What ''''''critics/reviewers''''''' do you use for other genres?

What ''''''critics/reviewers''''''' do you use for other genres?

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I don't use one.

I use antni for sex

blogtotheoldskool.com/ for jungle/early rave music

this is bait right


He hates nearly all trap rap except reddit-core trap.

Resident Advisor reviewers = dance music

Deal with it /bleep/


Any decent reviewers when it comes to modern jazz? Preferably with their reviews sorted by sub-genres, rather than by release date.or review date?

I listen to music


because 99% of trap is generic and uninspired garbage

>using critics/reviewers for music
>not listening and deciding for yourself without being influenced by the opinions of others

How much of a faggot are you, seriously?

I like deep cuts. he has detailed and thorough reviews and rec videos without the autism fantano brings


woah this dude is fucking annoying and has a pretty basic taste based on the two videos I watched

hello fantano



have fun listening to every album ever made in order to find out which ones are good without being influenced by the opinions of others while i cut out of large portion of the shit by looking at critical reviews first

you're fucking retarded

so is 99% of hip-hop

hello autistliver

i have my own opinion

christgau for genuinely good music without dumb pretensions.

Anonymous - Sup Forums.org

fuck off

What is Travis Scott

i'm not autistic

Critics are, have always been, and always will be walking shit

lmao get a load of this guy

Why would I use any """critics/reviewers"""?


I hope he does more 'essentials' videos as his last one on Curtains was great

Seen some people get annoyed at his entry level picks into different genres. When that is literally the point of the video '5 albums TO GET YOU INTO ...'. Fantano fans pls go

There's still basically an infinite number of artists not being covered by reviewers

Just seems silly to use a 3rd party to find "good music"
There's no way to get recs without bias anyways, the reviewers bias is just as bad as some rando
Just let your musical taste guide you mayn