I don't get it. Did the thing "infect" people like a virus, or did it kill them and then construct a replica of its victim?
I don't get it. Did the thing "infect" people like a virus...
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little of both. it absorbed them. you can see this when they open it up and the dogs are being "digested" inside. so basically it just eats them and makes a new one.
Happy birthday The Thing, 34 years old today
except even if there is just a little piece of it, it can still subdue and kill you. that's where you have situations where it needs to be alone for a long time because it needs to sit there and absorb the victim instead of dine and dashing
are there some quality films similar to the thing besides alien?
No but watch The Fly (1986)
I'll buy 34 copies!
No 4k? No thx.
do you have a 90 inch tv? if not it won't matter
The process of "assimilation" invariably kills the assimilant in favor of a replica comprised entirely of Thing tissue. However of course, the creature multiplies based on the existence of a single cell in an appropriate environment where it can attack other cells (and, writ large, organisms), effectively killing each individual cell.
Obviously, when it's actually happening, it's a scene from hell. Characters like Windows, the attacked dogs, and most poignantly Jonas in the prequel (the big-beard guy from Game of Thrones), aren't quite completely dead in the course of their Thingus-Interruptus, but they are of course hopelessly compromised, and therefore the protagonists are obliged to Kill It With Fire.
OP's question is a good question in that it leads us to reject the word "assimilate" itself for multiple reasons. I have preferred the term "kill-fection", which connotes both the actual killings of earthlings and infection a la a virus, all in one word. As an aside, "assimilate" came to be more strongly associated with another famous SF property later on.
>if not it won't matter
You're one of those retards who claim the eye can't see more than 24 or 30 fps too right?
Whatever you need to justify your niggerrig.
It infects you. It doesn't make a duplicate and hide the body like a body snatcher.
can it infect through skin on skin contact?
the thing was like cancer
how autistic do you have to be to construct this?
>look it up real quick
>read the story synopsis
Jesus fucking christ
Watch the prequel.
Despite the men CGI, it is better than the first one.
Also, no one knows what the thing looked like originally.
The existence of this image saddens me.
>better than the first one
not in a million years
I still hate this movie for how bullshit the thing was. Give the survivors some hope, as soon as it showed that even the fucking blood was alive/sentient and apparently fucking everyone is the thing even after they killed it multiple times, I tuned out
It has MEW.
Enjoy your (You)s, faggot
oh wow, a good time to post this from the man himself
If it infects you it gradually replaces your cells. If its large enough to eat you it does that and shits out a thing version of you.
Fuck you man jeff goldbloom turning into a fly should get you hype as shit to watch a movie. You fucking shit taste and should kill yourself immediately
It's not autism, it's a testament to how great the film is. More than 30 years later it still inspires discussion and debate.
Honestly what a fucking masterpiece of a horror movie this is.
So well produced and put together you can accurately pin point key moments in the plot as if it were a visual mystery and not a horror movie.
>Despite the men CGI, it is better than the first one.
Its not like the props from the first aged well.
Fuck you
>34th anniversary of pure kino
>no stream with Sup Forums yet
Maximum autismal retardation.
The Thing is one of the few movies were it's not celebrated to a contrarian shit over- that and Top Gun
>blind people use Sup Forums meme is actually real
Holy shit
good image
Niggers, please. The Thing is in my top 3, as well as Alien. I love these movies but it doesn't mean their props aged well.
Like the silly "robot head to the person's head" transition with Ash in Alien.
Or the Alien itself obviously on a platform sliding through the floor.
Or the dog from The Thing.
Or... ANY prop from The Thing.
They are still great movies and scary because of body horror, but the props are really silly.
Here, let me bring you down some more.
You know Carpenter's wasn't the first, right? It was a remake.
>in my top 3
>the prequel is better
Practical effects will ALWAYS be better than cgi
Reported for making a thread about shittiest piece of shit the cinema ever produced.
I think he was trying to convey his feelings on the body horror plot of the movie.
I would have said the same after reading it.
Sup Forums has gotten to the point where people claim to not like The Thing a d that the effects look bad.
What a time to be alive
The effects from the original aged better in 30 years then the remake 's have in 5
It's a deep fear of looking pleb.
Everyone used to love Tarkovsky and Parajanov, but now they get shit on constantly due to being revered by everyone who doesn't use Sup Forums
Totally, also Star Wars should have had an Unfriendly Station, not a Death Star! And why couldn't they let the poor guy ride around on his sled and be happy instead of dying in Citizen Kane?
But the effects do look objectively bad, they were great for their times and they still cause body horror feelings.
I love The Thing, but I am not just a blind fanboy.
Your mentality is very retarded. It seems that everything you like MUST be flawless, MUST be perfect.
been on Sup Forums less than a year eh kid?
You are allowing for no middle ground.
They're not flawless but that doesn't make them bad. So I'd say your mentality is the retarded one, friendo
pandorum is pretty good
My 34th birthday was yesterday. I was so close to being born on the same day as this movie.
Daily reminder this dog is probably dead now
the only thing I didn't like was how tame and unrealistic their reactions seemed for what was going on around them. The stuff they saw in the ruins of the Norwegian base, for example, was absolutely horrific, and they just kinda brushed it off like "ew" and kept going as though it was nothing
John Carpenter seems like such a cool dude and a hard worker. I'm glad that he got to see in his lifetime appreciate just how good his movies are.
Happy Birthday user
Oh, this thread is still alive.
If you like The Thing, you should read Who Goes There? Nice and short.
Who fucking cares
Don't be a shitlord
The finality of coming into contact with The Thing is what drives the terror scale up dude. Add to it that you're virtually cut off from the world unless you traverse a deadly landscape to possibly reach help, not knowing if you yourself are already infected.
Happy Birthday fellow '82 kin. Best year of the 80's.
I am blind and use Sup Forums.
gave me a boner
Here is a version of this story as told from he point of view of The Thing
Peter Watts The Things, 2010
I'm sorry to hear that user.
This movie inspired a lot of games, didn't it?
Blair himself said it eats then imitates what it eats
being a collective cellular hive capable acting independent of the main body is how it replicated
>this thing is someones "waifu"
First time I ever saw this was on DVD in a darkened room in the middle of the night. Alone.
So then it splits off a piece of itself after it imitates them? So then there's the imitation animal/person and the original "Thing".
This thread makes me want to reread "Who Goes There".
>"No, by the grace of God, who evidently does hear very well, even down here, and the margin of half an hour, we keep our world, and the planets of the system too. Anti-gravity, you know, and atomic power. Because They came from another sun, a star beyond the stars. They came from a world with a bluer sun."
Listened to the Audio book of who goes there and solaris. Listened to Solaris after watching the masterful film in theaters some years ago.
>Daily reminder this dog is probably dead now
The movie is over 30 years old of course the dog is fucking dead
The Tingler
So is The Thing (2011) worth watching?
I can easily look past the CGI, and knowing that it won't be anywhere near as good as Carpenter's. I just want an expansion of the story, but I've heard that there are inconsistencies between the two. Is that true?
Here's a wallpaper for your time.
Not worth it.
Is it that bad?
I haven't seen a stream on Sup Forums in forever this board sucks
This is cool, but I don't like the idea of the thing having a consciousness like that
It's not that bad. Definitely worth watching if you just want to see the thing fuck more shit up
>I don't like the idea of the thing having a consciousness like that
How does it imitate the behavior and speech of its victims once fully transformed if it's not extremely intelligent?
The thing is scary because it is entirely alien and seems to have its own incomprehensible agenda. Being able to read its thoughts, while interesting, removes a bit of what makes it creepy