itt discuss
hello who is this semen demon ?
wow that's subtle
what the FUCK was the purpose of Hank.
which one was Hank again?
He intensified Jesse's fear of penetration (and subsequent loss of her virginal power). He penetrates her with a knife in her warning premonition so she knows to lock the door, frustrating his efforts and causing him to defer to the girl in the next room.
Oh I see. I figured she had already given in to narcissism and that began the degradation of her purity - but this makes sense.
Directing: 9/10
Soundtrack: 9/10
Acting: 8/10
Story: 6/10
She had, but not fully. She was still clinging to it
What was the ending supposed to mean? Why did they eat her? Why was she pushed in an empty pool? Why did the girl kill herself and the other one eat the eye? Whats Rubys role?
Why so many semon demon threads? Did a torrent come out or something?
I think I can see it for free in a few weeks, looks like it's part of the open day.
no it came out in theaters this weekend and believe it or not there are actually people who have left their house and paid money to see it in theaters.
please rename your image to image.jpg
also, who is this semen demon
I went in wanting to like it after liking Only God Forgives and feeling it got unjustified hate by people who just thought it was random and lacked a story. So keep in mind that was my mindset when I say this movie was a total piece of shit and devolved into random pretentious bullshit.
Maybe it really is just too smart for me but I feel like i'm generally attentive and looking for deeper meaning in movies and I got absolutely nothing out of the Neon Demon. When Jesse died I thought the movie was at the half way point, maybe the plot would thicken, its pretty fucking weird I wouldn't have been surprised if she wasn't really dead, but no the movie simply lacks a plot, good characters, themes, or anything else to make it good. Her death and everything after it feel totally retarded and empty. It officially becomes random nonsense after Jesse's stage closing, before that I didn't even think it was good but I thought there was potential for it to turn into something more interesting.
The trailer is so much better than the movie. The music and visuals/lighting are so good its actually unfitting for the movie they're in. If there's something i'm just not getting by all means explain it to me.
How were the lesbo scenes
It's because Jesse was pure (She is both natural beauty and a virgin) They ate her to be more beautiful like she is, and they just can't achieve natural beauty that way.
>paying money to see movies
made me want to mix up my sex life
This is pretty much how I felt
What was going on with the upside down triangles?
>everything after it feel totally retarded and empty. It officially becomes random nonsense
It's symbolic of how the industry devours innocence and how women tear each other apart in order to feel beautiful again
Pretty much this, except I would probably give the story 7/10 just because it reminded me of the stories about Elizabeth Bathory.
Whoever does the visuals and music for Refn's movies are nothing short of gods
That necrophilia scene[/spoiler}
I have a hard hitting question about the ending of this kino
What do you guys think Elle Fanning tastes like?
Would YOU eat her?
google countess bathory
the other model wasn't as sociopathic as abbey lee, she felt bad
Well yea but thats very surface level and simple. There is nothing wrong with that, im not saying its bad, but that idea doesn't justify such complex visuals and story telling when its really just that simple.
It's a satire of the cannibalistic nature of the beauty/modelling industry. The main women represent: True beauty/virginity/purity, inner beauty/womanhood/maternalism(?), faux beauty, and lost beauty. They eat Jesse to gain her virginal power to mixed reactions. Faux beauty gains from it in the industry and isn't phased as her morality is aesthetic itself. Lost beauty is unable to ever regain it and thus rejects it completely. I'm still struggling with Ruby/Inner beauty but I'm assuming it has to do with a rebirth or something. The rebirth/recycling of femininity/purity. That also ties into the death fetish/ sexual lust contrasting with Jesse's young and naive virginity. Just my opinion. Don't listen to vampire posters.
what's her fucking problem?
the 3 women- ruby and the models
yeah I don't think refn understands women very well, think of it as human nature not women's nature
after all the women were like that bc they were in the system where they had to please the insane standards the men (photographers, designers) set, all while being preyed upon and having no security, job safety or physical safety
>I ate her.
What a god.
Why must the story be really complicated to justify great visuals and music? When I watch Refn films for the first time, I usually just concentrate on the visuals and the music.
I liked OGF too, mainly because it's simply a crime drama told in a very dialogue free way.
This movie however, seems to be going straight edge for a while, and then just focuses more on the critique of beauty/obsession with it. If you don't view it in the latter way then the eyeball puking scene, drenching yourself in DNA evidence, and characters just dropping off from the face of the earth will just seem like bad directing.
inner beauty- maybe like an appreciation of beauty, desire for beauty (for beauty itself, not just to be yourself beautiful like the models wanted), to literally consume it and have it in you
most direct parallels with the director's role
She is unreal, first saw her in mad max
>in the incandescent glow of the city, it has become apparent that I am the Neon Demon
Was she the most interesting character?
I dont think it needs to be complicated but like I said originally it felt very pretentious and I was disconnected from the movie because I was not invested in any of the characters or plot, and the symbolism was not meaningful enough to replace those things. Like the necro part was really long but had an incredibly low level of substance to it. Yes it was as well shot as that could of been and the music is good but I just didn't care that much.
the qtest
I agree that the film's characters and the story could have been told in a better way. Like I said for me visuals and music is enough for me to love a film, but I get where you're coming from. Maybe his next film will be better in that department.
goat soundtrack pham imo
too bad it's made by his cousin who isn't a really good musician and tries to piggyback of Nicolas
>made fun of whole movie for being korean tier plastic
>irl all natural
Found it ironic that the director character who should know natural beauty would think a girl like this is artificial. Shows that these kinds of people will rationalize/justify their aesthetic preferences and hold them as objective metrics.
Over his last 3 films it's pretty obvious that style IS substance for Refn.
Necrophilia scene was unnecessary. It didn't show us anything besides Jenna Malone really thirsting for Elle Fannings fanny. Prove me wrong tv
you're thinking too hard. not everything in film has to be able to be distilled down into very discrete symbolism that you can explain in a paragraph. that's what the artform is for, you dingus; visual/audio representation of a thought/theme/idea.
I felt like he made the characters just symbols or metaphors in the latter half the film, so I can kind of forgive him for making the characters unlikable.
What really can't be forgiven though is the casting of Keanu. Apparently he was supposed to be menacing, but I walked out of the movie thinking he was supposed to be comic relief and that Jesse was just being paranoid.
Maybe it's just because I can't take Keanu's acting seriously.
Did any of you overheard what members of audience thought about the film? I saw the film two weeks ago and people a lot of people hated it and thought that film made no sense. A lot of them were actually laughing nervously and covering the screen with their hands during certain scenes at the end. I don't think people even got the cannibalistic parts at all.
My theater just had me, a couple, and a pair of women in their 50s in it. I think it took awhile for the women in their 50s to get it because they kept giggling at early bits of dialogue for some reason. But by the end, everyone seemed pretty engaged. We all stayed through the credits.
my audience liked it
this movie sucked ass
I thought that too, what the hell was up with that
Some girls started giggling during the necro scene. And me and my friends laughed out loud at the REAL LOLITA SJIT line
There were two teenage girls beside me in the theatre and I had no idea why they were there. I made them laugh after I wondered aloud during the trailer for Café Society how Jesse Eisenberg keeps getting work.
Is the vice interview with refn worth watching
Ok, but why? Like what's the point of it representing a uterus?
yes there is some decent information and symbolism explained about OGF
Use your mind you dingus.
moar bella
They laughed way too much at the movie, but I heard some girls say they loved that it was the best of both worlds - that it was artistic yet ridiculous.
There's just something about a movie being categorized as horror that brings in the worst movie goers. I'm just glad there weren't black people in there or it would have been worse.
fucking normies, get out of my theater REEEEE
My audience laughed throughout the movie.
They laughed at all the Keanu Reeves moments, and every other quippy piece of dialogue by a model made them laugh.
Audiences laugh way too fucking much at movies.
>Are you food or are you sex?
She was both.
Also, that one mythical story where a woman bathes in the blood of beautiful girs. Was also used in a horror movie of the last years
the three of them wanting the power of her virginity/purity? Jesse embracing her desires and starting to become corrupted by the industry hence blue to red?
My noggin hurts pa.
I have been feminised into an angry lampshade
Don't think about it too much. Just watch it in meditative trance. It will transcend you mind behind the understandable universe.
Because vampires
So were Jena's Malone's tattoos real or nah?
Drive>Neon Demon>Valhalla Rising>Only God Forgives>Bronson>Fear X
I haven't seen the Pusher flicks
It meant that her beauty/sex was purely superficial. For what Jesse's value is to her, it wouldn't even have mattered to Ruby if Jesse was dead!
I was the only one in my theater desu
Faggot, I got hard
Interesting Point, I understood, the whole morgue issue, that the morgue sort of represented the agency she worked at and the corpse was one of the "dead" models, so she was sleeping with someone who was dead inside and thinking about the person she loved (not sure about the love part).
Someone just burst out of laughing during the eye vomiting scene (I kind of understood her, the way the girl who watch the other vomit acts is just so weird and unsettling...).
I honestly really LOVED this. I had high hopes and while it wasn't really what I was expecting (more horror desu) it was still really great. The soundtrack and he visuals kept me interested the entire time and my waifu Elle bouncing around in her bra and panties with her puffy bits jiggling around was some nice eye candy.
It was kind of sad watching Jesse start off as an innocent shy child to quickly get literally eaten up by the modeling world
Seems like to would be fun to watch on drugs
wow Refn, how unique and original
What this film tried to do message-wise, Showgirls did 10 times better 20 years ago.
Refn is a visual director first and foremost, and that's all you should look for in his flicks. And that's not a condemnation, that's a compliment, because he's one of the most inventive and arresting visual directors working today.
>implying presentation isn't a more effective means to convey a message than plot
>seems like to would be fun to watch on drugs
I was actually thinking of going to film theater again, but I'm afraid paranoia will take over me. Maybe I should just wait for the blu-ray like I did with other Refn films.
I don't understand lesbian sexuality at all (I know how girls want to get fucked by me, namely roughly, so I DONT understand the way in which a girl wants sex with another girl) and I highly doubt Refn does.
So if we think about Ruby as if she was guy, she/he just had the hots for her. Like when you see a beautiful 14yo girl and it hurts a little because you know it's wrong (pic related, an actress).
The guys in the movie, also want to have her/fuck her because she's beautiful, not necessarily because she's hot. She's like a baby/child, not a Monica Bellucci kind of sexy.
It's true that Ruby is the "normal"/basic woman in the movie, and she has to do with vagina in the movie (may it be pleasure through sex, masturbation, of giving birth / squirting blood). Someone above wanted to relate her with "inner beauty" - I don't see that at all.
I also think one must drop all logic when it comes to the sudden character changed when she "steps inside the triangle" and kisses her mirror image. (And she later is killed when in the triangle)
Verhoeven apologists pls leave. Showgirls was good fapping material but the film itself was trash.
does being symbolic automatically mean "good"?
Stay mad, plebs
Showgirls is top-tier trash-kino
No, and no where did I imply that. But the guy said it was empty and random when it wasn't.
should I go see this or Finding Dory tonight Sup Forums?
You can watch Finding Nemo at home. Neon Demon requires a big screen and soundsystem.
I enjoyed watching the normies sit through the film. Especially the group of teenage girls that probably bought tickets just because "horror film, set in da LA, starring a teenage girl, cool LOL"
>teen girls don't have Sophisticated Tastes like Me
I laughed a lot, very fun movie, very well made.
Someone left when Abbey Lee first try to suck the blood of Elle, another one during the cannibal scene.
They were taking fucking selfies before the film. REEEEEEEEEEEEeeee
>I don't understand lesbian sexuality at all
Not really difficult to get. Most lesbians like it rough because that's how most girls like it, bi girls will tell you that it's more about sensuality and the beauty of the woman's body. It's more about sharing than straight sex, which is a more about being manhandled.
Jesus christ are you incapable of thinking for yourself? You really couldn't draw any sort of conclusions after you watched it? I'm not trying to be an asshole, I just can't imagine someone who is unable to think critically if they've had at least one literature class in their life
I laughed during that scene, pretty sure it was supposed to be funny
>I don't think refn understands women very well
he`s a fucking autist, what did you expect
speaking of horror, is it more of a horror film? like jump scares and shit? or is it more horror in the sense of like gore and disturbing shit.