Do any of you military fags that have actually been on a mission have trouble sleeping? I can't sleep correct anymore...

Do any of you military fags that have actually been on a mission have trouble sleeping? I can't sleep correct anymore, how do I fix this?


I keep trying that, it doesn't help much.

seriously though i went through the whole sleep evaluation before i exited the military i was having trouble sleeping and i still do to this day. The only thing that has worked for me is either drinking or working out. Except for the weekends i work out to the point were i am worn the fuck out and i sleep fine. Drinking is great and all but shitting liquid and liver damage arent fun

It's called not being a pussy

I try man but I keep having dreams of being on fire, the smoke I can feel it entering my lungs. This has destroyed all of what I used to enjoy. I get the feeling that you understand.

Are you imply you're a veteran? No one and no branch calls its a "mission" and asking for tips on how to deal with it? If you've been combat and have trouble sleeping because of it obviously you don't know about to help others.

you need a therapist or something bud i have my bad memories from my tour but nothing that i havent been able to supress.

Klonopin supresses nightmares

just shut up faggot

Grunts don't but a lot of them do, kind of like taking an objective.

im 0331 but i've never heard a pog say it either

Possibly your mind is too active when you're trying to sleep. If those thoughts are stressful, you're releasing brain chemicals that won't let you sleep. Try this trick - count backwards from 10,000 by 7. Your brain will focus on doing the math, block out all other thoughts, and let you get some sleep.

>No one and no branch calls its a "mission"
>Are you imply

you're the one stealing valor because you stay up too late playing CoD and need help getting to bed on time for school, and im the faggot?

1) Go to the gym every day
2) only drink with other people (never alone, if no one wants to drink with you suck it up and don't drink)
3) if you can't sleep after lying down for 30 minutes take 5mg of melatonin and lie there until morning
4) Whether you slept 8 hours or 1 hour or didn't sleep at all, always get out of bed in the morning. You'll fall asleep easily the next night.
5) don't romanticize or rationalize what you did, no one else cares and neither should you.
6) hire a prostitute to peg you with a horse sized dildo feelsgoodman.rar; feelsgoodman.r00
7) Do your best.

Thanks man

post pics of step 6 plz

Desert Storm in 91, Iraqi Freedom in 03,04,05.

Convoy Ops and Counter IED patrols. Occasional Mortars and Katyushas at night or at dawn.

My solution.... birthdays.....over time it all gets less and less. At first I couldn't sleep until I had secured the house locked doors and windows..... I forced my self to quit doing that.

When I can't sleep I read a book, something non fiction and how to.... Like home repair... gets my mind off the hamster wheel. I had an elliptical machine and that helped burn nervous energy..... I did the alcohol thing too... drank until I passed out. but, that was more destructive than insomnia.. took years to quit but, now I can drink socially with friends a few times a year without vomiting or passing out. :)

So If it is something.. Write it down..... poor every detail into what you write down...... Your subconscious may just be bothering you about it and doing that will satisfy the urge.

Worked for me. I don't dream of medevacs anymore.

are these good tips?

whiskey and morphene, and that only gets me 2-3 hours. sorry brother, i hope it works out for you.

normally just play some call of duty when i can't sleep

I'm sorry dude. I haven't tried any of that yet. Get better man.

Uh... all of them except #6...

Lost a bit of nerve control, can't vidia anymore.

1) Gym, yes.... Stress is released by physical activity.... only benefits here.
2) Drinking... yeah. Limit yourself to drinking with friends... I only drink with friends and keep nothing in the house.
3)I have never used Melatonin.....If I can't sleep I just get up and read a book or work out.
4) Yes, routine wakeups and sleep time is good for you. pre sleep rituals like brushing teeth and such tells the body it is time to shut down for 8 hours.
5) I say the opposite. Care. Care a lot. Write it down..... it's like popping a pimple or something. All that anxiety is from trying to bottle it up and be tough. Share or don't share with others as you feel comfortable... I know one guy that wrote letters he would throw away or destroy. That made him feel better.
6) Ummm maybe work up to a horse sized dildo? I think I would rather prefer to just do the unthinkable..... and go full missionary on a CisHetFemale normal..... That's just me.
7) The best is all anyone could ever ask of anyone. Never go half ass, always use your whole ass.

got any fireworks you can kick back with? they always get me chilled n sleepy

thanks. i have a kid...she's what keeps me going.

Shit you not, I sleep better when I hear the fellas next door shooting.

Cut out any self medication and get more exercise... This is not nearly as easy as it sounds though, but it is doable.

Speaking to a professional and just airing shit out in a room alone is also something that should go hand in hand with this.

I resisted this for a decade because it sounded like it was for fags. Wait long enough though without aid and you'll end up with a panic attack (or worse) like I did.

>37 WM former semi-alpha checking in

i'm being dead serious bro some people look at me like i'm crazy but the noise just lets me not think which helps. normally have a hot whiskey if it's cold out

The noise helps.


We need a YouTube channel with combat sounds that run long enough to fall asleep to.

DS and IF fag again.

Generators...... A running diesel generator...... that fucking hum is a lullaby..... I should have made a recording.

There's been some research with using xtacy for depression and ptsd. Do some research. Stop fighting for your country. They don't care about you

Yeacondition your mind to fall asleep next time you drive

We learned the hard way. The problem is fixing it.

There is a difference between falling asleep to the sound and standing the watch.

Never been a problem for me and I live in the western states....It is an hour or more on highways to get to anything worth doing.