Shoplifting from Walmart tips strategies
Shoplifting from Walmart tips strategies
Christian Russell
Ryder Stewart
Don't get caught.
Jaxon Morales
Dont be black
Lincoln Adams
If you can avoid this, then you're golden.
Isaac Thomas
Isn't everything in Walmart supposed to be insanely cheap? Why do you need to steal from there?
Ethan Martin
walmart is too risky, if you're observant enough you will find that there are 3-10 uncover shoppers in walmarts at all times, who the fuck else is looking at flannels at 2 am?
Juan Thompson
unironically me, I work overnight and have lost control of my life, do plenty of sundry shopping at obscure hours while suppressing suicidal urges
Blake Nelson
Shart in Mart!
Charles Hall
Beat me to it.
Chase Hernandez
Come on user if he wasn't a nigger why would he be stealing.