The current state of Sup Forums
The current state of Sup Forums
What did he mean by this?
>every meme thats been coming out in the last 2 years have literally led back to the alien website
even fucking segal shit
what the hell did we do to deserve this swaglord?
"ah Dumbledore :D"
Literal asbergers
Is my funposting not good enough for you, hothead?
what if its a child. please delete this.
Current and past 2 years at least.
>Star Wars shit rumors
>Star Wars shit whining
>Ghostbusters whining
>shitty show general
>shitty show that has a general not being made to use general
>capeshit company wars
>celeb said this on social media whining
>gender / race of cast whining
>interracial porn
>SJW falseflagging
>Sup Forums
>"is it kino?"
>Who will play [unrelated to film & television] in the inevitable biopic?
>eceleb trash
>[unrelated to film & television] black person doing anything
>Sup Forums
>walking down the street when you see these girls
>sitcom trash
>celebrity's personal lives drama
>persecution complex whining
>thinly veiled Trump shilling
>"What did [unrelated to film & television] mean by this?"
>unflattering pic of celebrity
>screencap + forced meme from shitty movie
Is there something wrong with /GoT/-Television and Film????
Don't forget cunnyposts.
How does Sup Forums moderation work? Are Sup Forums mods universal or are they board specific? If they're board specific then these are without a doubt the worst moderators I have ever seen on a forum. And they should be executed asap.
Not a problem anymore and they were helping get off all the other garbage.
They haven't posted in a long time fucking redditor
They stopped and now Sup Forums has been complete fucking garbitch for days
board specific mostly
so yes they should all be fired
Mods are site wide, but we have only two that actually post here sometimes (invisibro aka swagshit and redwood) and they both absolutely hate us
swaglord is still holding grudge because of how the waifu posters and patricians treated him when he first showed up
redwood is upset about the anti black actor/finn stuff(he is also of negro color)
our only janitor is a confirmed game of thrones general poster who only wanted "powers" so he could police those threads
A great example of the janitors work right now
He put this thread on auto sage yet all of these are fine:
>Sup Forums has been complete fucking garbage forever
just fixed that for you
Who's in charge of Sup Forums right now and why don't they care? Is there anything that can be done about this?
Hiromootshi and he thinks every thing is fine because thats what both of those apes tell him
Sup Forums is a really fast board, too fast, and as a result people tend to shitpost harder and harder for replies, fighting for attention, and as a result Sup Forums is treated like another Sup Forums. So people always ask "How do we fix Sup Forums?", because it IS in need of fixing, that much is clear. The most common answer is /film/ or /cel/, adding another board to slow down Sup Forums. But I think /film/ and /cel/ are both stupid ideas. Hear me out.
There is capeshit and starshit in both tv and movies, /film/ would be useless because it would be exactly like Sup Forums. People in favor of /film/ claim they can self moderate the board and keep it patrician, but we all know self moderation doesn't work any more. /film/ would be a clownshow.
There are celebrities for every topic, sports celebs, tv celebs, music celebs, even artists are considered celebs within their respective genres, which is why the lack of a clear medium/genre/topic would result in /cel/ also becoming a clownshow.
Here's what I think, we have SFW and NSFW versions of a lot of boards.
For example, the anime AND hentai boards. Hell, even both worksafe GIF and adult GIF boards exist.
Then why no NSFW tv & film board? Why is it that we can only discuss the SFW things, and not a lot of the rated R stuff? How does that work?
And people wonder why Sup Forums is shit and mostly all children's superhero crap? And why people rebel by spamming porn and shit? People WANT to discuss actresses bodys of work without having their thread 404, this has never changed.
Films themselves have different ratings, so it makes perfect sense to have a NSFW Sup Forums, so I propose /tvr/ (as in rated R). That's the new board we need.
Also, it's [CURRENT YEAR] people! the future is upon us. So I also propose /im/ (internet media) for e-celebs, YouTube channels, podcasts, reviewers, Twitter feeds, vines, blogs, etc. This would not only help Sup Forums, but also help several other boards.
what's funny is that every night there's some brain dead nigger spamming nigger porn. it's been going on for months and the mods still can't get rid of him, yet they ban for shit like pic related.
Good post.
Please chinese moot save us from the Australians
Perfecto. But modify it a bit and it's Sup Forums 6 years ago
>lost threads
>breaking bad generals
>the next speilberg
>foot threads
>summer threads
>tripfags sucking dick
>bella threads
>ariel threads
>anything she cant do
>is that a scar
>my hands are real dirty
This has been going on for 2 years or more now, how could he still think everything is fine?
I just scrolled down the catalog and a good 70% of the threads are shitposts
>GOT-shit is literally everywhere
>dumb capeshit
>baneposting still in current year
How did it all come to this, Sup Forums?
Gamergate and moot destroying Sup Forums
Also, i'm convinced Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are containment boards. Everyone else keeps their autism contained
Because they tell him and moot never cared about this board
Sup Forums and Sup Forums crossposting is killing both boards
the best part is that the mods willingly allow the nigger porn threads to stay up until they reach bump limit.
this is why you don't allow niggers to be mods. you can thank that cuck moot for this.
you laughed when they were shitposting on Sup Forums
They started doing that around the gamergate and when that crippled faggot decided to make 4+4 chan because of the SJW falseflagging. Turns out mods didnt give a fuck but they did care about endless faggots bitching about it
All you have to do is call them out on /qa/ and they'll come back to "mod" the board for a few hours/days and then go back to ignoring it
Never saw it on Sup Forums
Most of the BLACKED-shit is contained here.
Sup Forums was just having it too.
>Also, i'm convinced Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are containment boards.
every board is a containment board. thats the point. why do people repeat such a dumb statement?
faggot moot had a sticky on Sup Forums for months of a nude nigger standing up and whites bowing around him in a circle.
as he aged moot became a horrendous faggot. he should have let go of the site years ago instead of recruiting a bunch of sjw faggots to moderate it.
it was bad. nothing on Sup Forums captures what happened to Sup Forums being spammed with blacked porn and interracial porn
This is all because Moot was a cuck?
I'm just waiting for someone to post cp so mods will be finally obligated to do their fucking job.
pissed off plebbitors. tumblr. who knows. i just hate how people bump obvious bait threads.
someone do this plz.
no, they won't. unless it's posted in the OP they will just delete the post and keep the thread up.
yes, they are that worthless.
>false flagging
If you want him to come out go spam the fuck out of the game of thrones general. thats where he is
i really hope the Sup Forums spammer false flags here
you Sup Forumseddit and facebook Sup Forums meme cancer need to go home already
/film/ now
Fuck off Canada.
seriously what the fuck is hapenning in Sup Forums.
Shit threads evrywhere!!!
>inb4 snide comment and 404
>mfw mods are in this thread
Are they cleaning it up now?
>he thinks dumbleposting was reddit
it may have caught on but i started that
>lists /r9k/ Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>no Sup Forums
wtf that shit is make things worse
they are the reason we can't have actress threads.
Slander. Seagal/Luposting is 100% Sup Forums. I'd know because I started it and am still doing it and I never visit reddit.
It seems at least someone cleaned up all the shit, Jani or Mod, whoever you are, thank you!
Nothing wrong with Sup Forums.
I miss this
yes, moot threw is angst upon Sup Forums for outing him as a cuck
Where you even around when /film/ was created?
It's not THAT bad
Were you here half a hour ago? It was CHAOSH