Would you ever agree to go on Dating Naked?

Would you ever agree to go on Dating Naked?

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No, because I don't have the body of a model.

Also I'm not a loathsome tool.

Nah. Seems a bit pointless really, since once the novelty of seeing other people naked wears off, you're just left feeling a bit awkward. You could just do everything in clothes and it would be exactly the same. I don't get it.

Seems like it'd be cold.

Can this cuck meme stop? It's not funny.

>all the black men and white women mirin

this show just seems rigged.

Why is her stomach looks like someone blended a 6 pack abs?

Look at the eyes of both of those men. They mirin like in prison.

can we talk about what the hell is going on with her stomach? it looks like a bag filled with rocks

Distension. It looks like something has been beating against the inside of her abdomen.


No, and I'm a nudist. The show is clearly played up as a joke and for the people to just have sex.

Me on the right

Right is a total qt

Neither does that woman


A fitness model actually
Visible abs

Those are not abs. Nobody has 15 mini abs scattered around their abdomen.


What is that expression meant to convey?

Golem get ye gone

Just how fucking puritanical and up tight does a country have to be to actually blur out nudity on TV?


Have you ever had a sneeze fizzle out on the way to your nose?


>What now, you piece of filth?

Is that Merkel on the left?

>lefts tits are bigger than hers
>right is censored

>not wanting to be seen naked
>not loathsome.

No, my dick is really small.


Roid gut.

What's wrong with her stomach? Looks like she's injected cottage cheese into it. Is this what a naked woman looks like?


in my country we have the same thing except it isnt fucking censored americucks

Well that makes sense. Animal genitalia isn't normally censored.

>guy on the left has bitchtits due to HGH
>girl looks like she has intestinal cancer
>the nigger is...well, a nigger

why does she have biglenny type of abs?

Who do you think has the bigger benis, Sup Forums?

Do they actually blur the contestants' genitalia and breasts in the American version?

what has been seen cannot be unseen...
She doesn't do the "Merkel Raute" though


No. Because I'd bring ratings down after people watch my episode.
No one wants to see a thin framed but beer gutted nerd with a average dick and a shy personality get a hard on every 2 minutes, act like a goober around a woman.

Yeah, it sucks cause there are a lot of "naked" TV shows in America now too. Naked and Afraid for instance. I want to watch these shows without the blurring.

He's looking at her gut that looks like a nylon sack stuffed full of socks & towels.


what's wrong with that chicks stomach

fuck is wrong with that girl's stomach

Botched liposuction.

>girls will choose this over eating properly

First a Golem Then a Water Hag Post more real life monsters so we can start hiring a witcher to clean this board.

>neither man looking at the female but at each other's dicks

n-no homo...

Not around niggers. because my above average dick would still look small

Where did everything go so wrong


As someone who isn't a virgin, I can tell you that being naked gets pretty old pretty fast. The only benefit I guess would be the psychology of "being exposed" - you've both got nothing to hide so to speak.

It is the truth of our modern liberal society

You will be cucked and you will like it!

u wot m8

sometimes i just walk around the house naked, feel the cool air on my nuts.

yeah same here. but being around some darky with a much larger dick and better body would be annoying as shit,you know that is all they notice about you

I meant with someone else

no my flaccid dick is very small and only i am allowed to see it

shit that reminds me of a venezuelan kid that was in my PE class. We'd go to the showers all together and this guy had what we called a turtle dick it was literally only head we never knew where the shaft went.

>both guys looking at each others dicks

So mad that best girl got kicked out

Why would you need to not be a virgin to be familiar with the experience of being naked.

People shower and stuff, you know?

thats literally my dick and im 6.5 inches erect

yeah but non virgins etc would get all hard and shit. trust me as another non virign here. being nude around girls is different once you get action a lot

Did you just go through an entire season to find a single clip where a white girl was with a black guy?

How new are you? That's the default image for this thread.

Did anyone save that britfag sperging out at the Neon Demon Q&A with Refn?

>downie darko

This is the funny thing about this show. All the guys have better bodies and are fit compared to the flabby or skinnyfat women that go on.


The women that go on the show tend to be really trashy, the guys are generally much better looking. My theory is that they have a hard time finding women to do the show.


Lets face it if you are a woman with a fit body and are willing to be filmed naked you can easily get a gig doing skinimax shit or soft core porn and not have to be on reality TV.





>LOOK AT MEEEEE: the show
I would imagine that none of these narcissists actually end up together for long. A clash of egos that big can't end well.

why does she have roid gut lol

Wtf happed to Vern Troyer?


>mfw I'm Venezuelan and my dick is like that

Looks like she's made of clay

>Would you agree on posting the same fucking thread every few days?

This is Sup Forums, the entire board is nothing but people posting the same handful of threads day after day after day.

A guy I work with is on this season. He's an ABSOLUTE MADMAN

Why are the guys looking at rach other's dicks?

They want to know who the bigger guy is.

It's a test of manhood to see who wins the girl.
They both stare at each others cocks, and the first one to get hard loses.

Really? Did he talk about his experience at all? I think it looks like it would be fun. You get to stay in a dope mansion on a tropical island and just have fun for a bit. Plus, a lot of people have sex on the show so there's that.

That woman's body

Not really he's fuckin super high energy and ADD. I just asked him how that happened (him being on the show) and he spent 30 minutes explaining how he got casted and made me late for a meeting.


I thought I was the only nudist on Sup Forums.
