>Past a certain age a man without a family can be a bad thing
What did he mean by this?
>Past a certain age a man without a family can be a bad thing
What did he mean by this?
men get lonely, can exaggerate mental issues, etc.
studies tend to find men get more mental benefit out of being married than their wives do
reminder that the fact you're using this board means 80% of you will find out firsthand what he meant
He doesn't trust the permavirgin wizards that post on Sup Forums
Yeah it worked out pretty great for Marty
>reminder that the fact you're using this board means 80% of you will find out firsthand what he meant
Reading that gave me a small stroke
100% true.
>tfw part of the 20% that got married. it really does calm a man down.
>tfw 25 and haven't even lost my handhold virginity
He's not wrong.
>I like fucking MY wife
What did he mean by this?
no social contract=bad