So my 3-year gf left me over some scrawny schmuck she met last week

So my 3-year gf left me over some scrawny schmuck she met last week.

Thought this was gonna be a great Christmas.

Any ideas of a quick-killing poison i can drink tonight?
>Will an hero tonight.
>Will post pics.
>OP will deliver for the first and last time.

OP here.
Mixtures of household shit that kills. I dont feel like going out anymore.

Amd i dont wanna go standard bleach shit. Get creative, Sup Forums let me go down with a bang.

Fuck you nigger

Stay alive and contemplate your miserable existence you fucking nigger

dont do it though.

Take a bottle of aspirin.

Sleep, never wake up

read backfires on using sleeping pill OD, but will consider

Go on a stabbing(so no gun arguments ) and shout not my president that would be a cool way to go out

dun do it brah noooooooooooooo

only a fgt like OP would think of killing themselves over a bitch. you did at least fuck her tho riight?

don't it m9