When is it OK to hit a woman? Protip: everytime. Webm very much related, she really asked for it, watch all 56 seconds

When is it OK to hit a woman? Protip: everytime. Webm very much related, she really asked for it, watch all 56 seconds.


When a thread like this dies.

4 punches to drop a woman? Fucking pussy

Why did he take so fucking long?

He's a beta on the edge.


Disproportionate punishment by the legal system

clearly drunk

I'm surprised he could take the hits that long. Props to him.

The best state a beta can be in

Every inch of my soul is screaming out for this cunt to be curbstomped.

For all she's hitting him, she's not fucking him up. And she didn't knock him on his arse.

He was perfectly justified to give her a fucking crack or two, but repeatedly hitting her and knocking her down was a fit too far.

>inb4 sjw

It needs to be proportional.


It's definately proportional since she has him by the neck and screams into his face, an obvious act of belittling someone when you're feeling big. If we can assume that the physical ended with her on her back and her hand over her face, she simply lost and she deserved it.

.... when they deserve it, a falcon punch is OK too.

spotted the cucks

If we are getting all judge Judy on this, I think one could argue that he would not be in an emotionally stable position to make such a rational decision as to hit her 'proportionally.' Rather, that his aggression was to prevent her from fighting back.


Took him long enough. In this situation I always remember what my gym teacher used to say. "what do you tell a women with two black eyes? Nothing, you told her twice already".

Wise man, wise man.

They're both wasted. She got what she deserved out of the confrontation. Can't hit anyone that many times and not expect to be hit back, I don't care who you are. Hopefully she learned her lesson. Now throw both of their asses in the drunk tank and let 'em dry out. 200 hours picking up shit on the side of the road for both of em for good measure.

He was drunk.

is that Chris Demarais from rt, also, fkn got her

See I thought that as I was typing (You). He was making it so that she couldn't hit him anymore.

But I watched it a few times and, maybe it is just the socially programmed attitude in me that he went too far.

But he didn't seem to be in any real danger. So a couple of good smacks would've knocked the fight out of her.

His response just seemed a little over-the-top to me.

Again the guy is clearly drunk, and probably not within his senses.

That being said you don't piss on a bear and cry foul when said bear mauls you.

The only reason he wasn't knocked to the ground like her was because she didn't have the strength, she clearly would've if she could've so your proportional argument doesn't really hold. Did he go too far? Maybe but women like this forget when they are attacking men that they are literally attacking one of the great apes.
You wouldn't complain if you attacked a Silverback and all that happened was you got knocked to the ground.