What in the ever loving shit is happening to cities in the US?

What in the ever loving shit is happening to cities in the US?

I decided to take an early morning walk from downtown LA to my favorite coffee place in Koreatown.

Roads are destroyed, construction all over the place, an endless sea of homeless people, trash all over the sidewalk and road. People shouting at nothing or random strangers. Shit, even going down Wilshire, some poor old lady is sitting there crying because her car was broken into and vandalized overnight.

And what serves as a backdrop to all this? Endless walls covered in "Fuck Trump" grafitti, and "Not My President" posters.

Right because clearly the Democrats made everything better here. Children used to play in MacArthur Park and now it's covered in bird shit and tents.

This guy hasn't even taken office yet and it's the end of the world. Hey the infrastructure is crumbling and society is in decay but at least Target got a third bathroom for mentally disabled people with identity disorders.

I just...what the fuck. I'm not pro Clinton or Trump. Just...how did this country get like this? It looks like the fucking third world.

People became more liberal.

liberals are kinda big fucking babies

Because we leave our borders open and the third world came to us. Thanks to liberalism, we can't clean house.

> really hope trump sticks to his word, even though i know he won't

LA and NYC are pieces of shit painted in gold


Never visit Koreatown too early in the morning.

Liberals are what happened. Thanks Hillary.

Because you're all dumb fucks who believe . You're one of the shittiest countries in the developed world, have the strictest immigration policies and the most right-wing laws, and blame everything on loose immigration policies and left-wing government. How are you so fucking thick?

it's always been that way here you nonce

> Hey the infrastructure is crumbling and society is in decay but at least Target got a third bathroom for mentally disabled people with identity disorders.

Topkek. The world would be a better place if we just exterminated these types of people.

There's construction everywhere bc all the buildings are getting torn down to make way for new ones you dumb ass. You already knew this. The bums have always been a block away. Go back to South Gate idoit

>and the most right-wing laws
you need to travel
you need to read

You should visit North Korea.

We have strict immigration policies on paper, which keep out all the law abiding educated people who want quality jobs because they can't get in. Meanwhile we let a flood of criminal scum in without any restrictions.


Welcome to the third world. Get used to it.

Liberal and Conservative, Democrat and Republican. These seem to have lost all meaning. People have just become victims and dipshits without the ability to think critically.

But it wasn't even Mexicans. Most of these homeless people were white and black. I've lived in the south for some time where there were more black and a history of racism, but I never saw people seemingly abandoned by society. So, a city full of liberal progressive thinkers, bogged down with welfare had this, and a town where blacks are called niggers behind closed doors easily afford their rent.

I mean I get that LA isn't a prime example of a great city if you compare it to some European or Asian cities but still, with the amount of money and the industry there it shouldn't be this bad. I mean even San Francisco, should that be like GoogleTechVille? But it's like a favela with a few mansions sticking out of it.

Too many Americans bought into propaganda and both sides to realize that the election won't make a difference in their lives. This isn't unique to this election either. Every 4 to eight years we pick a pres, split 50/50 on the vote and half the country thinks the guy is their savior while the other half thinks he is the devil. Us spends the next 4 to 8 years policing the world and wasting tax dollars all while the presidents rabid supporters back their everything move. After, we elect a new president usually from the opposit party and he roughly does the same old shit yet the ppl who supported the previous guy now bitch like everything the new guy does is shit while his supporters who hated the old president love the new one.

Same shit, different asshole.

Americans are pretty retarded for not figuring this out. Fuck 99% of you.

sez silly cunt who has never been to the actual 3rdW

Please tell me how you think you could do that. Really please give your thoughts on how you can exterminate "these types of people" from the world. Do you think it's all completely manufactured? Or genetic? How would you exterminate something that you have such little grasp on it's birth to even say you could do so?

Wagging the dog again.
War will follow.
Prepare your anus.

>People have just become victims and dipshits without the ability to think critically
no one will agree with me
i don't read history so i think lots of sheep is new

Honestly I've only lived here for a year and I guess I'm pretty insulated from the reality of the city.

It was like 8am. Doesn't seem too early.

Why? Because it sucks and then I would go "Oh, North Korea is bad so everything in America is great."

>War will follow
oh great prognosticator of truth
be less obvious
war is forever as far as your silly ass is concerned

Hillary supporter detected


This country has too many losers who think the problem is every one but themselves. If all the fucking skinheads who elected Trump would work half as well and as hard as the immigrants they all hate so then people wouldn't have to import workers to do stuff that entitled American jerkwads are too lazy to do in any case. Fucking dickheads think they can't get a job because immigrants are taking and don't even try to explain the Swastika tattoed on their foreheads

There's a reason that if you loo at lists for "Best American cities to live in"
You get cities like Columbus, Ohio and Indianapolis, Indiana.
Those cities are decently large and not run on pretensions

Whatever you say Europoor. I just got back from a mediterranean cruise. All the "beautiful cities" actually were grimy industrial ports surrounded by decaying infrastructure and decrepit buildings. Unemployment was high. Mostly little brown people driving tiny shitty beaters and living in run-down apartments. Everywhere you went it was filthy and stank like ass because of the ancient sewers that were barely keeping up.

For one, I never said Mexicans. For two, unchecked liberalism leads to white/black unemployment. That's the point.

Liberalism is cancer. This is 8 years of Obama, OP.

You've obviously never lived in the US.

Who the fuck walks from downtown to k-town on Wilshire on purpose?

pic related

The cities in liberal areas are going to shit. The funny thing is all the people rioting and destroying shit to protest Trump are just hurting their own communities while the people that voted for him are laughing in a completely different state.

Dude downtown LA is called skid row for a reason


This wasn't to say that think transgender people are degenerates or that they should be subject to extermination. I just mean it seems like priorities are a little fucked. Did Target come out as some kind of bigot company that wants to hang the gays? Stop getting your panties in a wad over stupid things. There are actual problems in the world and dressing up as a women isn't one of them.

One word.....Liberals.

But that's an American

Sounds like typical LA.

This is what's confused me about the anti-Trump protests. At least Black Lives Matter were protesting local cops.

These kids are flipping cop cars in a city that voted blue to teach coal miners in PA a lesson. You sure showed them.

"Ha! I'm burning a flag! Take that Wisconsin!"

It's down to the USA's Sink or Swim culture.
No socialism, so you get this.

Many have figured it out. 5% voters voted independent this election. That's billions, if not millions of Americans who refuse to vote for the same shit every 4 years. Trillions even

We need to abolish niggers and libcucks.

Because few have the way you think. Most of the people nowadays are just zombies, obey the trends etc.
Have a nice day user

This. Actually caring for people who can't care for themselves is socialism, ain't that right, American /bro/? You don't want that Marxism bull in your culture.

And fyi, despite being a Brit I know the area and MacArthur Park has been a shithole for at least 15 years. Downtown in the night, the sound of shopping carts being wheeled around by homeless. Santa Monica, Pacific Pallisades is packed with homeless now. No-one gives a fuck. You have a culture that doesn't care.

No man, it's the fucking Mexicans come here and steal the jobs us niggers won't do cause we get the welfare cheque and we pimp our bitches. We don't need that shit. Cutting fucking lawns. Fuck you mofo!!!!

Seriously. Anyone who's actually spent time in LA in the 70s-90s knows how much better it is now. Even if it still is a shithole.

Nice bait you retarded fuck

Obama and democrats have been talking about infrastructure for years. Republicans have obstructed every step of the way.

Huh? Who said to you L.A (or Hollywood) is beautiful and peaceful "place"? It has always been that way since probably before you were even born.

Not true. NYC, Seattle, Miami, LA, great cities. Median home prices around $1M.

"Liberal areas" as you call them earn trillions of dollars, annually. Cali's the 6th largest economy on earth.

Red states don't produce anything. They have the highest welfare rates (blue states give you billions, annually). Red states haven't contributed to America since the 1800's.

Democratic leaders.

Say hi to the 9 million rufugees the EU is pouring into ur country that you have to pay for

Not AmeriKan thank fucking Christ. Your vise president elect is against everything the world know to be right, except for religious fanatic like ISIS. You are a second world country now, and putting a firm down payment on becoming a 3rd world country. Nice knowing you. See ya later. And btw...just look at Greece. That's you in under 4 years.

IMplying that most of america's problems don't actually come from a certain group of people who are actually american citizens...

WWE action with incoming President elect
Donald "the J.ack off) Trump!!!!!!

>But it's like a favela with a few mansions sticking out of it.

Welcome to the world of income inequality.

You won't hear about it except for what's absolutely required to declassify, but we are on the cusp of society depicted in soylent green. Go watch the film if you aren't familiar, even the first ten minutes will do.

This is unrelated to the election, and would have happened with Killary or Krump in office.

>The USA by definition of the latter can't be a second world country.

>Why am i greentext?

Shouldn't it be good to great? Not poverty shit hole to amazing?

Trump will solve this problem caused by the liberal scum

pics or didn't happen, faggot

Why would you think that? It's companies out there that make money, not people. Just like everywhere else in America. Don't let Google and Apple fool you into thinking they give a shit about anything besides seeing their stock price rise.

Not true bro
And these rich areas all I hear is bitching about the price of rent, can't afford anything and my college bills

You big dummy, you don't understand politics at all, Obama and the libs are why America sucks right now. It didn't work it took them 8 years but we became like a shitty European country. The next 4 years will be America again.

wealth inequality

cold war terms
first world country=usa and her allies
sec=ussr and her allies
third=every country not align to east/west




MacArthur Park is frightening in the dark. That's why.


Why the fuck do people live in LA it's a shit it smells bad lots of fucking traffic and ever one is a fucking prick that you meet.

your narrative is pathetic :)
too funny
good luck realizing your world view



>world of income inequality
the adult world
the real world
your infantile grand vision notwithstanding

nice graphic but that middle one is obviously false.

Embrace diversity and mentally ill, subhumans like the LGBT and feminist communities, Americans said....

Shit skins and perverted homos are the reasons why white countries are failing.

Here's your answer, OP.

Mostly the shit skins are the reason. But yes, also the entitled jobless liberals. We will deport them all soon.

>tfw living in small prosperous city with beautiful nature

Best part is that they're building a lot of new properties, and all apartments are the kind you have to buy, so all the undesireables (blackies, immigrants, criminals) can't settle here.


Bums are such shitheads.
There are a hundred fucking public trash cans in my neighborhood but they still throw their trash on the ground near their sleeping boxes and tents.

The Jews have formed a collective weapon that consists of the so called victims of society, i.e, blacks, minorities, immigrants, muslims, gays, women, trans, and more. And the Jews target this collective weapon right at White Americans and Europeans.

Meanwhile strict Jews state every other race is below a jew, and being gay or trans is the worst thing you can do. Don't marry a non-Jew.

Good goys. Good gentiles.

>Bums are such shitheads.

You're ignorant. A large portion of the homeless communities suffer from mental illnesses and disabilities, and instead of giving them proper treatment in mental hospitals, they go in and out of your local jails. A large portion of the homeless, for example, are veterans suffering from PTSD, among other illnesses.

There are real, lazy bums, yes, but that's not all homeless people.

Niggers, liberals, niggers, autists and niggers.

how hard is it to walk 30ft to a trash can and throw your trash inside?
You could train a retarded dog to do it.

This is impossible if you're a Mexican.

Obama vetoes just about every piece of Republican legislature along with shutting down filibusters

And now a Republican president and his party will be talking about it for years while the Democrats obstruct and fillibuster. You'll be rooting for them too because you're too retarded to break the cycle like 95% of your countrymen.

Im glad trump was a reupblican because i ahte democracy

Mexicans certainly do generate more litter. Look at their shitty country. Trash everywhere.

i bet you the first thing the republicans try to drive through isn't a jobs bill, it will be some dumb scapegoating shit

>obama shuts down filibusters

yeah and I heard that he controls NATO and the fortune 500

we need to kill all of these people and prove that they arent victims of society

what if the trash can looks like a priest
you don't want to throw trash on priests, do you?

Itll be the same shit a demotard president would do, just the ppl for/against switching sides. They will switch sides again when a demotard defeats a republitard too. 50% of the country will be against stuff they would be blindly for if the opposit party won. It doesn't matter which side wins.

i voted third party