Did Sup Forums like it?
Eternal Sun Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I loved it!
I loved it too!
The real question is: were they going to end up where they started?
Absolutely not, didn't like it the first time or second or third or fourth. Too bad when you date a girl she makes you watch her movie that's "totes her fave" or whatever.
he doesn't even talk out of his ass in it
Who the fuck cares, they have a teenage romance.
What kind of ball-less faggot are you? Tell her you don't want to watch it cause you've seen it and go do something else if she still insists.
this movie is only for dudes who were just dumped or tumblr girls
why is this movie reddit?
look at this edgelord. your mother never loved you because you're a nigger.
If you want to cry yeah
>teenage romance
Don't lie you miss the first girl you fell in love with
hipsters like it and it's accessible so it must be reddit
I liked that all of it's effects were in camera.
since when did reddit invade this place?
i like it alot
Watch it at least once a year to feel mopey. Jon Brion's best work, too.
I don't think it matters. I haven't seen the movie in a while but the idea I got from it was he was so heart broken he wanted to destroy any memory of her. When he was getting his memory he erased he realized that he didn't want to let go of the happy times. Too late, but now he has a chance to recreate the good times even if it lead to the same place.
This taught me early on to avoid women who dye their hair.
It's a very good film. Not one of the greatest ever made or anything, but worth watching, and it will be remembered. 8/10.
I'm not a Sup Forums native, but I loved it.
>inb4 reddit
>takes the time to read and reply "reddit" to everyone
>doesn't get trips
Go back you nigger.
this and 500 Days of Summer were the only good romance films I have seen
Are there any more like it
I've already seen Blue Valentine, but it didn't hit me so hard since I've luckily never went through a divorce, but it was still good
I always like Jim Carrey in roles that aren't strictly comedic. This one was a dreary kind of comfy. I dig it.