Why are there so few funny females, especially writers/producers, in Hollywood?
Is Tina Fey really the only one in the modern era?
Why are there so few funny females, especially writers/producers, in Hollywood?
Is Tina Fey really the only one in the modern era?
Women don't have to be funny to survive, so they rarely, if ever master the skill
Maybe Tina Fey is a secret man.
Because men have incredibly low standards for women and take trash before they develop skills like this.
>Stephanie Wier (GOAT)
>Mo Collins
>Christa Flannigan
>Nicole Sullivan
>Nicole Parker
>Debra Wilson
>op is an underage faggot
Tina Fey isn't funny you nu-male faggot.
fuck off madtv shill
She's one hot piece of ace though
She used to be.
>tfw can see her face scar in this photo
Would still smash though
> look what I can meme
I think u looka like a punk bitch faggot.
If you were a big Hollywood producer who would you be more likely to help out, a funny woman or a sexy af woman?
the scar is a plus imo
Funny's a male gene, you idiot. Haven't you ever noticed whenever you see a really funny girl, she's a little mannish?
i always thought tina looked better in her early SNL days, when she was just a writer and would cameo in random skits that needed a woman
she was sexier when she looked frumpy
Why did the Joker do that to her when she was a little girl?
>shilling for a series that's been off the air for years
Wanna know how I know you're an underage kid who parrots phrases and terms they learn on Sup Forums?
Men don't find women funny because we simply can't relate to them. Mystery solved.
I had a friend that died because he wasn't funny enough. It's still painful.
Funny how?
Like stand up funny, comedic role funny, natural fun to be around funny? what exactly are you looking for?
>Tina Fey
>network TV
>dumb Visa commercials
Perhaps she really is not funny, and you have been fooled into believing she is.
i watched rachel feinstein's special the other day
it was actually pretty funny
yes, it's presented by amy schumer, just check it out
Damn! Tina fey look like that!?