Filler: The Movie

Filler: The Movie

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But the fifth movie is arguably the biggest filler movie.
Literally nothing happens

Sirius dies, Order of Phoenix is revealed, Harry and Cho romance


None of that shit except Sirius matters in the non-run.
The fifth movie and to a greater fifth book is pointless filler that only exists because Rowling just had to have seven books

i like it though.

The ending with the father and his dead son, the dragon scene, etc. the movies has lots of nice stuff in it

The connection between Harry and Voldemort is elaborated on, which is the most important plot component of the entire series.

Was already elaborated on in earlier books.
Fifth book is pointless

is this the one where they spend 40 minutes of screen time making a potion that turns hermoine into furry and all they learn is that draco isn't the half blood prince?

no that's chamber of secrets

Pleb dogshit: the series(franchise for Americans)