Can't wait for the fifth one. They have the CGI budget to make Kate Beckinsale still look bangable.
>no micheal
>me giving a shit
Fucking hate how they awkwardly wrote him out of the fourth movie, purposely so they could focus on that shitty daughter plot. The director said it himself that's why they did that. Speedman said he would have came back if they given him something to do.
I have no idea why I watched all of these, I guess I was expecting Vampire The Masquerade, but it wasn't what I got. Still, pretty entertaining desu. Beckinsale is hot as hell in these movies, the history isn't shitty enough for me to drop, the battles are nice and the fourth one may be shit, but Beckinsale is still hot and the chick they got to play her daughter in the movie is finger licking hot as well.
Because they are vampire flicks starring Kate Beckinsale. That's why I watched Van Helsing, too.
Van Helsing and the first Underworld are great movies.
i suggest you look up her latest appearance on graham norton and then go join a monastery and do penance for five years, kate is fucking smoking hot
Yeah, I couldn't fucking believe it. She's almost just as hot as she used to be, twenty fucking years later.
lierally went