Just caught this lil bastard. What should I do with him?

Just caught this lil bastard. What should I do with him?

dubs demands you fry him

Dubs and set him free. Outside

cut tail off

Dubs for space Voyage

Take good care of him, treat him well

Place the trap in a plastic container.
Cover the trap with some vegetable oil. Do not cover the mouse's eyes and nose.
Close the container.
Wait for the mouse to wriggle free. Put on rubber gloves and help the mouse, if needed.
Take the container outside and let the mouse go


rolling for space program

>gouge his left eye out then put him in a box.
>put food in box.
>mail to Obama.

dubs demand it


Let it go. Don't be a faggot op, for once in your miserable life


space program R.A.T.

Bake him a little cake.



burn him alive

Feed and water him and keep him alive in that position as long as you can.
Bonus points if you get a horny mouse to rape it.

Double dubbs

Sup Forums


Set him free you dick

give him to my cats


the council of dubs has spoken

needs to go on the ISS

he belongs in space

Make him watch Riddick

post timestamp pic of his wiener!

For fucksake why do all the boring faggots always get dubs.
>set him free
>don't be a faggot free him
Fuck off

trip to enter space

to space it goes

Rolling for space program

because the Lord of dubs hates foggy edgelords like you

btw how is the 8th grade?

Put it down. It'll lose its limbs if you pull it off. Just smack its head fast with a mallet. Fast death.


Life is so unfair huh buddy? Pull the trigger.

Keep him as a pet

Having a bit of fun and being edgy are different things

Put it in a microwave and put q tip up anus.

rolling for this, just trying to get as many dubs on something good and not these edgy kids

Yea cuz your house isnt the one hes fucking up. Go find a board on PETA to post on faggot

Microwave the trap to loosen the glue, then let him go.

prepare the rat for orbital flight

jack off on it

Fuck it

lmfao nice

Was actually comsidering

> will it blend
doo doo do do do........

Doesn't matter, that mouse is ded.

have him bronzed, I guess..


Triple dubs say set him free

I can smell your cheeto breath

animal abuse is a precursor to sociopaths

which is a precursor to being a AIDS-riddled edgelord who screams "cuck" and "MAGA"... OR "I'm with her" depending on your political leanings

fly the fucker

>how is the 8th grade?

Whoah you won the argument. Hands down. Let's all just log off cause this grown up just accused someone of being in middle school.

The mouse will be sent to space to live out the rest of its days and nothing can change that now.


Quadruple dubs*


Fuck you, we want to see his penis

OP jerk off the mouse!

Aw shit nigga winrar

Make it bite your dick

if that gif ended with a "reply or..." i was gonna lose it

aw shit nigga a faggot

>fucking up

Its a fucking mouse. Last time I checked haven't we caused several species to go extinct? Fuck humans, I could give a shit less but the animals didnt ask for this.

Let it go

Take a big bite out of his stomach. And post pics


let him live

WE aren't abusing it. OP is.

What I would do is just throw him out

So i just aquire aids from wanting a mouse to touch the stars?





Thank you user and all other dubs of freedom

OP here was thinking off sticking on mouse hole vovering him in peanut butter and cheese forcing them to cannibalize. Thoughts?

hello ground patrol

naw hes getting deep fried i rolled dubs before you

fly rat fly

overrulling with dubs. let him go OP.


yeah but your spelling was retarded m8.

No you acquire AIDS after you go to prison for some dumb shit like trying tout set a church on fire or molest a kid because no decent "lady" will touch you're equally lady-like cock

Shit. 7 sets of dubs for set the little guy free. Well OP?

edgelords btfo
go back to /mlp/ op

>tfw you can't come up with a good insult.
Slimy fucking nigger.

typo mate

Suck its tiny dick

OP here thats actually hilarious. Might do

Why ask for dubs if you're just gonna ignore it? Nvm OP still a fag

set him free bruh

I just want to say that every time someone says freedom it's dubs.
The dubs gods have spoken

Aww, it's so cute and fuzzy, and disease riddled, and the cause of millions of dollars of property damage a year.....
Terminate, with extreme prejudice.

>Slimy fucking nigger
virgin neckbeard detected
kys? yes kys

multiple dubs have said let the mouse free. Dont be a lying faggot

You're the edgelord. Go back to sucking on your helium rig.

Almost every time, but the point stands.