>number of film watched
>favorite film
a lot
president of the states
dont have one
>28 films watched
close to 100
cant pick between Boondocks Saints, American History X, Fight Club, The Dark Knight
>number of film watched
who the fuck counts this
mazda miata
prob 70+
truman show, shawshank, pulp, fight club, se7en, the list goes on...
about 300+
Taxi Driver
>in finances
>like a whole bunch
>Is this a joke?
>Probably Man Bites Dog.
>Boondocks Saints
Why are you here? Wouldn't be better off somewhere like Sup Forums with people of your own maturity and intellectual level?
film critic
arthur and the invisibles
>psychology student/cashier at at a convenience store
>who on earth keeps track of that? A shit-ton
>Das Boot
>Retail management
>Don't know exactly. It was like 3200 last time I check my letterbox d which was years ago. Seen a lot more since then and I probably didn't check everything I'd seen
>Chinatown, Taxi Driver and Godfather
Police Academy 4
>manager at petco, also enrolled college to be a teacher
>idk for sure but around 500
>Memento or Blue Valentine
Your job is to be a car?
1000 according to letterboxd
Reservist military police/student/soon to be cadet
I have no clue, over 300 I guess
make a fucking letterboxd/RYM account guys
There are plenty of sites that let keep track of the movies you've watched.
Letterboxd is the Sup Forums-approved one.
>t. Mr. Average
Fucking Åmål
>film "critic"
>Mulholland Drive
I'm supposed to keep track of every movie I've ever watched?
And how am I supposed to do this, even when I use your gay app or site or whatever? How am I to remember every movie I've seen since I was 1 year old?
You seem to be forgetting that not everybody on Sup Forums is autistic.
I have no need to count how many films I've seen. That's pretentious and trying too hard to show off.
I've seen a lot of movies, and I can have in depth discussions on probably any movie I've seen.
Doesn't mean I need how many hundreds I've seen so I can go around telling people.
>all these "people" with under 1000 films watched
you should leave this board immediately
dear god,
NEET (kill me senpai)
More than a thousand
Only God Forgives
spoken like a true pleb
you're a faggot
Finished it for you.
>I rent my other apartment and live for the money I get from it
>Hard to tell, maybe a thousand
>City Lights by Charles Chaplin
>Only God Forgives
>maybe like 100?
>Days of Heaven
I'm anything but a pleb.
I'm just not autistic enough to need to show off my passion.
but i don't do anything there besides marking watched/watch list
Nice NWR is my favourite director from the past decade
medical office work right now, student full-time
I don't really have a favorite
I consider them more artistic works than pure entertainment
>I'm just not autistic enough to need to show off my passion.
Why not? Are you so beta you can't let other people know you like movies?
Are you fucking retarded?
Beautiful movie
I can let people know I like movies by talking about movies.
Not by waving my dick around, spouting out meaningless numbers.
I don't think so. Could you give me an argument as to why I should keep track of every movie I've ever seen, instead of just attacking my intelligence?
>830 acconding to my filmow account
>Clockwork Orange and The good, the bad and the ugly
>about 3000
>Mannen som elsket Yngve
>Watched any less than a 1000 films
Cinema has existed for more than a hundred years what is taking you plebs so long
>Student - have summer job
>122 on record - more in reality
>There Will Be Blood or Good Will Hunting
>Mannen som elsket Yngve
God smak anonsen
why are you here when you can't recognize obvious b8?
coulda figured out the first three lines just by you posting the forth
>Mannen som elsket Yngve
Ikke verst
>stop attacking my intelligence REEE
>Clockwork Orange
Why? It's one of his worst.
Thanks, man. It's a shame that I can't speak norwegian and only one of Tore Renberg's novels were published in my country yet. Would love to read the whole Jarle books.
Transportation Planner
Unknown. I currently watch 20 films a month.
2001: A Space Odyssey
How did I >REEEEEEEE ?
You think using ad hominems is a good way of arguing?
Ad hominems aren't a good way of arguing, user.
rear window, seventh seal, rocky 3
That's a strange mix of movies.
There Will Be Blood
rehab center care assistant/ security
Good the Bad and the Ugly
You guys should use RYM instaed of letterbox, it has a much better community desu.
Come on, it's not that bad of a movie you bandwagoning cuck.
Disliking things just because another demographic likes them is immature.
There are plenty worse movies than Boondock saints. It's 2.5/4 stars.
Thanks basicbitch
Playin it safe
i pity the fool who doesnt like variety
>Studying for Tourism, right now I'm a Concierge at a resort
>Around 50
rate me and fight me
I'm not a bandwagoner.
It's just not a coincidence that it's one of the worst films I've seen, and that everybody I've met who enjoys it is ridiculously unintelligent, a juggalo, and/or both.
It's just a bunch of edgy, cringey bullshit from an immature manchild with no original vision or talent who just really wants to be Tarantino but has no idea what makes Tarantino films works.
What do you teach? I am curious as to know what kind of teacher has the time to watch 3000 movies.
Im more confused by that fact that there are multiple ppl itt who have seen under, say, 100 movies. how is that even possible/.
>I dislike it because of the people who like it
You're doing exactly what I just said.
Do you not know how to read?
It's a bad movie regardless of its admittedly terrible fanbase.
>studying programming
>casablanca, blue is the warmest color, grave of the fireflies
rate senpaitachi
>What do you teach?
computer science student
Once Upon a Time in America tbqhwy
It's not that bad. Tfa is a worse movie than boondock saints.
Photographer at vice
Thin red line
I don't like Star Wars, but The Force Awakens is a perfectly functional movie.
It's hampered by its focus on nostalgia and fanservice, but to claim that it's a worse movie than the Boondock Saints is absolutely ludicrous.
Student/Part time IT Support.
Around 1,000
I live in a third world country if that helps you understand user. ;_;
I don't mind it. I just said that it's a strange combination. Maybe rare would be a better word.
>studying software development, and film
>literally thousands
>Lawrence of Arabia
don't you have fucking internet
film editor
how the fuck should I know? do you seriously keep count?
Paranorman overrated yeah yeah fuck off
Boondock saints has functional main characters. Tfa doesn't.
>Avionics technician with a US airline
>Not enough
>The Lives of Others
>1522 since i started counting 2 years ago
>Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari
Government Analyst
Fuck off
Not Autistic
The Usual Suspects
>I consider them more artistic works than pure entertainment
Like, films in general? Or just the shit that you watch?
being smug
2540 according to the boxd
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
You've seen 1522 movies in 2 years, or have you counted previous films as well? If not, hardcore dude.
1522 including about 200 shorts since the start of 2014
Impressive. But, user, do you have absolutely no life? No life at all?
that's a bit more than 2 movies a day, are you okay user
Watching film is a hobby. What's wrong with him enjoying his hobby?
His life has passion, a passion for cinema and you're just another fucking boring normie. You're the one who has nothing