
I'm a total normie when it comes to music. What should i listen to to become more cultured

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The beach boys- surfs up

Nothing that most people on here recommend to you. Trust me on this one.



what do you mean by "cultured"? like regular definition I go to the ballet type or Sup Forums standard cultured? if you mean the 2nd one I'm pretty sure there's a sticky for this. or you could just lurk

Odd Future Wolfgang Kill Them All

It's mostly the same poor quality canned music they shit on, but self-defined as "indeh", "alternative", "experimental", etc.



this is the shit we discuss on here
listen to a few to see if you like and if you don't then go to reddit or some shit

Classic rock
>April wine
>David Bowie

Like what.

I'll tell you this much. Don't listen to Lana, Grimes, or Trap rap/soul.

exclusively radiohead

as always fpbp

Give jazz a try.

radiohead, animal collective and pink floyd

Don't listen to him. He's a contrarian "im definitely smarter than everybody else" types. The classics that most people recommend are mostly tried and tested albums and are pretty good. The Sup Forums core chart is a pretty decent entry point.

Radiohead and pink Floyd would be a good idea if you want to try digestible experimental stuff.

If you like dance music, maybe Dj Sprinkles - midtown 120 blues or Luomo - vocalcity. John Hopkins immunity is pretty catchy and accessible.

For rap music, maybe A tribe called Quest, wutang, Tupac? Entry level and maybe hit and miss, but will let you know if hip hop is your thing.

For alternative, beach house? I dunno, what kind of stuff do you like anyway?

>Vision Creation Newsun
>Not Super AE


The song Creep by Radiohead

unironically got me into music when I was 15

Is that the one where they talk about how anyone can play guitar??

Absolutely agree with this.

Musical taste is such a personal and intimate thing.

I find alot of good bands through youtube.