> GOAT Blue suit
>Rose is gone
>qt companion
Series 3 is gonna be GOAT Confirmed
> GOAT Blue suit
>Rose is gone
>qt companion
Series 3 is gonna be GOAT Confirmed
Other urls found in this thread:
first for Foon
second for filtered
w2c coat?
I legit don't remember what episode she was in
reminder that
>How many of you can honestly say you'd heard of him before I started memeing?
>What an egotistical little cunt.
i mean, you could certainly call me egotistical but how is john wiles memeing an aspect of that?
it seems pretty clear to me m8
Voyage of the Damned
ah, that's why
I don't watch the christmas specials
Please don't make fun of my beliefs
oh yeah, i guess it is kind of egotistical
all the more reason to do it
me and wiles are similar in a way - we're both unrecognised geniuses who get ATTACKED by those who don't believe in us
8th for foon
Next you'll comment on how the sky is blue.
I've always liked this meme.
>Well? They ain't gonna lick themselves, user.
RTD writing at it's best - big fatty fat people shoving fatty foods into their big fatty fat mouths and they look funny and they they die for being big fatty fatsos.
Also they are sweating all the time and farting.
Lovely tolerant and progressive writing from the 'maestro' there.
I am sure that stopped bullying in schools.
so i was researching foon and found this video. turns out she was in voyage of the damned. is it just me or does the old guy fart around 1:20?
>Well? They ain't gonna lick themselves, user.
I wonder how many jars of jam she had to buy to get that.
next time you can suck my balls you interfering patronizing gobshite :D
it will make a change from you sucking cats' asshole
hahaha what the fuck
You're fucking disgusting. You are a disgusting being. You're the filth of humanity. Fucking pedo, just die.
>is it just me or does the old guy fart around 1:20?
Kek, I think he does. I wonder if that was scripted (THAT'S RUSTY!) or an "ad-lib", so to speak.
she genuinely looks genetically damaged
reminder this is an episode that happened
Fucking hell RTD, you couldn't even edit out the fart? I bet he secretly fapped to that.
how the fuck does that work. Is the police box prop actually bigger on the inside?
Yeah the BBC figured out dimensional transcendentalism in about 2002 that's why they revived to show.
No he's just saying "ah".
/who/ nose?
No thankies, I'm not one for raisins, capt. obvious.;)
It's just a cardboard cutout picture placed in the back.
>Mfw one of my Tardisi has the same on the inside
big fatty fatso dies because he's a big fat cunt!
Hey now clearly that railing wasn't up to health and safety codes.
it sounds like a fart. i'm just gonna pretend it's a fart because it's funnier that way
Colin was on set for Voyage for some reason.
Filming a minisode with RTD
no he's not...
wowie RTD is a big guy
i just thought he was a little chubby
This looks so awful. I don't regret not having seen it.
>there were fans who desperately wanted an in-universe-explanation for Capaldi's double-role
hope they're hapy
He's bigger than Colin and Colin's a pretty big guy.
iirc the capaldi episode is much better although I can't really remember it
i liked it desu
Calm down lefty. How's it hanging by the way?
Moffat refers to him as the giant welshman doesn't he?
I didn't mean to click the Capaldi one tbqh fampai
who's the biggest doctor who related person?
is it ian mceice?
I just got to season 17. Gotta cherish these last moments before the mentally ill orgy addicted homosexual ruins everything. At least his pimp made a cool version of Shada to prolong it.
season 18 is p good
Bernard Bresslaw was 6' 7"
Just remember the last two seasons of classic who are the best.
tell me about the ice warriors. Why do they wear a mask.
someone post the interview from the old guy
>"I hate Doctor Who I just did it for the money, no big deal."
That's it.
>They ain't gonna lick themselves, user.
I dunno. Probably so they don't get cold faces or something.
Why does its death look so hilariously shit? The guy does the fakest gunshot ever and then it just cuts to the pig dropping vertically out of frame. Whoever directed this was fucking hopeless
I need to see his feet
>Whoever directed this was fucking hopeless
Keith Boak, the guy who single-handedly managed to kill Eccleston's enthusiasm for the show
Keith Bok?
Anything interesting in the behind the scenes stuff with Tom Baker and Lalla Ward in the new big finish shit?
>No. They are mostly piss poor parodies of dw stories.
Benny stories without the Doctor have their own atmosphere of surrealism.
Where else in DW clone of main character goes from soap opera to Earth president and all main characters affected by time-space teleport sex pollen?
Should i watch the entire RTD era including spin-offs in chronological episode order?
holy shit RTD looks like an older version of my brother
if you want to, sure
You should watch the entire of everything since 1963 in chronologiclal order
>tfw I realise I'm a footfag
Why am I a foot fag?
kek i just showed him this picture and he's in denial
stop fishing for replies m8
wait, you realise you're a footfag after posting the 'lick my boots user' in the last 5 threads?
even your own brother thinks you're a cunt
>ywn lick those feet
>dodo will never inspect the toy train in your pants
I was memeing at first but ice realised today I really am a foot fag :(
>dodo will never stare at your penis like this
Well then embrace it somewhere else, /who/ really doesn't need someone posting this shit multiple times in every thread.
>ywn come home to dodo after a long day at work
>ywn fuck her with the lights on
Meeting Peter Davison at a con tomorrow
What should I say to him
>ywn have a threesome with dodo and a monoid
Ask him if he wants to do another Five-ish Doctors
Ask him if he likes crudite. Ask him when he'll do a 5-ish sequel.
>"come into the tardis with me user. it's bigger on the inside and so am i ;)"
wtf are those tardis windows on the right?
Tell him you loved him in Nekromanteia
You see /who/, by spamming obsessive nonsense about Dodo I have shown Fady user the error of his ways. In the same way that nobody cares about Dodo, nobody cares about Fady but him. When he posts about performing various sexual acts with the character, he chips away at the foundation of good, Christian posts keeping this general together. Let's keep /who/ on-topic, and more importantly, let's keep it heterosexual.
bless bliss
Will you just fuck off cats.