Trips decides what I yell out in class

Trips decides what I yell out in class.

Easy, "nigger."


Totally, "nigger" it is.

All niggers need to suck my microdick

Profanity is the effort of a feeble brain to express itself forcibly

i want to brutally murder all of you

also, post a pic of your class with a timestamp faggot

>Implying all of Sup Forums isn't simple minded
Go vape somewhere else, cheeto munching fedora fag

Im the king of toothpaste island. I wish i could find my kiity cat a safe pair of shooes.

It'll have to be on a sheet of notebook paper. I had a picture of my auditorium, but the pic size was like 3 MB

Franchesca Ramsey of MTV Decoded put out yet another video, this time she addresses the oft-given opinion about her show’s hatred of white people. The video on YouTube is entitled “Why Does MTV's Decoded Hate White People?!?” It has a very high dislike to like ratio as of Monday, November 7th 2016 when this reaction video was recorded. Upwards of 80 to 90 percent. This, despite the video was intended to squash rumors of hatred against whites coming from MTV Decoded. Maybe that’s because the video did not accomplish Mrs. Ramsey’s intended goal.

Much of the content on MTV Decoded deals with racism. Meaning, racism from whites, the white power structure, white male patriarchy, and white”ness” in general against non-whites or “people of color.” Each show is essentially a new way to blame whites for the problems non-white people have. Whether that be police brutality, failing at school, not having access to loans, or simply not being able to succeed in life in general. The rhetoric simply divides people, because many whites feel like they are attacked (which they are, of course) and many non-whites feel like they are being marginalized as inferior to white people. The end result, a big giant dislike-fest and mess on YouTube.

This video was not much different, even though it tried to address the aforementioned issues with MTV Decoded’s content structure. At the core of Franchesca Ramsey’s message is simply that white men control everything and that they need to be more compassionate to non-white-males. Which, of course, does not account for Asians or Jews who come to the United States and perform better than whites as far as per-capita income. As for other non-whites, such as blacks and hispanics… their problems do not come from some mythical, omnipotent white male. Family structure at home and cultural values have more to do with their issues than anything else.

I am definitely not a fucking toaster


judging by your image, just a psychicpebbles scream would be good

I wanna fuck (closest girl in the room)!

nigga u shiiiiieeeet

Hey nice beaver. Thanks i just got it stuffed


fuck i just shit myself

Words have the power to destroy or heal. When words are true and kind, they can change the world.

I hate niggers.

a shiet



Look at that

oh shit WINRAR



Fuck my asshole with a lemon juice covered cactus daddy

There you have it

I wanna pound that tight *sshole



"I don't like black people"

fuck off, this is Sup Forums

OP doesn't deliver. great