Am I the only one that really hates Suicide Squad as a concept?
>Lol so edgy criminals who have to do what we say cause they got bombs inside them cuz we're the big bad evil shady government lmao!
Am I the only one that really hates Suicide Squad as a concept?
>Lol so edgy criminals who have to do what we say cause they got bombs inside them cuz we're the big bad evil shady government lmao!
I hate shitty reposts more
It'll join Nightmare Before Christmas on the Hot Topic throne, that's for sure.
And the answer is of course no, it's just Sup Forums is full of underages an hopeful DCucks.
that's a real unpopular opinion you have there.
I don't like Comic book movies. I get what you're saying too but its just a movie for kids man. Don't let it be a bane to your existence.
Isn't that the same premise as Escape from New York?
Escape From New York takes place in a plausible future
Suicide Squad takes place in a comic book and it still doesn't make sense
>a comic book movie has a retarded premise
Whoa, you must be pretty smart OP for not liking children's stories.
I want to fuck Harley
Yes, you are a patrician in a sea of plebeians. You are the voice of sensibility amongst this childish madness. Yours is a unique perspective. Have an upvote.
>Escape From New York takes place in a plausible future
Ever been so up your ass you'd say something as retarded as this? do you think Red Dawn could happen too, you fucking moron?
I'm seeing that premise more like a superpowered version of Escape From New York.
>do you think Red Dawn could happen too, you fucking moron?
t. baby who didn't live during the cold war
>preferring cartoons and happyland bullshit
When did Sup Forums let in so many kids?
This. My principal was legit as fuck after this movie came out. Had everyone go on a field trip to a shooting range so we could better protect the school. One kid got shot by accident though (didn't die) so after that it was only 5th grade and up who went.
>falling for memes
Not even once
>One kid got shot by accident though
What redneck paradise did you live in?
That's fun, but that's obviously braindead retarded. How are you supposed to protect the school, Jimbo? Did he keep scores of pistols hidden in his van?
What are some things in this world you like
Yeesh. You're a whiny little faggot. Pull the iron dildo out of your ass and take a shower. Making the rest of us sub-25 year olds look silly.
Leto will win an Oscar for his performance.
I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.
It's the dirty dozen with super powers whats not to like?
This is literally the premise of The Dirty Dozen adapted to a comic flick.
I know this is a shit meme thread but this bait is so fucking stupid.
she gets hotter the more I see her. at first I thought she was a hideous caveman but now I want to make her feel that her life in indebted to my cock.
how do you go from this to THIS
You can thank the Batman Arkshit series.
Imagine if Batman and Joker only used their first costumes forever
Thats how stupid you are retard