What hopes do you have for a sequel?
Just finished it and I liked the ending.
What hopes do you have for a sequel?
>I liked the ending
I bet you did you cocksucking faggot.
If I was to drop my trousers and bend over, there is nary a force in the world that could stop you from feasting on my shit caked asshole.
You seem somehow mad that I like the ending of this movie.
>I liked the ending
this should warrant for your immediate suicide.
Nice meme mate, I'll make you mad when I slit your throat
I get that Sup Forums has a meme where the ending has to be horrible?
Hell yea OP I liked the ending was pretty sweet. It came out of nowhere and was such a mood change from the rest of the movie. Fuck everyone talking shit who can't argue their opinion.
fuck off
Totes agree. It was hella cool when she threw that molotov cocktail
Yeah it went from a thriller to OH FUCK NIGGA in like 1 minute. I wish the movie was longer though. It feel like 3/4 of a movie, but I get that they might want to keep more stuff for the third one?
She fucked the aliens up
i literally couldnt even when that happened. i was LITERALLY on the edge of my seat thinking 'oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck whats he gonna do?' and she totally turned those aliens into meet patties! like holy hell dude, can i get an EPIC?
Yeah, the guy was pretty scary. I kept expecting him to snap.
>Just finished it and I liked the ending.
The ending was literally what the whole film was marketing itself upon, as fans were hoping to see the monster/aliens in most of the movie, just like the original. Instead, what they did was get a typical thriller plotline of a deranged psycho capturing and harboring a woman/man, who always escapes, and then added the part people were paying to see til the very end, thus called "a sequel" and labelled it as "sci-fi" when really it's a typical small-scaled thriller with a tiny science fiction element added to it to try and make it seem different.
It was designed to make money, and the idiots, you included, fell for it. But hey, that's JJ Abrams.
Epic indeed
It was a good movie though so fuck you
the ending brings a solid 7/10 to about a 2/10
It was fun. You kept thinking that the guy was just a crazy guy and then there was no gas, but then NOPE everything he was saying was true and now she's fucked. She was fucked either way.
It's different from Cloverfield 1, but not that different. In Cloverfield 1 you saw people run and try to hide, but you almost never see the monster. It was like like 4 minute in the entire movie.
You also had the whole "Thing" part where people could not trust each other due to the "virus" the insects gave.
This is correct. They probably also had the aliens show up at the end to save money. It was literally a low budget thriller with aliums attached to it to sell tickets.
How? It conclude the movie perfectly. You wanted what? That they just cut the ending and she breath and then smile and drive away into the sun?
But what would have been the point of making it a Cloverfield franchised movie then?
The fun is not knowing if it was real or not and then reality crashing in hard.
its already been well established the ending was tacked on for pure marketing purposes to maximize profits because they didnt know how else to sell the movie. this is pure exploitation on the masses perception on what makes a good movie and the fact it gains traction means these growing trends will just get worse. if the filmmakers were going for some genuine and subtle, the ending wouldn't have turned into the piece of shit schlock that it inevitably did turn into. im not going to rewrite the ending just to imagine what it would be like because that is futile as it wont change a thing, but the ending was lazy and dumb
"I hate the ending because mike and jay told me to"
Not really. What would have been lazy and dumb, would have been if we just saw the cloverfield monster back in the distance walking around. That would have been lazy.
more aliens
maybe even a crossover with the marvel universe and MEW being introduced as having the superpowers of a mary sue
This guy gets it. People who drank the koolaid got their money jewed from JJ.
How? I had fun for the two hours of the movie.