What would Chef Ramsay say about my ice cream cone?
What would Chef Ramsay say about my ice cream cone?
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Fuck off I'm hungry and I really like icecream
>it's pretty good. A little cold though.
>Did you really try to serve me roar sugar and dairy?
>Fuck you and fuck me. Grow a pair of bullocks and take control. You disgust me.
u got that image from reddit
it has the reddit filename structure
That looks disgusting. What is wrong with Americans
Did you know that the Sup Forums filename structure is just its post time in UNIX time?
If you ever want to know how old an image is you can convert its time to something more conventional here: epochconverter.com
who cares loser?
Except there isn't a Jersey Jack Gelato in America.
You mean imgur? Lots of people use imgur outside of Reddit. It's s reliable image host that allows direct linking
>literally says australia in the image
>Lots of people use imgur outside of Reddit
I use imgur and have been for like 6 years. It's a simple image host that allows direct links like the other guy said.
I've never used reddit.
you should. /r/feet is a great board, lots of cute girls post there.
I don't need any more disappointment in my life.
Thanks, but no thanks.
>I use imgur
>I've never used reddit.
It's true, brah.
I did use Digg a long time ago, though.
I don't like feet, and I don't need to get hung up on any more women that are uninterested in me.
That's not your fucking ice cream cone you pincerhead