Post a movie you don't think other anons have seen and why they should see it

Post a movie you don't think other anons have seen and why they should see it.

Tokyo Decadence is a really good looking movie with a score by Ryuichi Sakamoto (Merry Christmas Mr Laurence) and written and directed by Ryuichi Sakamoto, who's like the Japanese Bret Easton Ellis (American Psycho). The movie's about a call-girl who goes around visiting clients in Tokyo and you get to see some crazy sex shit and the movie gives you an interesting look at what sex is about. Makes you think about what exactly people want from each other and why.

The sequel, Love & Pop, directed by hideaki Anno (Evangelion, Godzilla 2016) is also great and in my opinion probably even a bit better.

This isn't a very thought out thread. I mostly just want to see if a discussion about actual movies can take off on Sup Forums anymore. If anybody actually does want to discuss the movie that's cool too though.

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I got this out of the Blu Ray bin, it had Sara Paxton who was cute as fuck, couple spooky moments. Ok movie.

forgot your image user

im gay

it's like a mix of horror and action. really fucked up

Really? The poster doesn't give that impression. You've genuinely got my interest here.

I thought that was a mock movie poster from Fallout 2

I saw this awhile back, I'm certain my sexual naivety is the reason why I didn't get it, also I'm pretty stupid. That scene the box art depicts was pretty damn intense.

the trailers and poster undersell this movie. van damme and dolph are barely in it, it's scott adkins as the star.
and the action is more gory than stylish

Monkeybone (2001)

I remember it very fondly and it is really fun and ha great art design (think a big budget version of Oingo Boingo's Forbidden Zone)

as a bonus, the DVD forces you to stick your finger in a cartoon monkey's butt so there's that

It also has prime-condition-non-trainwreck versions of Brendan Frasier and Rose McGowan

Genuinely made me laugh.

I remember that movie but not too much about it. Might be worth another look purely for the visuals.

I hate when they do this on posters, like with Sting "in" Dune or David Bowie in The Hunger

The Hunger is another movie I'm recommending, it features science-based egyptian lesbian vampires and vampire research with monkeys and aging

I'd recommend it, it dealt with a lot of similar themes as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, but wasn't pretentious as fuck

also, if you are up for a weird time I'd recommend Forbidden Zone, it has Herve Villechaize, copius nudity, cartoony violence, and great music (Oingo Boingo early years)

You guys have probably seen it but here's a heads up to go watch it again, it's one of the coolest movies of the 1980's.

It's actually directed by Ryu Murakami (it even says it on the cover).

I kinda like his books more than Bret Easton Ellis'.

Also, he is the one who wrote Audition (but the movie is better).

Wake up stop dreaming!

I saw this because I think it was made by the same director as The French Connection. The main actor is kind of a try hard but it fits his role and Wilhem Dafoe is god tier in it. It's main flaw is the silly action scenes which are totally retarded.

what in the fuck is going on that picture lel

a cartoonist is trapped in his subconscious in a coma and his mischievous monkey character has stolen his body and has been living as him as a sellout

This is a fun, over-the-top 80s action flick. Watch it with some pals on a Saturday night.

Another very fun one, but made with a hell of a lot more skill and intelligence (and deliberate humor). Somewhat difficult to track down a physical copy these days, but you'll figure it out.

I love that movie so much.

Sounds like George Lucas's life after Jar Jar

Don't fall for this shit. It's a convoluted mess. The fag who recommended this shit was probably had this on VHS as a horny kid and overrates it out of nostalgia.

>convoluted mess
maybe if you're retarded

Spider Baby is a really strange 60s horror flick that hits that sweet spot between gothic and campy. Very fun, with some absolutely beautiful black and white photography.

a good suspense film is Shattered, and I recommend watching it with someone who has seen it and then watching it with someone who hasn't seen it

Lil Quinquin is one of my favorite films in recent years, though it is definitely not for everybody. A four-hour French philosophical murder mystery that drifts between peaceful, disturbing, strange, and hilarious. The guy who plays the lead cop gives one of the best performances I've ever seen - it adds so much ambiguity and humor to the film. I'll say it again though... WARNING: FRENCH.

french people disgust me and so do their shit movies but this sounds interesting. If this is some retarded Luc Besson bullshit I'll be so mad.

Bruno Dumont is amazing. I hope you dig it.

>I saw this because I think it was made by the same director as The French Connection.
Yeah, William Friedkin. He also made The Exorcist and Sorcerer, which is a fucking masterpiece.

Good as hell
Used to be uploaded on YouTube will watch again
It has the best chase scene in it and there are also tits
You can even see bruh's penis

thats racist as hell

Shit, I think I vaguely remember that movie.

this, underrated as fuck

how can you be this much of a pleb?

Great movie

California Split

One of Altman's lesser known movies, but it's definitely as good as his more popular works. A lot like Short Cuts or The Player in it's naturalistic style but focused around a few guys gambling. One of my personal favorite movies of all time, I would especially recommend it if you're someone who gambles or used to gamble. No other movie captures the feelings of winning and losing big bets as well. But even if you're not into gambling it's still a really great movie. Some classic Eliott Gould scenes

>The sequel, Love & Pop, directed by hideaki Anno (Evangelion, Godzilla 2016) is also great and in my opinion probably even a bit better.
>An official English DVD was released in 2004 by Kino on Video.

I've actually seen this movie. Scene from the cover was hot. Love the scene at Mt. Fuji, creepy as shit with the projector and necro-fantasy. I remember there was a funny erotic asphixiation scene too where she choked that guy out with a scarf or whatever.

Jennifer Jason Leigh and Bridget Fonda get naked. Nicely directed and shot too I guess.

Killer Joe

Such a great film. Alright, alright, alright.

one of the better revenge movies. the good guy ends up doing some crazy saddistic shit to the other dude. thats not a spoiler, the entire movie is practically a guy torturing someone for revenge. very well executed.

this was one of the biggest turds ive ever seen.

It's pretty gud.

>Kino on Video
You know you're making a good purchase when the box says 'kino.' Not even memeing. They have fantastic releases. Speaking of which, Derek Jarman's 'Sebastiane' is the embodiment of what the 'kino' meme used to mean before it was run into the ground. The movie defies genre to the point where you can't even really call it a movie, it's a sublime aesthetic experience. Derek Jerman is the homosex king of kino and it's a crime that he's looking likely to be forgotten by posterity.

I think that each of the individual scenes with all of the different clients are great. The one from the cover is my favourite but the asphyxiation part was hilarious. Everything in that scene is so unexpected and bizarre.

I dislike most things that are french but I have met a couple of very nice French people before.

I really like this film.

Another one that reminds me of Single White Female is Pacific Heights, which is also kinda forgotten.

That poster was the first thing I ever busted my nut to when I was 13. It was in a catalog for vhs to order. Never actually seen it though.

>you get to see some crazy sex shit
So it's perverted fanservice pandering to manchildren then.

Hyper-Contemporary late 70s space dudes crash on planet of the Vasquez Rocks and there are dinosaurs and it's great.

all the dinosaurs are harryhausen-tier stop motion effects.

literally only watch it if you like petite blondes. spent the whole movie waiting for a decent horror moment and nothing except a couple seconds of ghosts.

that qt tho

French isn't a race.

Educate yourself.

Nice 1 senpai

This is one of the funniest things I've read on Sup Forums in a while.

yes, exactly that. thread over. you're a credit to this board and humanity.

Well, people keep telling me over and over again here on Sup Forums and elsewhere that sexual content in fiction is perverted fanservice that panders to manchildren. Is that suddenly not the case anymore?

most of the movie was just funny but i thought it got pretty harsh towards the end

Well played, user. Very nice.


>Is that suddenly not the case anymore?
It still is. Now kill yourself.

Because I said so

funny movie, not scary at all.

everone's seen this.

I saw this a few months ago after some user started a pink films thread on here. I suspect I downloaded the censored version, cause frankly it was pretty tame.

Since we both agree, why are you telling me to kill myself? Why are you so upset?

excellent gem from the eighties and the prequel jean de florete

Road to Revenge aka GETEVEN.

Wings Hauser acts his balls off, and every man should see the Shimmy Slide at least once.

I'm sorry could you explain the movie again, I couldn't see past that GET

Please write this meme down on a piece of paper so you can stick it up your arse.

Yes, user. Yes. You've caught me. I was using a meme. However

I preferred jean de florette

I was so happy for those two dudes at the end when they got rid of that retard, then his cunt daughter has to ruin everything

this, the main protagonist was unlikable af
good thing he gets REKT

I solely saw this movie because of Murakami. He's one of my favourite writers. Here's another movie based on one of his books, 69. It rather different from the source material but still really good.


I have this Blu-ray, awesome movie.

Yasuo Masumura's "Kisses" is a great teen romance with some political undertones. Considered one of the very first of the Japanese New Wave. It's fun, brisk and sweet.

Flower & Snake Zero, a evil asshole kidnaps people and makes them do sexy stuff in front of an elite audience, can't say much more without spoiling but it's pretty damn awesome especially one scene us must see 2 bitches suspended in the air get rotated as they come and squirt all over the place including over a third suspended bitch in the middle

"squirting" is just piss bro

This here the is one of the best horror movie of the 70's, before all the cgi and shit. imho one of Vincent Price's best too. Plot is pretty generic, but still the offbeat tone of the whole thing is beautiful. And to make things even better, it's a celebration to Art nouveau/Art deco style.

shia told me to let my dreams be dreams

Don't worry OP, despite all the memes and the capeshit there will always be room here for people who actually like movies.

I might just get comfy and download this.

fuck off gaylord

Also Saw movies stole many of their deaths from it too.


So we're no longer allowed to be comfy when we watch our movies? You can't tell me what to do, nigger.



Cutters Way - great 70s mystery, Chinatown vibe

The Lives of Others - German Stasi monitors and manipulates neighbors for the state

Wrong Cops - weird dark comedy that I cant stop watching for some reason

My carnale. I love this movie, hugely under rated gangster film.

Never seen it on here before. I think it came out at the wrong time, when every other crime film was trying to ape Tarantula with meme dialog and gimics

it also gets over shadowed by american me, which is good but not in the same league.

dannyboy pls

>pow, right in the feels.

Not really sure how well known this is outside NZ/AUS. Incredibly raw movie. The sequel "what becomes of the broken hearted" is just as good.

>censored version
hmm, what did you see that you think pushed it furthest? I don't remember if there's a censored version or not. Pink films aren't porn. They deal with issues you don't normally see but that doesn't mean they revel in showing off tits and ass. They generally have more class than that despite what you might think at first.

Maybe the part where the guy is choked out and they think he dies? I don't really know how to answer it, at this point I've seen so much shit that desensitizes me to it so there's really little that makes me go
>damn that's pushing it
And I've also spent an inordinate amount of time on Fetlife and talking to people there about the fucked up shit they're into makes this seem like a kids movie

And regarding a censored cut, I only know of it cause I read about it existing online. According to IMDB, these are the changes The 86 minute cut length sounds familiar, so I probably did watch the censored one.

>those cuts
I remember a decent amount being cut but not that much. Stupid burgers ruining everybody's fun.

What about all the negative reviews?

You're def not the only one.

>There's more than just two steps to heaven

Yeah, just ask Led Zeppelin.