Just left the theater, why was this made?
Just left the theater, why was this made?
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Chink money
Because dumb fucking niggers like you pay to watch it.
Worth the ticket just to watch explosions and shit. I'm not going to pretend it was a good movie but seeing the planet getting fucked up is cool.
>why was this made?
To take your money. Congratulation you're now part of the problem and expect a lot more of shitty remakes.
Well done OP, well done.
The alien ship was pretty neat. Also, Jeff Goldblum talking about b8 will be great when they enable sound in webms on blue boards.
This is the one movie I've ever considered walking out of. This movie is bad, and not even Jeff Goldblum could've saved this piece of garbage.
i walked out about a half hour into it
I liked it.
Don't care.
Yeah this was really bad. I mean I'm usually the one that would talk positively about "bad" films but.. it was just so friggin awful. I mean when the giant ship was destroying the planet and the Queen was chasing Goldblum were pretty cool but the pacing was so fucking irritating. Especially the characters. I have never seen such cliched group of actors in my entire life.
And why in the unholy mother of fuck was EVERYONE RELATED TO EACHOTHER?
I did not like this movie
Was it shit? Watched Independence Day last night because this was released. Still fun as fuck
I found it enjoyable but poorly paced, sequel. It needed twice the exposition, more rest between action scenes, and about two thirds the characters. But it's great set up for the next three films.
>next three films.
is this real
Made for dumb fucks who watch movies they know they wont like just so they can complain on a taiwanese pearl milk tea enthusiast forum.
I just went to see it because I knew the action and destruction was gonna be awesome, plus I wanted to see what became of the old characters. But even with low expectations it still felt like a rushed incomplete film.
Finding Dori literally shits all over this movie.
The question is why are disney animated movies so good like 80% of the time?
Like i loved the fuck out of finding dory and it had me laughing the whole damn movie.
Independence day tried to hard and accomplished so little.
Lacked any build up and threat the original had.
Felt like a generic action film with your typical character from each culture all kicking generic alien ass.
And can anyone tell me how the fuck the presidents daugter managed to shoot thru the queens shields to damage her suit which was protected by her outer shield?
Cause im pretty sure all i saw was her charge the queen like a retard after everyone else around her died from trying the same bullshit and she just screams at it and her shoots somehow penetrate the shield to damage her suit which produces the very shield that made it impossible to harm her.
If that wasn't some half assed girl power bullshit then i don't know what is.
At least Scarlet johanson in avengers obeys the laws of fucking physics.
It was okay for what it was, anyone expecting this to be something special is retarded.
I honestly thought she was going to kamikaze the queen, would have been better.
>comparing this shit to well-made movie like Finding Dory
pls, I still enjoyed Warcraft and BvS more than this crapfest
And finding dory has the one thing that these action movies can never seem to accomplish: FUCKING PACING
the whole point of the film was so they could advertise army recruitment. no lie.
This user knows
Who wins? Not like any non-retard is going to go watch it.
The first one should never of been made.
>Earth gets attacked by superior race
>We kill dem wiv a computah virii
>Superior race doesn't have decent antivirus software on their gigantic fuck off ships.
Get fucked.
your money
This movie was a piece of shit.
Was anybody else noticeably upset by the horrific musical score? I normally never pay attention to that shit in movies but it was so, sooo bad.
I just wanted a decent dogfight like in the first one and they didnt do that Also the forced multiracial and gay characters/woman president/China
This was awful, but somehow it's getting decent reviews and it makes me wonder if we've really gotten dumber in the last few years. Seriously if this film was released in 2010-ish this would have minus 10% on RT, and Jurassic World would be sitting around a 30%.
>it isn't communism or Judaism that the gentile elite once feared, it's Americanism as defined by Hollywood
two words:
My mouthbreather roomate was unironically watching the most recent transformer movie. For fun. I explained to him they intentionally put chinese actors into blockbuster movies and specifically edit them for chinese releases to focus more on the chinese actors so the chinese market will consequently buy them.
You can thank MCU/Michael Bay/JJ Abrams for not only catering movies to domestic idiots but foreign idiots as well
Was the theater empty for you guys too?
No, but it seemed that way, everyone was silent.
she was able to do that because she represents 'new females' and that means she by her self could achieve everything that a team of 3 men and 1 asian girl couldnt do
the acting in the movie was pretty bad. lead guys seemed like they were youtube stars pretending to be scared.
and when the big alien ship came through space , fucking up the moon, that in itself would have destroyed the earth but thats too much science for this movie
also, negro mom had to die, jewish dad is unkillable
Yes, there were like 10-15 people in there.
So if this fails, doesthat mean no Stargate reboot?
yes. I arrived 15 minutes before it started with 5 people. I was concerned I wouldn't be able to get seats and I was ticked off with my friends for planning it so close to the movie opening.
We got the best seats, front of the row, all next to eachother.
We had other selections too.
Never been such an empty theatre.