Poc cannot be racist against white people because you cannot oppress your oppressor

Poc cannot be racist against white people because you cannot oppress your oppressor.

someone posted something similar to this on fagbook in the form of a nigger meme.
It must be easy to live so ignorantly for you OP.
anyway here's your (you)

a mantra for racist to justify their racism

Racism = Prejudice + Power.
How does one oppress something already oppressing them? That's like, mathematically impossible.

>That's like, mathematically impossible.
sure if you pull the math out of your ass

I aint opressed anyone m8 ive been at work pal.

Just got in and now im browsing the internet chum.

When am i supposed to have opressed someone?

Okay then explain how it's possible to socially and economically oppress people that are already oppressing you?

Okay so explain how it's possible.

Dumb fucking cunt. You honestly think you need to have power to be a racist?

The fucking definition of racism simply requires prejudice against a group of people due to their race, nothing states you're required to be in a position of fucking power.

Take me for an example, I have virtually no power. Yet, I know I am capable of being racist like when I mocked every one of those dumb fuck protesting for BLM who were all dumb fuck shills blaming society cause Daddy never was around.

I can't fucking wait for you to witness real oppression.

Is that math you do as a liberal to make yourself feel better?

If blacks have enough power to beat up trump supporters and make them fear for their wellbeing, then they sure as hell have enough power to be racist

This is my thread now you dumb fuck.

This is what happens when nigs forget what Africa is like, it's funny that Afrinigs want the white man to leave Africa but Amerinigs are happy living in the white mans country

To all those silent shills weeping cause your cuckold queen lost. Find the nearest batch of cleaning supplies and please, indulge yourself.

No you fucking dunce,
Racism = prejudice + action
Stop changing definitions to suit your agenda like fucking newspeak

By being ignorant to the fact that maybe just maybe, poc of color today face systemic remnants of the USA's 200+ years of slavery and abuse towards indigenous people.

I aint Yank though buddy old pal old friend o' mine.

Systemic power yes. Institutional power yes.
Also, white people have written your textbooks and dictionaries, you wouldn't expect a little bias from em? A little bias from the people who've oppressed minorities against minorities? No?

Ah well, it's a good thing racism is global then innit? Slave trade triangles and everything. Anti-blackness is and always has been worldwide

>be in Weimar republic
>Die Juden holding all the power, opressing das Volk
>cant be racist against them

nice try Adolf

Never liked Hillary. But I wouldn't be cautious with my 15 year old daughter around her like I would with the other guy.

by being racist
>prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior
This whole 'those in power' argument defining racism thing is totally made up

Not that type of power.

But i've never even seen a black person chum, i work on my farm in the outer hebrides, im literally wearing a jumper made from the wool of my own sheep, i live by myself and my closest neighbour is miles away, who am i oppressing again?

>Also, white people have written your textbooks and dictionaries
how prejudiced of you


Oh have you done research on race and societal issues enough to confirm that yourself or are you gonna quietly admit in your head to yourself that you're being close minded and ignorant entirely to an idea simply because you don't like it?

Mfw everyone in this thread doesn't realise race doesn't exist.

Seriously people. How can anybody be racist against white people? They aren't even a race. You're using some "if you get pulled back behind the finish line you still completed the race" logic. That shit is racist

"By being ignorant to the fact that maybe just maybe, poc of color today face systemic remnants of the USA's 200+ years of slavery and abuse towards indigenous people."

That wasn't in the slightest kek.
Like if a white guy said that about poc it still wouldn't.

I giving you the definition of racism. A black person can still be racist towards a white person.
>captcha was 'crime kingston' lol

But whats americas prejudices got to do with me? Im ignorant to a lot of things, idk how many parts sand water and cement you need to make a brick wall, does that make me prejudice towards builders too?

Ignorance in the face of injustice is the same as supporting it.
If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.

The entire left is being taken over by newspeak. I don't even get it.

you are an idiot, or a troll; actually, even as a troll, you are an especially idiotic troll
congrats on your BA in african studies from community college

This sounds like a line from the Animal Farm

Gotcho ass mad now cause im right topkek

Power doesn't come in types, kid. Power is power, no matter how it's acquired or used.

Could be.

Theres no difference between elite /wealth power and E=mc^2???
Well damn.

it's like saying it's impossible to kill a killer or heal a doctor
in other words OP is fag again and not in a cool way

Hope you enjoy having your welfare cut off and being forced to get a real job to take care of those eight kids.

No its like saying a cat can't eat a moose. Learn to understand analogies better.

Majority of welfare recipients are white. Also the majority of welfare abusers.

There's a 90 percent chance OP is just fishing for yous, but in the case that he's not the fact there are people that think like him is scary real.

Nah but that's all for today folks.
Be back tomorrow same time to get educated again.

>Gotcho ass mad
oh man you really are a nigger who let you use that computer

but cat can eat moose

When am i ever gonna come across an elephant on the hebredes???

that formula doesn't describe power you dumbass

A little kitty can't entirely eat a moose no. Sorry you had to get that specific to understand. I know yall pretty slow.

>No its like saying a cat can't eat a moose
a tiger could totally kill a moose.
You really suck at analogies.

Oh energy isn't a type of power? You don't energize something to power it up? Well damn.


Learn from dictionaries, history, those who lived through and fought racisim in the states, not tumblr you fucking retarded idiot.

Black people can be rasist as fuck. Just ask a jewish or asian shop owner near a large black community. And yes, they can be racist to white people. Ask a white kid in a mostly black school.

kitty is not same as cat
what you are saying is nonwhite races are not powerfull as white people therefore can't oppress them but if they are by definition allways less powerfull doesn't that make them inferior you fucking racist
you are now mixing terminologies
it's time to stop

yeah i know - eloquence, but you get the point

Whatever. Coons are still mostly stupid, smelly, ignorant crimanal retards.

Come try and be a nigger in my hood, and I'll oppress the fuck out of your mouth.

congratulations boys, you've all been triggered!

More lies from black people..
nobody believes that garbage

>And yes, they can be racist to white people
ask a waiter, white or black.

this made me laugh


POC can be bigots though.

Did you just assume my gender!?!?!

so you're basically comparing being bullied to hundreds of years of being opressed, killed, slavery, cononialism?? makes sense
white people dont get killed for being white on a daily basis, poc do

A black man is president.

By your definition only non-POC can be oppressed.

This macro thinking progressives conveniently cling to completely ignores the microcosms of power where whiteness holds little to no value. Employee/employer, landlord/tenant, teacher/student...or, you know, the vast majority of power dynamics we find ourselves in every day?

>A black man is president.
That is correct. That doesn't mean the system isn't racist. It just means Obama is an Uncle Tom.

Institutional racism doesn't exist. Point me to an example and I'll fight it with you.

People however can be racist. All people.

OP you just triggered like 90% of Sup Forums
black people can be racist to any race but white people
the privileged cant be opressed

Because he doesn't play by your rules he's an Uncle Tom.

You don't get to exclude those you don't like from your universal equation for racism. Reality doesn't fit your beliefs.

All bullshit aside, how are POCs oppressed?

Are there laws against them? Company protocols? Do they have less rights than the rest of us?
Are there rules somewhere that say "white people can do this or that, but POCs must be prevented from it"?

Because I'm pretty sure it's the direct opposite, with hate crime laws and affirmative action.

The "oppressed" crap is used way too often and, like "rape" and "racist", is losing its meaning fast.

>poc, women, and libtards too busy feeding culture of grievance and victimhood to hear my grievances and see that i am the real victim

pretty sure trips overrules your dubs, user.

What has Obama done to alleviate systemic oppression? Nothing. Just like Trump won't do anything to alleviate systemic oppression of the white working class.

They'll all unequivocally in favor of the ruling class. That some of the oppressed are able to negotiate the system to rise to the top as individuals doesn't mean that the whole classes of oppressed are somehow liberated. They use race, sexuality, etc to keep us divided because they can. Nobody the major parties run for president will upend that system.

Bullshit, every genocide in the world was started with claiming that the people who had to be killed were oppressing the people doing the killing.

it doesnt matter if the constitution says everyone is equal if society still opress you for not being a white male

Doesn't answer any of the questions.

What systemic oppression exists?

Trump is unequivocally in favor of the working class, had blacks not voted in droves as they usually do for democrats he would've had the largest margin of working class voters in recent history.

Democrats don't alleviate systemic oppression because none exists. They just use it as a talking point for more voters.

Are you seriously this brainwashed? How did you find Sup Forums?

>I embrace my privilege
How does it feel to be a 2nd class citizen?
I have:
>More access
>The world views me positively
>Average higher IQ
>Better family structure
I could go on...

>What systemic oppression exists?
You can easily use the internet to find information on that. Go read up on redlining and police brutality. Go read up on imbalances sentencing. Do some reading on why poor neighborhoods lack grocery stores. The information is out there if you aren't lazy.

>Trump is unequivocally in favor of the working class,
This is a joke right? This billionaire international businessman doesn't care about the working class. He'll betray his supporters just like every other politician. Take your dick out of his mouth.

>How did you find Sup Forums?
I've been here all summer.

jfc just listen to poc/minorities and their experiences: police brutality, wage gap, people like trump being elected president bc 'hes gonna kick all those mexicans and muslims out of america', fascist parties making a comeback in europe, pocs getting a bigger sentence for doing the same as a white person...
again, the state might not be racist, but society sure is

>Take your dick out of his mouth.
Or his out of yours, actually.

>I've been here all summer.

Racism isn't about oppression, it's about disposition.

i"ve been silent-- for*a while^^
IT feel~s so good tO be free::
no%one will s(top m) e
Love.the:::::::Sup Forums
Love.the:::::::Sup Forums

.the /surgeon\ Has [returned]. . . . . . . .

Blacks shout police brutality at the drop of a hat it has lost all meaning. Wage gap is bullshit if you studied at school you would have better grades and better job instead of dealing crack. Don't bullshit me I watched the wire.
Trump said he would report illegal immigrants which is benefit even for legal immigrants dummie. And he wanted to stop Muslims from Syria until they found a way to check they weren't terrorists which is pretty reasonable tbh fam. Hmmm I wonder why fascist parties are making a comeback because Europe is bring flooded with people who don't like European or western culture and fucking ruined their own country with shirt religion and now want to ruin all other countries because they don't understand religion is a set of ideas that should be questioned and debated. Germany and Angela are so fucking embarrassed and ashamed STILL from the war even though everyone from that time is dead they are killing their own culture by swamping it with Muslims because of embarrassment. Truly an eye for an eye how poetic.

>police brutality
PoC's commit more crime. Like, a LOT more. Cops being on edge is natural.

Guess which group kills the most cops.

>wage gap
I'm going to guess the reasons behind this are similar to the gap between men and women.

>people like trump being elected president bc 'hes gonna kick all those mexicans and muslims out of america'
>fascist parties making a comeback in europe
Because massive immigration brings stuff like crime, violence, rape, etc.

Just look at what happened in Germany at New Year.

>pocs getting a bigger sentence for doing the same as a white person
You get a bigger sentence if you have a history of previous crimes.

Ergo, you get a bigger sentence when the first one wasn't enough to teach you to stop breaking the law.

Search "Washington Post police shootings". More whites are killed than blacks every year. If there was any evidence of institutional racism the media would bring it to the forefront and a huge public lawsuit would be had. Remember the Christian bakery refusing gays? Remember how stupidly big that story got? Yeah.

If you're too stupid to look at Trumps economic plan I can't help you, I'm not here to teach you the basics.

>all summer

>>all summer
lurk moar newfriend


Turn your sarcasm detector up mate

The summer meme isn't an oldfag secret

>Pretty neat shit there. Call a person your "oppressor" and all the sudden you're invincible with unlimited hate ammo. Gee I wish I was "oppressed"

Racism isn't oppression.
You also can be racist when you are not the one in power.
Also blacks don't get oppressed anymore.

Reams of documentation and analysis of systemic racism in the US exists. You'd rather ignore it.

>Trumps economic plan
Even if Trump's plan wasn't garbage, what makes you think the Congress will enact it? You're more likely to get Paul Ryan's plan, so I hope you enjoy your Randian dystopia.

>immigrant from Europe
>no history of owning slaves
So now what? Try to get me for something other than my skin color. Otherwise you're just a thinly veiled racist.

I'm not ignoring it, I'm asking you to provide me with proof. I WANT to see it.

You honestly have no idea how economics works do you? Trumps plan is unironically his best selling point. Coupled with all his other platforms he's an (almost) dream candidate.

>implying whites in general haven't benefited from racism
Maybe you should spend less time being triggered and worrying someone is blaming you specifically, and instead work toward eliminating racism instead.

Point out racism isn't an accusation against you unless you plan on defending it.

>USA's 200+ years of slavery
At its height, around 5% of white people owned slaves.

Free black people also owned slaves.

Slavery is a shitty argument to use against white people.

>I'm asking you to provide me with proof.

Why don't minorities leave America if they hate white people so much? Wouldn't they be happier in their ancestral countries?