Is there any point in getting Tinder if I'm a virgin and afraid of sex?
Is there any point in getting Tinder if I'm a virgin and afraid of sex?
no because its a piece of shit and you never get any matches
its just a scam
yea, you're the ideal candidate for lots of girls on there who say they don't want sex in their profiles.
go for it
currently talking to multiple women
have been on several dates from tinder
its okay to hide behind that word, its safer than admitting you're human trash
no you're just ugly or your bio was too edgy
lol only if you're completely unattractive.
there's way too many people on the site, and you can't message them unless you're matched. So they have to go through literally thousands of dudes, while you go through literally thousands of gals and hope you both are attracted to each other. Even then, there's an off chance it's a robot that wants you to join a cam site.
Never get any matches? I have over 450 matches on tinder wtf are u on about. And to answer OPs question, yes its worth it, why not?
Yo guys I hooked up with someone for the first time and neither of us came is that shit common?
Just try it OP.
I'm a socially awkward sadboi with anxiety and I've still managed to fuck one girl on tinder since getting it 1.5 months ago. Currently seeing 2 girls at the moment.
Try it nigga.