Any good?
Any good?
I remember seeing this in theater
It's alright
It's fucking great.
>I like to think of it like a sandwich. It'd just be so much better...if you knew no one had fucked it.
Like Addams Family? it's like that but more "mature"
yeah its alright. not bad.
I didn't like it.
No. Just watch it.
The most I've laughed in a long time.
Rhys especially kills it.
It's really funny, yeah. I put it off for way too long. Perfectly satirizes cinematic vampire tropes.
I liked it a lot.
>mfw THE BEAST reveal
overrated but still breddy gud
Usually I'm not a fan of the pseudo-documentary style, and while it has some odd themes between humor and sadness, I found it really enjoyable.
That was great.
comfy desu.
has palpable set ups that have satisfying reveals
That seems to be something a lot of comedies forget anymore: Set-ups.
Mostly it ends up relying solely on being a talking game these days, people saying things because it sounds funny. They haven't taken the time to build up to the joke beforehand, and while it's funny in the moment it's largely forgettable.
Taika Waititi is a meme director and a hack.
I enjoyed it.
You wanna fight bro?
It's fucking hilarious.
It was nice and if you know that most of it was an improv (mostly) it is easier to forgive some downsides.
I think of it like this. If you are going to eat a sandwich, you would just enjoy it more if you knew no one had fucked it.