Is this kino?
Is this kino?
>he actaully was in a LDR and sent money to some bitch he never met
boner stop
>Oh here's a good one..."Is Mrs. Vagina thinking about Mr. Penis?"
Is there a way to defeat Hansen after you took a seat? All the guys seem to lose it soon afterwards, like it's some sort of psychological trick. I feel bad for the guy, being 37 must be horrible, losing hope in life can make you go insane and desperate like that.
I have a question: Is it ilegal as an adult to chat with 13 year olds if you are not saying anything sexual? Because I go on some programming forum, some 13 year olds over there ask me questions about programming and I answer them and stuff. They can't directly link that to me potentially trying to rape them right?
Are you autistic?
There's nothing wrong with chatting with 13 year olds as long as you don't say that you want to fuck them and send dick pics
Thanks, just making sure.
>on some programming forum
How do you know their ages?
they just randomly say their age, I don't know why
Just be prepared.
>that look of disgust and disappointment in Hansen's eyes
>those untied shoelaces
John Kennelly best predator
Man Casey was so bangable at 18. She looks like a fucking wreck now.
half think he's a cop, the rest think he is the dad. Either way, they all have a notion that they can get out if they can keep calm. Unless they REALLY know what is happening, then they either lay down or simply try to get a sympathy story out quickly.
say nothing. when he tells you to leave and your "free to go" leave and then again say nothing to the police that apprehend you. repeat to say nothing until you contact your attorney.
Who else here
so why was this important? I mean its just like any other bust. Did this dude end up committing suicide or something?
Say what you want about the legality of the show but those girls are pretty brave to step into the same room as those guys
>make sure to never say anything sexual to decoy
>agree to a meeting
>show up to the house in a blazer
>ask the decoy to see Chris
>Chris walks out
>tell Chris to have a seat
>"So... Chris... What brings you to the house tonight?"
>"It's my understanding that you've been posing online as a thirteen year old girl, attempting to talk about sex.. with grown men?"
>"Is this... Something you do often?"
>"Chris, please. I have the chatlog right here."
>"Oh so you just happened to show up to this same house tonight where you tried to arrange a date for sex with a grown man."
>"What exactly did you expect to happen here tonight?"
>"Well, I guess there's something that I have to tell you, and that's that I'm user from Big Guy 4/tv/, and we're doing a story on closeted men who enjoy roleplaying as young girls looking for sex."
I don't get the obsession but his chat is like 600 pages long and he says some bizarre shit
>lorne_a_20014 (10/03/07 11:44:21 PM): can you count the amount of hair that you have down there now or is there too much to count?
>kayla_princess94 (10/03/07 11:44:35 PM): wat
>No CIA pose as soon as chris hansen comes in.
>Not telling the decoy she doesn't get to bring friends.
>No asking chris hansen if he feels in control.
Why is this a thing?
I hate pedophiles but does anyone else think it's kind of strange how these guys really take time out of their day to stalk these guys and do stuff like this?
This dude is fucked up, but after reading that Chris was even encouraging him while leading him on.
>Yes, yes Chris, well done
oh....I guess, but to be fair they said he been talking to her for over a month. who knows for how long. and its not even in block format its line for line. I bet Hansen double line spaced it too with font size 12
Make it happen.
They probably wouldn't pick someone that doesn't say anything explicitly lewd
Yeah this. They only want to bring people they can catch and send to court.
Though I think some teenagers went one time and got off the hook.
The decoy goes along with whatever he wants, but I've never seen somebody less interested in sex. I didn't read the whole thing, but whenever he goes on a rant about blowing a load in her mouth or going down on her, she just says "k" or "kewl"
>lorne_a_20014 (10/10/07 10:33:28 PM): it's hard for you to make me laugh right now because i'm in love with you and hate leaving's not easy for me to deal with that........look at how long it's taking me to actually taylor's going to be pissed at me
What did he mean by this?
is this channel kino?
>yfw you think about the other 40 year old man sitting across the computer monitor from Lorne on the other end reading and responding to all his "I love yous" and marriage talk with their own sweet whisperings in text form and telling him back ho much they like him too and this is what they have chosen to do with their adult life, talk emotionally and build fake emotional connections with broken-ass pathetic men on the internet
>for a month
It's really weird. I can imagine the people pretending to be a 13 year old girl to be very sociopathic.
>20 views, 50 views
You can't beat him in the confrontation because the decoy will only agree to meet after you talked about sex and shit. And once you get there, Chirs will have alot of leverage on you. Even if you try fighiting him, he will dismiss the shit you said by reading some lines from you chat like "CAN YOU SUCK MY DICK YOU LITTLE SLUT". The only thing you can do during the confrontation is play dumb and try not to incriminate yourself , it worked for genericwhitemale and anthony palumbo
not to forget intentionally ruining these mens lives in the process
>that baby voice
I love how they always go into the "five year old who got caught stealing" submissive voice
You know the funniest part of this entire show to me is the fact that every time they say they've never done anything like this before it's probably entirely true, because no actual 14 year old girl would look at these old, run-down, balding, fat, and sometimes clearly disabled in some way fucking trainwrecks of men and say, "Mmm yeah you're so hot come fuck me MEATROCKET696969."
And the first time they ever find a girl who gives them any shred of attention it turns out to actually be another fat midlife man pretending to be a girl to get their sad lonely asses thrown in jail.
That's funny as fuck when you think about it, in a black humour kind of way. These lonely men desperately seeking any kind of female contact and attention and finally just when they think they've found some shred of happiness it's ripped out of their hands, which are promptly handcuffed, and told it was never real.
Pull out your gun and shoot him in the chest.
>mfw he got catfished
>mfw out-mustached
Just like m2k.
>tfw no Catfish/TCaP crossover episode where Nev and Max sniff out a Perverted Justice member catfishing some guy
After like 10 years Lornographers managed to get the full confrontation.. Amazing.. I'd been waiting for this for a long time.
What's the big deal? He's just like the rest of them.
A lot of guys were married, even meatrocket.
He has developed a bit of a cult following after his prolific chat with the decoy and mannerisms (Oh my 'cawd'). They call themselves Lornographers, or people who study Lorne Armstrong. Theres also a Church of Cawd website where they all gather.
Pretty fucking weird and autistic.
Why don't these guys just save up for a week's vacation outside Vegas an visit the brothels? Or take a trip to Thailand. I just don't get it. It's EASY to buy sex legally, or de facto legally. People who get caught in sex stings are just stupid. I understand some guys are ugly, autistic losers who can't get laid, but I have no sympathy for stupidity.
There are tones of countries with legal prostitution.
you have no idea
>church of cawd actually got the video
I hope Armstrong makes a new youtube video about it
Where do I sign up to become a decoy? Wierdly enough, it's a dream job of mine.
Because they're pedos
Armstrong genuinely seem like he was in love and not just wanting to get his rocks off.
For a majority of them, it's not about the sex, it's about the control
Just do vigilante work. Quite a few people are putting videos out
absolute bs
it's so obviously about the sex
read the chatlogs, look how the guys act
the control thing only comes into play in these dark ally rapes at knifepoint
If you read the chatlogs, you can clearly see how it's about control. They rarely ask to do things, they tell the decoy that they are going to do them. They push their own fetishes on the decoy and never ask what they are into. They use terms like "I'll MAKE you my girl" and "You BETTER make use your parents don't find out." These are men who can't assert any dominance on their peers so they try to do it when they think they are in a position of physcial and mental superiority
get in the chat rooms bruh
this, but make sure to greet chris in the powerstance, making it clear that you are in charge here
>Red Sox hat
is this some kinda planecrash or somethin?
Genericwhitemale defeated Hansen.
It's the FBI you doofus, they are waiting for predators to make their move.
This is the only right answer
daily reminder that chris hansen is a piece of shit, confronted a business owner that had gone to jail long before he owned the business ( ran the day care for 13 years before he was confronted ). making the dude out to be a criminal still even though he served time and went to rehab
He doesn't even watch boreball.
Manlets BTFO. 10 years.
seems like an alright guy
Yeah, I mean obviously the pedos are MORE fucked up, but the people who do this shit definitely have an unhealthy obsession, and the fact that it's a TV show kind of shows how fucked up we are as a society, all of us. Plus I guess some of these guys wouldn't have ever done anything if the perverted justice guys weren't actively pulling them in constantly.
>unzips dick