Is PC Music still relevant?

is PC Music still relevant?

> inb4 it never was

if not what else is relevant as per "the future of pop music"

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It's not I guess, Hannah is still great through. Waiting for her new album.

I think EDM is slowly dying, that article was right, the chainsmokers are nickleback of EDM.....
The DJ's are also becoming unaffordable for clubs to hire.

Pop music will be the same generic garbage its always been
It wont take any risks lest it lose precious teenage retard money

Pop music seems pretty stagnant though, after 8 years of meme rap, edm, and poptamism.

I want like some metal to come barreling down upon all the pop faggots and ruin everyone who cant adapt and laughed about rock being dead.

but thats just a wet dream

That's an even bigger unimaginative wankfest than pop.

Pop music is too scared to absorb metal because metal is an off putting,scary and loud for normies.

But doing something like fusing death metal with pop might lead to weird new musical places.

But as i said, pop music is going to stay the same generic shit its always been, its a product meant to extract wealth from normies and get radio plays

>metal is an off putting,scary and loud for normies
Metal is a caricature, even glam rock was less image obsessed and saw its front men sport less makeup. It already became pop as in popular music with the 80s and the advent of hair metal, then it simply ran its course and fell out of favour in lieu of different sounds.

there are different types of metal you plebe.

I want to wake up in a world were the top 40 is filled with death growls.

That would be funny

Aren't they producing half of Charlie XCX's new album? At least Sophie and AG Cook are involved for sure.

>the chainsmokers are nickleback of EDM
lmfao very true, the soul of the entire edm scene died when selfie came out