t. homosexual
>I eat really clean
You need to shoop jonah "two fucking footlongs" hill into the background
Let's have another thread where we obsess over monarch mind control slaves
i actually cant tell if this is shopped to make her arm longer or not
Who is this bater fridgerator
>working hard to gain fridgemode
She is at least 25% bodyfat, I know women are supposed to have higher bodyfat than men because they have require necessary fat but come the fuck on
lol this gullible retard had the misfortune of clicking on a conspiracy website and actually believed it
It worked for Jared. And that boy was LAAAAAARGE
How does a hungry skeleton like me go fridgemode?
Fucking haram.
when the little mermaid dives into the ocean that fridge is just gonna sink to the bottom innit?
seriously though do you think the people in charge of casting for the little mermaid have killed themselves yet?
Be a teenage girl who hit puberty.
>breast reduction
Shed honestly look better flat
She wanted a boob job and a BUTT reduction, you illiterate fucktard.
>this is a 10/10 in america
>This doesn't just happen
>butt reduction
so she wants negative ass
how do you get a square waist like that though, I don't get it, she used to be so qt
Not every ugly duckling turns into a swan during puberty.
mah nigga
jose pls
>But you're not just born with this."
With what? You look like something Solid Snake hides in to escape from enemies.
jesus christ
>We did it
What did she mean by this?
i think she's working out wrong
She looks kinda fat desu. I don't know what she's bragging about. Fat arms too.
Oh dang, she actually has tiddies in this pic
>tfw your normal, non-actress friend has a prettier face than you
She skipped chest day
Or too much. She's probably burning any fat that would deposit in the right areas.
That's right, I wasn't born with it. i needed to save for a while to afford my fridge.
Frigidaire or whirlpool?
why are women so fucking retarded?
I don't card what you nerds say, that fat pussy looks delicious
Just imagine for a second what that thing between her legs must smell like
someone tweet this to seth rogen
Smeg, because my wife is a fucking insufferable hipster.
>pierced nips
dating a black man is next
Do you guys think you could win in a fight against Chloe?
She dated Chance fampai
y is the pleb mex kid so disgusted?
>"But you're not just born with this" said the talking refridgerator
She never dated Chance, they were just seen leaving a club together.
Don't say that.
Dumb fucking trump poster
I like it to be completely desu with you
No problemo famborghini
>Still, Moretz admits she does work hard to maintain her appearance.
>Still, Moretz admits she does work hard to maintain her appearance.
>Still, Moretz admits she does work hard to maintain her appearance.
It's literal nigger talk people spammed until you socially conditioned retarded took it up yourselves.
is this a shop
If you "Find power" in an insecurity then it isn't an insecurity.
What the fuck is this fridge saying
>being this booty blasted
I feel bad for you famalam
>Moretz admits she does work hard to maintain her appearance.
>having to admit you're working on your appearance
Kek why even bother then
It's good to see her hard work paying off
Not at all it's a shame when wigger fags like yourself invest anything
> "Yes, the reason I have this body is because I work out seven times a week. Yes, I eat really clean – even though I don't always want to, and I definitely cheat. But you're not just born with this."
yfw you realise she was being sarcastic and ironic
butt reduction?
>white "people"
this 2bh
probably why a lot more negroids come here now
Looks like fucking TARS
All i can think of when i see women wearing high heels is how stupid they will look when an emergency situation arises and they have to run away
You should probably learn how to form a coherent sentence before feeling superior to other people.
she's doing the best with what she has
they take them off and make a run for it, right after they cut their feet with a shattered glass.
high heels aren't the best in a high speed situation but you CAN run in them with enough practice/skill.
We all know that if she didnt have 14yo lv boobs she'd look a lot fitter. It's a lot harder to look skinny with small boobs.
mein sides
>she does work hard to maintain her appearance
Must be tough for her to down that many Hostess snack cakes each day
Her face has never been attractive, and if you think she's gotten worse lately it's probably just because you're a pedo.
daddy my poopoo hurts inside me
Yeah my coworker friend always wears 10+cm heels and I'm totally amazed how perfectly she can move in just about any situation.
Not many woman can do that though, i guess it takes a lot of practice.
hey man thats not cool right
tars is bro
Yeah, that's just objectively not true. If her face wasn't attractive, she wouldn't have been famous, nor would see have been used as pedo-bait for most of her career.
u in the friend zone?
What's that Mexican kid looking at?
Oh, and she didn't have linebacker shoulders or a weird body when she was a kid either. She just looked like a normal girl.
Nothing about her looks normal anymore. That is honestly a weird body, and she should be ashamed of it.