If she doesn't look like this after you're not fucking her right

if she doesn't look like this after you're not fucking her right

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what is that supposed to be

A dead whale.

nigger, i have to work in the morning. I am not in my 20's anymore. If you think im wasting energy like that to prove something you're fucking wrong. I put effort into making her cum, but at the end of the day im only in a bitch to squeze one out. if she cums great, but im not going to break a sweat to claim victory over a piece of pussy

so i'm supposed to feed her 50 lard pies during sex?

Is she doesnt look like a naked fat guy laying on the floor after?

Ooooookay then......

So.. Women get fat after you fuck them?

looks like a diabetic emergency. check her BGL and make sure she's breathing. might as well check for a pulse and BP, too :P. call 911 lol

then again, it's either red hair or blood at the far right of the black square.

Normally goes away after 9 months.

how did you fuck her, make her walk 20 feet?

>my feet hurt
>why can't we take the car
>i can't breathe