Hi Sup Forums I just shaved and saw this things like wart im really worried

Hi Sup Forums I just shaved and saw this things like wart im really worried.

please give me any info about it it may help some other people too

You shaved and they were there instantly, or appeared later?

They could be infected hair folicles. Go see a doctor just to make sure and don't ask Sup Forums because everyone here will troll you.

i assume they were there for a while
it's been 2 months since the last time I shaved

100% HPV bro. Sorry about your luck.

Hpv bro. Unfortunately you got one of the few strains that causes genital warts. Dealing with it myself

looks like you have 2 penises dude

Not op. Have the same shit. Very small bumps.

What CAN be done about this?

yes thank you. I'll go to the doctor early in the morning I just couldnt sleep and i'm having very bad thoughts about it :(

It's called a penis.