>tfw you realize she represents Trump supporters
Tfw you realize she represents Trump supporters
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you got it all backwards, you idiot
>tfw they represent trump supporters
Everything is fucking trump these days
Is it not possible that she was just a femme fatale like any other noir movie? Can that not be a possibility anymore?
>tfw you want to fuck the sheep and not the rabbit
She doesn't you dip
>tfw you want to fuck both, the gazelle and the snow leopard
The world they lived in was
-racism was ok. They would make assumptions based off of others species traits; foxes and weasels are sneaky thieves, bunnies are cowardly, sloths are slow as fuck. The world embraces these stereotypes and no one cries out racism
-species are willfully segregated into different ecosystems
-only animals who possess qualities can be police officers
The world happily embraces these things and everyone is at peace until the Jew Sheep messes it all up
>this delusion
Trump supporters are weak shit. They're always literally getting beat up.
She was
>2 active ISIS terror cells in the US in 6 months
>60+ people brutally murdered
>clearly this is the fault of white, Christian America
You can get your feelings hurt about limiting Muslim immigration or you can get fucking shot. I choose the hurt feelings. Cucks need to get off their high horses and stop making up their own fantasy about what Islam actually is.
no no, Trump supporters hate fags
Where is the real Ben's pic?
fuck off Sup Forums
His comics don't need them anymore.
>60 people brutally murdered by Muslim extremists
>the actual bad guy is the one that wants to stop this shit
Cuck pls. Move to Suadi Arabia if you enjoy Muslims so much.
why does she wear fake glasses?
I don't enjoy Muslims, I enjoy Television & Film, funposting tourist cancer.
Sup Forums redpilled Ben.
Yeah man, fear of brown people, fear of gays and trannies, fear of muh guns getting taken away, fear of atheists taking away Christmas, fuck the SJWs and their tactics.
So I guess you'd be perfectly ok with a potentially radical islamist family in your neighborhood, a trans person teaching at your kid's school and Constitution violations?
>tfw you realize 100% of the viewers of this """movie""" were furries or closet furries
Disgusting I M O T B H F A M
>point out blatant hypocrisy
>I--I bet you're p--probably a hypocrite too
meant for
Not quite.
Let me make it less subtle for you.
And your strategy to defeat this is to Build Wall and Ban All Muslims.
Yeah. That'll work rel gud.
Only in Commiefornia were they are outnumbered. Mexicans didn't do shit anywhere else.
The movie was completed before June 2015, retard.
>blatant hypocrisy
>implying it's not the SJWs who bully people out of their jobs and destroy their lives because of muh hurt fee fees
>Build Wall
This has worked on countless borders from the Great Wall of China to Israel's Wall to the walls erected to stop refugees swarming Europe.
> Ban All Muslims
What he suggested was a halt on muslim immigration until they could be screened better. Considering a number of ISIS attackers in Europe have been "refugees", this seems prudent.
It's not a "ban on muslims". It wasn't even a call to kick muslims out.
Well no. She's clearly Hillary, down to the pantsuit.
>hurt feelings
oi roiddit
They clearly used meme magic when making the movie
No, the great wall of china didn't work as intended. It was too long to defend so the Mongolians had no trouble sieging and raiding. Learn your history.
But Israel's wall has been very effective.
bunes r stupid
Is that Ben "The One-Man Holocaust" Garrison?
>meek and dorky
>treachery is a surprise to everyone
If she's supposed to be a femme fatale, she's a pretty shit one.
She represents jews, you moron.
>Constitution violations
Banning people based on their beliefs is kind of unconstitutional.
>tfw you realize she represents cuteness
She was literally Anita Sarkeesian.
>All major predator characters are male
>All major female characters are prey
>Predators are seen as more threatening and oppressed prey in the past
The old shock collar version of the story was a feminist dystopia.
War is war.
What does this represent?
Anita is just leftist Trump