible and willing to travel.

I saved it from here, ironically...

I have failed you sensei.


Right, because that joke hasn't been told since the 60s.

>if you critisise me you're just mad and I'll ignore everything you say lalalalalaa

>cannot speak English.

Brain dead shit skin detected


Who is a failure?

What's the difference between acne and a Catholic priest?

Acne doesn't come on a boy's face until he is 13.

Whats the difference between cancer and jobs?

Cancer got jobs

>Pic related

What does OP and a door have in common?

OP prefers bending horizontally to allow access.

Don't ever say I aint never aint gifted u nothin.

What does a dead baby look like after a minute in the microwave?

I don't know either, I shut my eyes when I masturbate.

I lol'd

You totally win
Well memed

Turning / bending idk I'm shit at jokes

I really should not try this late at night replace jobs with blacks Fuck me


How many Liverpool fans does it take to change a lightbulb?

97; one to change it and 96 to walk towards the light



Lulz you totally fucked that up kek

One who poops smoke by injecting it into his veins.

>underrated post


People who smoke hasheesh?

OP of
You're wrong
Gets it

Haha a Ukfag posting.

What's the difference between a cow and a tragedy?

A scouser can't milk a cow.

works best when you actually tell it to someone
and isn't that offensive really but works when
you're talking 2 tha QTz

>what's the difference between jelly and jam?
>i can't jelly my cock down your throat


you're painfully unfunny, kid.

nice one, first to be funny tbqh

How is a mobile phone similar to a child?

If you lose one for over 48 hours, it'll probably turn up dead.