Single loser thread

Single loser thread.

How long you fags been lonely? Comin up on 2.5 years for me.

Impress me niggers

Bumping with christina in the mean time




22 years...impressed?

Only 9 months, guess it could be worse like my friend getting cucked for three years and still takes it

Have you tried to get anyone?

33 yrs

31 years, never a GF

I'm not single.
So zero

4 days unfortunately

Don't worry. Your too good for her.

6 weeks. although my ex sucked my dick multiple times this past week. feels good, man.

25 and counting.

23 years

6 years. I met up a tranny prostitute to finally have sex after so many years.

Seems like after being alone for awhile, Guys tend to move to dick. You guys aren't gay, you've only forgotten how good pussy is. Knock this Faggot shit off and pay for pussy.

>pay for pussy
Why? Did it earn the money?

Giving bitches free rides through life feeds their conceit

who is this?

Gf cheated on me a week ago and broke up with me the day after she slept with someone else.
Lost my apartment, car is breaking down, no friends or family where I am moving to, no money, only debt.
Knowing she is the best I probably could ever get tears me apart.

I just want to die

11 months. When do I stop loving my ex so that I can try to interact with other human beings?

About 3 years

Fuck once or twice a week with a fwb but nothing serious, tried dating my buddies cousin but she's kinda crazy and I've already stuck my dick in crazy once.

Had a 5 year relationship before in my 20's, turned from bad to real bad and left a sour taste in my mouth, I fucking hate relationships now because I straight up don't trust a person's word

Been like a month. Although, I've never done too well with committing to a girl. Honestly though, if I've go money pulling doesn't seem so hard.

Just go to a bar with a friend. Make a fucken effort to look good. Exercise, dress yourself properly, be clean, don't smell, if you have facial hair, either shave it or make it fucken tidy you idiot. talk to girls, believe in yourself - done.

Girls want cock. And they want to flirt with guys, and if they don't, there will be a bunch who do, so just be confident and enjoy yourself. Tinder makes everything about a zillino times easier too.

If she cheated on you she is not the best you could get. Hell she isn't even remotely decent

Same fag here

A bitch has a job as long she has a pussy

all my life im 26... OP 2.5 bitch please

Hahahah you stop when you meet the replacement.

18 years...

Every relationship i've had the girl has always left me, this is the 2nd time a girl has cheated on me and broke up with me right after.
I must be poisonous to be around, that is all i can think of

>24 years
>total virgin

If you whittle it down, for most of you can you deny that the reason you've not been w a girl in ages is because of fear and laziness. Fear and laziness the reasons for most of your problems in life?

I'm 33 and I've been single my entire life. Virgin, also.

just about a week here.


It'll be 3 weeks this friday. She was a crazy psycho bitch and I am glad that she is out of my life for good.

23 years. Fuck off normie. Go eat a vagina or something you faggot.

10 years exactly. I hadn't been counting

20 years

One one has ever shown interest in me.

No one*

ever tried escorts?

Mmmmm, vagina is delicious. Get some in your mouth bro.

Sex for sex's sake doesn't appeal to me much, especially if it's coming from a stranger. Never being in relationship bothers me much more than the virginity thing.

interest is a kinda a two person interaction.

Exactly. That's why I've been single all my life.

I've been interested in many women (and a few men) over the years, but the feeling has never been reciprocated, as far as I can tell.

26 years


had a really bad experience with my first gf out of highschool. spent 4 years raising a kid that wasn't even mine because i was a retarded trusting dude.

its been 6 years since i found out, and i've avoided any relationships since. mostly i fuck hookers when the urge gets beyond jerking off. every year or so i'll hook up with a girl out of my better judgement, ends with me fucking them and blocking their number the next day.

Technically, over for 4 years. Last one I was gonna propose to her and have a family and stupid shit.

God damn dodged a bullet with that one.