Any thoughts on gauges?

Any thoughts on gauges?

A new fuckhole? I have nothing for nor against them.

gross and dumb

look at me! pleeese look at me!

For faggots or whores.


Got out of it by the time I was 16. Another one of those things kids get into with the "groups"

I see a few adults with them time and time again and it's just odd to look at it and can see it being really difficult to get a good job with them. I've also met people and know people IRL that have had them, and had to get corrective cosmetic surgeries, and it doesn't look good. Your ears always have a caved in scar from where it happened that's noticeable. I understand the holes can shrink back a lot but after a certain point they can't go back to normal.

I have them and I regret them

Well they are good for grabbing and yanking down on.

Massive stinky ear holes that only make you look worse.

A lot of people hate em. But within the 6 or so years of having them, I've never had any bad comments about them. (In person)

Anything past 4 gauge (pencil size) is fucking stupid looking. Anything past 0 gauge has the potential to never close up.

The hipster era is over. That shit, along with your tattoo sleeves makes you look old.


Dumbest fucking thing you can get as a teen/adult. Basically have to clean the hole every day lest it get infected, looks stupid as Hell, sets you up for a miserable time for people who want to fuck with you, and makes it difficult for employers to take you seriously.

I never clean mine. then again I wear solid wooden plugs. And no employer has ever had an issue with them.

Have you ever tried to get an actual career-focused job and not just some burger king/retail wage slave job? Because I've seen people get rejected from a $38/hr job because they were stupid enough to get gauges.

That sounds like it really sucks. I've never gotten a single tattoo or piercing simply because I don't like them. Gauges sound like they'd be in by top 5 must not gets.

Best thing to do is get real quality locks, lock it nice and tight when they least suspect it and throw the key in the sewer.

No, if anything I would feel those jobs would reject me because you have to deal with people.
I'm a tradesman. I've done siding, framing, roofing and currently settling down with plumbing. The only job that has ever kinda had an issue was when I worked in a factory on an assembly line. They just told me to take them out while I worked. So no issues there.

I can see them being an issue if I was some kinda fancy businessmen lol


>Bolt cutter
>unsteady hands
I like where this is going.

>Any thoughts on gauges?
Fad died years ago.

looks fucking retarded. way to mess up your ear for when this stupid trend dies out

there preety noice tbhqfmlamam

Two satanic trips in one thread.

Yeah. They look stupid.

Only good for steers and queers.


I like small ones

Fucking stupid.

No point in making a hole that is no fun to fuck.

for insecure girls and bi curious guys.

Who says you can't?

maisie williams really let herself go

No such this as bi curious. You either like dick or you don't.

What if I like my own dick because its part of my body and i'm happy with it, but I hate other guys dicks?


Yeah, it's for white faggots who have no knowledge of their own culture so they just start grabbing bits of others cultures as if they're entitled to them, making them even less culturally aware than those with the fucking decency and respect to not appropriate other peoples sacred ceremonial shit.

I like it when they get torn the fuck out of stupid kids heads.

Went though Culinary School and now I'm a chef at the pretty big Restaurant near Melbourne AUS. I have 22mm Gauges

Then I got some bad new for you, son.

I didn't say can't.
I said no fun.


Then tell me dad. You know i'm slow as fuck.

This 100%

You must be one of those people who gets offended by geisha costumes at halloween

Right on user

Right, because most people (like me) silently think to themselves, "oh god, another one of these ear hole freaks."

I don't get offended by shit.
You do dumb shit, you're the one with the fucking problem, not me.

euro fag here i got 8mm solid wooden plugs rarely have to clean them and no employer has had issues with them

Lol yeah probably.. I honestly forget I have them most of the time.



for starters, they're not called gauges. People who call them gauges are fucking idiots. A gauge is the unit of measurement.

If its solid, it's a plug. If it's hollow it's a tunnel.

I've never had anyone judge mine negatively to me, I wouldn't care if they did. I like body modifications. I like piercings, I like tattoos, I like implants. My stretched ears are a hobby almost. I take care of them, I massage them daily, I take time with them. It's my own personal hobby and I enjoy doing it.

Yeah there are dickheads who do it for attention, and they blow their ears out and genuinely fuck their ears up. If it's done correctly, leave the jewellery out for a few years and they basically shrink almost back to normal.

I don't think i'll ever take mine out though, I'm too into it to stop.


Right on, keep doing you man.

thanks mang, will do.

Are you fucking kids seriously going to start talking like this in your everyday speech?

Jesus christ what a pathetic generation.

No one speaks how they really talk on the internet.
I think you're just taking this internet Sup Forums site way to seriously

I'm a CAD/CAM engineer with 00 plugs and my employer loves me.

That's because noone thinks you're worth the hassle. See:

i work in a restaurant where all the chefs have one and personally, i think they are not that cool, but i do see why some people like them.

>noone thinks you're worth the hassle

>on Sup Forums complaining about a trend that started a decade ago

That's probably a good thing

for people with mental health issues serious enough to have manifested themselves in their physiology and appearance.

Avoid if possible.

I always thought they were ugly. Might as well get your lip disked while you're at it.
At least most people confine them to plugs or something innocuous.

Yeah, I started stretching my asshole instead.

I'll complain about anything once I'm on Sup Forums.

IRL, I avoid tunnel-eared douches in the same manner I avoid smelly white people with dreadlocks.

Started in the 70s.

Was passe by the 90s.
Special snowflakes keep trying to bring it back.

Just keeps looking like the person wearing them lacks good judgement.


This. Feels better, can do more with it, and can invite others to enjoy it too.

Stretchy Buttholes > Errything else

Ears are sexy.
Those are not.

The bigger the gage the smaller the wage.

super fake the way her ass swallows the balls part

They make me want to gauge my eyes out.

Pretty lame and gross, to be honest.
I had mine to the size in the picture and regretted it.. I'm lucky I was able to heal them back to normal.. IT sucked though. I had to literally sand the skin off inside of the hole with a stick wrapped in sandpaper so the skin would be injured and could heal together, since I couldn't afford surgery to do it. I just have tiny scars now.

Just pierce them if you must, but don't stretch that shit.. You're not a tribesman, you're a millennial youth with a 9 to 5 and an iphone.. This shit's for hipsters, tumblrinas, and scene kids, man..

Like large/hoop earrings they don't seem worth what they enable people to do to you.

I think you mean earfucks


Fucking KILL YOURSELF. Gauge is the size. They are plugs/tunnels

Hate wannabe faggots like you


I have 2's. theyre still small and reversible. I personally like how they look and small ones are a turn on for me. Just my personal opinion tho

8/10 would fuck

They can be sexy as long as you keep them at a tasteful size. Too big and it just screams "LOOK AT ME!" and stops being attractive.

Also, you have to have the right kind of face for it.

This is why you have no friends and spend all of your time on Sup Forums.

Gayer than vaping

Gauges were cool for 5 minutes. You all look like fucking retards now. Get the fuck over your own bullshit.

not possible

Absolutely degenerate and anyone with one deserves a lock through it.

what if it's not hollow?


Absolutely hideous. People will discriminate you if you have them. Do not do it. It instantly allows people to identify you as a moron.

literally the only thing, niggers ever invented...


Nothing good. I don't mind plugs but nothing bigger than a fingertip, 1cm across at best.

My girlfriend has them and they are fucking disgusting. They mutilate your ears and they smell like a fat niggers belly button. They look fucking stupid also. Like why the Fuck destory your ear lobes just fucking wear normal earrings. Look at them when they don't have a gauge in them. It looks like a blown out cunt. Not Punk Rock just retarded andgay.

Yet you are dating her stanky nigger belly button stupid looking cunt ear ass

Do you ever fuck her in the ear hole?

I know I'm a dumb fuck. Not gonna lie its a huge turnoff.

yuck, nuff said
