ITT: Scenes women will never understand
ITT: Scenes women will never understand
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He had bear magic.
why do you hate women out of curiosity?
They are uninteresting and dumb.
Have you ever spoken to a woman that actually enjoys films, bands, books etc for what they are? They only pretend to like them for attention.
>Implying it has anything to do with hate
>Implying acknowledging differences is the same thing as hate.
>Implying that everyone has an identical mindset
radical feminist please go, genders exist
Because women hate him.
Those feels
Any war movie, really
Women will NEVER understand this.
women are dumb, they suck
they have the plebbiest taste
holy shit context
LITERALLY can't understand since women don't feel remorse or empathy or sense of duty.
R u 12 and what is this?
Producer: Paula Wagner
Producer: Cathy Konrad
Adapted from comic book cowritten by Lynn Varley
They will in 20-30 years.
he realized it was his wifes son
This entire movie
>They are uninteresting and dumb.
Then don't jerk off to them.
And I say jerk off because you'll never date one.
so they did blow while the real artists did all the work?
general saved his lord's son in battle
lord is mad that a the general risked his own life to save a baby
>Not the Director, or Actor, or Writer
Get fucked cuck
You can date women you don't like. It's easy. Don't you remember when he used you?
>producers are in charge of writing the script and directing the movie
its like youre begging to be called a dumb faggot
wow great, so they threw money at the project hoping to get returns
ok i must be caitlyn jenner because i dont understand why he would throw the baby for that
To show how he can always fuck more women to produce more heirs, but his generals are unique.
It's also based on the romance of 3 Kingdoms so the incident is probably dramatized.
>Nearly throw away the life of a valued tactician, warrior and friend for an essentially useless baby
But that show was rubbish and that mulatto rapper can't act for shit.
>hell on wheels
Sorry it didn't have enough tits and explosions for you, kiddo. ;^)
>L0L go watch mikey bay, kiddo XD XD
The show was atrociously written and poorly researched. Get raped.
>pedo waifu board
>hating women
it's just cross posting Sup Forumseddit meme parasites mate
>Muh history
>Muh accuracy
I bet you're the kind of faggot who thinks game of thrones' writing is actually good
I watch this show with my mum and she totally understood this, what's not to understand
No, I liked the first season, the rest has been just ok. But that show's always been more about spectacle. Of course this has nothing to do with your garbage show. One is a high fantasy, the other fancies itself a period drama based off of things that happened in real life.
sorry to samefag, but my mum also suggested this movie to me. I watch a lot of shows with my mom, after all, a boy's best friend is his mother.
And she wouldn't even harm a fly.
every western is loosely based on historical events that are tangentially inaccurate.
On the whole the program is accurate about the motivations of westward expansion and the interaction of former confederates and blacks and micks as well as carpet baggers leaving the south and going west
whoops, forgot to say that this film is pretty much the basis of Cullen Bohanon
So why do people call the TMNT movies Michael Bay movies? People seem to flip flop the definition of producer depending on who it is. Fucking pathetic reddit. F8Ck r3ddit
>On the whole the program is accurate about the motivations of westward expansion and the interaction of former confederates and blacks and micks
Not at all. Common's character would have been lynched in hot minute for talking and behaving the way he did. He was portrayed like uppity 21st century BLM activist, not a former slave in a legitimately hostile and racist environment.
uh huh, yeah that should have happened, oh wait it almost did
That show lasted 5 whole seasons? Holy shit. I dropped that show after season one. I knew it got a second season but after season 2 I never saw any advertisements or heard anyone online or in real life ever talk about it.
>Ivy IRL
what film
This, I only saw a couple episodes but the show was pretty basic and easy to follow.
Do you guys think this is a woman or a beta cuckboy?
>you guys
You're on your own, faggot.
Found the woman that doesn't understand FILM
The last GoT episode
They literally cannot comprehend how the battle actually went at all, why arrows were fired at bolton's own men etc.
most guys nowadays want to be women. Not me.
Do trans understand these scenes?
>pretentious: the article
>nothing to say but I can fill a page with words
they can't hack it, they wont be drafted
I agree with You are a faggot who should talk to more girls.
>most guys nowadays want to be women.
>thinking this is an actual article
Look at the upper left corner, you fucking mong.
sorry my english isnt perfect
In American current times, it is the trend for boys to take pills and grow estrogen yes?
Well, it is from Schopenhauer. It's his essay On Women and it's quoted textually.
Can't believe this hasn't been posted yet. I see so much talk of Taxi Driver on this board yet somehow never see mention of this particular scene, which from the first time I saw it 9 years ago has stuck with me ever since more than anything else. I think this scene triumphs any other part of Taxi Driver, as well as gives us the perfect idea of what Travis is, and has become in such a barren and cold society, as well as offering a reflection to the viewer if you've ever spend countless nights alone and isolated, from unrequited love or just a world that shuts you out no matter how hard you attempt to be a part of it.
No. It sounds like you've been brainwashed by Sup Forums into thinking the entire country has become a gender bending dystopia.
I hope you realize the whole "hurr not nuff splosions 4u?" is a horribly autistic reddit response to differing opinions
if you get the opportunity you should kill yourself
Teared up
Then scrolled down
Women lack an appreciation for greatness.
t. Woman
>spend countless nights alone and isolated, from unrequited love or just a world that shuts you out no matter how hard you attempt to be a part of it
My firsts thoughts when I started reading you post were "use fucking spaces in between sentences". But that last sentence is fucking magic.
I can't think of ANYTHING more difficult for a woman to understand than the sorrow of a man alone in the world; without guidance or love of any kind.
Women have it easy in that regard. Even if they avoid social situations, sooner or later they are going to find someone who's going to drag them back into "reality".
Men only have one option: toughen up. And most fail. And the suicide rates keep going higher and higher for men around the world.
we get it
>mfw the entire world thinks US males want to become women
I'm not sure they won't understand it. But thinly veiled opportunity to post connan.
Schopenhauer also believed that being born was a mistake, which he would have avoided if he could.
I mean he was right but still
muh dikkkkkkk
It happens but it's more common that masculinity and masculine traits are beginning to be looked down upon by loud groups in the country
Your english is pretty good btw
>more common
it's not, actually. It's just Sup Forums putting a magnifying glass on a small smudge in the room while things like sports exist
I think he talking about NWR.
Do you think she got wet ?
What do you mean?
Thank you.
Sup Forums is a paranoid schitzophenic homeless person that yells about miniscule transgender shit while most of the US still praises muscle and testosterone
holy shit ive never actually sweated in real life from seeing ass but now i have